- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The main provisions of the master's work
- List of literature
The degree and dynamics of development of innovative processes is the determining factor of economic condition of the country, its ability to actual market reforms by the establishment, implementation, dissemination and practical application of new technology, new processes, new products and raw materials, modern methods of production and logistics etc.
1. Theme urgency
The main directions of the economic transformations taking place in Ukraine, is the transition to a market economy, to achieve a balanced and sustainable development of the country on the basis of participation in the global process of division of labour which is inseparably linked with the creation of the necessary conditions to ensure the competitiveness of the national economic system. The experience of developed countries shows that the key factor of economic growth, increase of efficiency of economy is the introduction of progressive technological innovation. The degree and dynamics of development of innovative processes are the determining factor of the economic condition of the country. Development of innovation at the enterprise level and at the level of state predetermines creation of a qualitatively organized and sound system of financial—credit support. In conditions of deepening of the crisis in the financial and economic system of the country, a lack of positive transformations in the structure of national economy, the inefficient process of formation of financial resources of the state is reducing the opportunities of the centralized financing of scientific and technical development on the background of, practically, absent of enterprises own funds for innovation. Thus, the transition to a market economy objectively leads to the increase of the role and value of the financial and credit support of innovation.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is the development of theoretical positions and development of methodological recommendations on the improvement of the financial providing of innovative activity of the enterprise.
Main tasks of the research:
- Revealing peculiarities of innovation as an object of financial support of innovation.
- Clarification of the economic content of the financial providing of innovative activity of the enterprise.
- To analyze the sources of financing of innovative activity of the enterprise.
- Explore the financial support of enterprises in the current economic conditions in Ukraine.
- Offer recommendations for improving the financing of innovation activity of enterprises.
Research object: The process of financial support of innovation enterprises.
Research subject: Theoretical statements and practical bases of the financial providing of innovative activity of the enterprise.
3. The main provisions of the master's work
In master's degree work carried out theoretical generalization and practical research of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the financial security of the enterprise. Actuality of the theme of master's work and scientific feasibility study, defined object and subject of research.
In the first section of the “Theoretical foundations of the financial providing of innovative activity of enterprise” determined the economic essence of innovation and innovation as an object of funding; the role of innovation in economic development of society; the influence of environmental factors on the formation of the innovation process; the different points of view on the concept of financial security; considered characteristic of the sources of financing of innovative activity of the enterprise. Analysis of existing in the economic literature definitions of the categories related to the innovation process, allows to assert that the specific contents innovations make changes, but the main function of innovation activity is a function of change [5]. Condition of forming innovation is conducting innovation activities targeted public policies and mechanisms to support innovation. The basis of innovation activity in the country should be unified system of state and market interaction with the purpose of controlling the process of innovation [8].
The second section “Analysis of the financial providing of the enterprise in modern conditions of managing in Ukraine” the article explores the current state of the enterprise activity in the field of innovations; analyzed the existing system of financial support of innovation; the analysis of financial state of enterprises of Ukraine. According to the major forms of financial support of innovation and taking into account the statutory sources of Finance for innovation, a structure [10].

Рисунок 1 – Sources of financing of innovative activity
(animation: 4 frame, 3 the cycle of repetition, 53 kilobytes)
In the third section “Recomendations on improvement of the financial providing of innovative activity of enterprise” recomendations on the improvement of methods for financial security of the enterprise.
When writing this master of the abstract work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after this date.
List of literature
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