DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Ilona Gracheva 
Date of birth 25.09.1989
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 1997–2005 Ugledarskaya Secondary school number 3
2005–2007 Ugledarsky educational complex “Polytechnic High School”
1999–2002 Children's Art School, art department.
Universities 2008–2012 Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Economics, Bachelor's degree in “Business Economics”
2012–2013 Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Economics, Master's degree in “Management of innovative activity”.
Average score 4,3
Languages Russian, Ukrainian, English (basic)
Hobbies and interests Dance, drawing, cosmetology.
Personal qualities Honesty, responsibility.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows;
2. Office Suites: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint);
3. Application Areas: Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop CS3, 1C: Accounting.
Additional courses, internships, grants Driving license category B;
Kruchinina school diploma in “Beautician, makeup artist, hair stylist”;
Diploma DonNUET Tugan-Baranovsky, refresher courses, the course “accounting, tax accounting, 1C: Accounting”;
The participant of the student organization enactus DonNTU.
Professional experience Summer 2009 the selection committee of Donetsk National Technical University - Consultant.
Future plans To become professional and succeed in big company, or in own business.
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