- 1. Topicality of the research
- 2. Object of research
- 2.1 Subject of research
- 2.2 Methods of research
- 2.3 Scientific results
- 3. Goal and tasks of research
- 4. Approbation
- 5. The main content of the master's thesis
- List of literature
1. Topicality of the research
Development of modern economy became increasingly dependent on efficient generation, purchase, distribution and application of innovations. Introduction of knowledge through innovation and use of information is becoming a major factor of international competitiveness, and thus, increasing the level of life. Orientation to the innovative way of development, proclaimed the Concept of the economic stabilization and growth in Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «About the innovative activities», requires the domestic subjects of economic activity restructuring of the system of management, creation on the basis of modern concepts of management of the system of operative search of new areas and ways of formation and realization of own innovative potential [8]. In these conditions, the legitimate interest of scientists and practitioners to theoretical problems of development of effective organizational-economic mechanism of management innovative processes development of subjects of economic activity in a market environment. Fundamentals of the theory of innovative development laid in the works of R. Tugan-Baranovsky, St.-A. Schumpeter, G. Kondratyeva, its deepening on problems of management of innovations are stated in the works of R. Solow, B. Twiss Interferometers, B. Santo, N. Mansfield. Further development of the theory and practice of management of innovative processes is reflected to some extent in the works And. Ансоффа (USA), E. Брукинга (USA), I. Воронецкого (Poland), L. Водачека (Slovak Republic). Гомулки (Poland), P. Drucker Foundation (USA), B. Карлофа (USA), G. Castells (USA), F. Kotler (USA), G. Кузьмішина (Slovak Republic), G. Cooper (USA), J. Ламбена (UK), D. Lambert (United Kingdom), Vol. Levitt (USA), G. Malone (USA). Нонаки (Japan), G. Porter (USA), I. Такеучі (Japan), Sh. TATSUNO, Japan), G. Hammer (USA), G. Уотербаха (USA), j. Ciampi (USA) and others. Problems of innovation activities, its various aspects are devoted to the works of Ukrainian scientists [2]. Alexandrova, Yu. Wanted, L. Бесчасного, Para. Belenky, E. Boyko. Вовканича In. Heyets, G. Герасимчука, G. Dobrov, Are Ailing, G. Долишного With. Злупка, G. Kozoriz, Of. Kuzmin, O. Foot, And. Lukinova, B. Малицкого In. Muntiyan, And. Petrovich, I. Побурка, And. Продиуса In. Solovyova Str. Chumachenko, N. Chukhrai, other well-known Russian scientists and practitioners. The vast majority of research on the issues of innovation activities focused on manufacturing concept of innovation development, where the focus is primarily on product and technological innovations. However, under the conditions of unstable, rapidly changing environment, increased competition in the domestic market and search of new reserves in business, key factors of success are not only industrial, innovation, and organizational and managerial innovations, in particular logistics. Indeed, in modern conditions are still not effectively develop and produce innovation. Not less important is the decision (perhaps even at the design stage) problems of adaptation of innovations to the needs of the target market[4], commercialization and diffusion of innovation, delivering innovation to the consumer in time in the right place with the minimal expenses of financial resources and time. The increase of the role of individual business entities (primarily of the enterprises of high-tech industries), the importance of their orientation exactly the innovative type of development actualizes the problem of formation and use of innovative potential.
2. Object of research
Object of research is the improvement of the company's innovative potential.
2.1 Subject of research
Subject of research are theoretical and practical principles of formation of the logistics method of innovative potential of the enterprise.
2.2 Methods of research
System analysis, statistical analysis, comparative economic analysis, factor analysis, sampling method.
2.3 Scientific results
Scientific results obtained results is to study specific links of the logistics concept and system of innovative development of the enterprise. Determined the efficiency of logistics concepts in the formation of innovative potential of the enterprise, the logistics is defined as a direct view of innovation, and as the process of ensuring the transformation of innovation.
3. Goal and tasks of research
The purpose of work is development of theoretical justification of the ways to influence logistic methods of formation of innovative potential of the enterprise and rationale for the recommendation to ensure their effective use problems. Achieving a given goal resulted in the need to perform the following tasks:
1. to analyze the development of logistics management methods;
2. theoretically justify the sphere of integration of logistics in the innovative activity of the enterprise;
3. to justify a system of economic criteria and methodological approaches to the assessment and monitoring of innovative potential of the enterprise with the purpose of a choice of strategy of innovative development of economic entities;
4. assess the role and place of organizational and managerial innovations and outline directions of their use in the innovative development of enterprises;
5. to investigate the essence of the mechanism of logistics support to the formation of innovative potential of enterprises;
6. explore the theoretical aspects and suggest ways to improve the decision-making process on the design parameters innovations according to the requirements of logistics support to the formation of innovative potential of the enterprise
4. Approbation
This research at the Capstone design is connected with the development of special sections with the elements of scientific research and studies carried out in the process of solving the real problems of specific companies. Such diploma projects end in implementation and in this sense are indeed real. By completing the task by his Department, including the number of the report's authors as subcontractors. According to the results of work will be submitted the application for the invention or the publication of the article.
5. The main content of the master's thesis
In the first section of "Theoretical foundations for the use of logistic methods at the management system of the enterprise" investigated the place of logistics and its integration into the innovative activity of the enterprise[10], and also the essence of the concept of innovative development of the enterprise.
At the modern stage of the innovation theory holds a special place in economic theory in General and in relation to specific economic Sciences[3]. In the world practice there are over one hundred different definitions of the term "innovation"that require an appropriate classification. Different approaches to the interpretation of the world and domestic sources the term "innovation" can be classified by various criteria. In particular, the етимологическое, commercial, social, functional, static, process, interpretation in terms of competitive advantage. Considering the innovation as the use of new for the organization of ideas through their embodiment in products, processes, services or management systems, which operates the company, the author gives classification: level мультиплікативності, today classification and classification for logistical grounds. The proposed classification of the level of мультиплікативності gives the possibility to estimate the synergy effect, the implementation of which from innovation is formed and depends on the ratio of supply and demand and the structure of participants of the market of innovation. Business classification treats innovations with the position of the enterprise and with views of the consumer, which allows us to meet consumer needs, taking into account the capabilities of the enterprise.
Logistics classification considers the organizational and managerial innovations in logistics processes concerning the methods and mechanisms of organization and management of logistics processes [11], among them barcoding, standardization of loading units, signs, etc.; product innovation for logistics properties of the goods, which increase the transport and warehousing of their malleability; product innovation relation to operating properties that relate to the means of production and technology of logistics processes (infrastructure logistics processes).
In the second section of the Study of methodological bases of formation of innovative potential of the enterprise" explore evolution in approaches of innovative scientific and technological potential, disclose the nature and indicators of an estimation of innovative potential, its importance in creating customer value, provide the results of the research of innovative potential of the enterprise.
Under the innovative potential of the industrial enterprise is the ability of a company to create new value through the target integration of tangible and intangible assets to ensure innovation development[12]. Innovative potential is formed of two main components of the innovation potential of material resources, intellectual potential (Fig. 1).When writing this abstract master's work is not finished. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after the specified date.

Figure 1 – The scheme of the innovation potential, (animation: 5 frames, 5-cycle repetitions, 132 kilobytes).
Each component of innovative potential has a specific purpose, and development is influenced by different factors and depending on the level of development may be related to the strong and weak sides of the enterprise.
List of literature
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