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Changes in the environment require continuous development and improvement of enterprise management systems, development of new advanced methods and mechanisms to reduce the impact of negative factors on the overall performance of the enterprise. In such circumstances, new demands to the formation mechanism of the enterprise management, the efficiency of which must be provided under the influence of improving the organization of production, labor and management, as well as its ability to adapt to current economic conditions. The success of industrial and economic activities of the enterprises and the problem of their further development depend on the structure of the control mechanism of perfection. With the transition to a market economy, economic conditions have changed dramatically, which requires finding the most effective forms and methods of enterprise management [1].


Formation of an effective organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of activity of the enterprises is not only a condition for overcoming the crisis phenomena in the real sector of the economy, but also a prerequisite to the successful activity of the enterprises in conditions of economic globalization and the entry of Ukraine into the world economic space. The organizational-economic mechanism should promote the full use of human capital, ensure that the efficiency of economic activities of enterprises.

The current situation in the real sector of economy of Ukraine, determines the necessity of formation of methodological bases and developing practical recommendations on the formation of an effective organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of enterprise activity.

Work purpose.

The purpose of work is development of theoretical positions, the rationale for the methodological aspects and practical recommendations for the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of enterprise activity.

The object of research: the process of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of enterprise activity.

Subject of research: scientific-theoretical approaches and principles to the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise.

1. Scientific-theoretical basis of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of activity of the enterprise.

The first section deals with the essence and components of organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of the company.

Organizational-economic mechanism of formation is interpreted as a system of goals and incentives that allow you to convert in the workplace movement (dynamics) of the material and spiritual needs of the members of the society in motion the means of production and its outcomes to meet the consumer demand of consumers.

It should be noted that the organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of activity of the enterprise is a set of organizational and economic levers (each of which has its own forms of administrative action), the impact of economic and organizational parameters of the enterprise management system, which contributes to the formation and strengthening of the organizational and economic potential, obtain competitive advantages and efficiency of the enterprise in General.

2. Methodical aspects of forming the organizational-economic mechanism

In the second section of the work considers the existing methodological approaches to the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of perfection of the organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of enterprise activity, normative-legal base of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism.

Methodological basis of creating organizational and economic mechanism of forming knowledge of development trends in the economy, the essence and mechanisms of action of economic laws, the ability to use them in practice in the process of activity of the enterprise. The mechanism of action of economic laws is an integral part of industrial relations and together with the scientific and objective basis of the organizational-economic mechanism.

3. Recommendations on formation of organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of activity of the enterprise

The third section will provide guidance on the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of management of the company. Under section should identify areas to streamline duties, powers and responsibilities of business units in terms of management functions.


In the work analyzed the existing interpretation of the organizational-economic mechanism; the essence of the methodological bases of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of activity of the enterprise; the components of the organizational-economic mechanism; determined the direction and implemented streamlining the functions, powers and responsibility of the divisions of the enterprise.

List of sources

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