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Background is that today all companies are faced with the problems of logistics, modeling of inventory management. Finding ways to effectively manage physical facilities of enterprises engaged in production, largely concerned with an innovative approach to the organization of supplies. However, at present in a saturated market of businesses there is an objective need for the development of high technology in the organization of material flow in production as a way to move the material flow from raw material to the level of the finished product. This problem is particularly acute in the period of economic globalization, when the individual links in the production chain significantly separated in space. Thus, the development of technologies of production logistics is an objective requirement of the market.

1. Scientific — theoretical foundations material management company

In the first chapter, "Science — Theoretical foundations of material management company", is considered the essence of material resources, their classification is justified by the need to manage them[2].

Problems of logistics engaged many authors, for example: GL Brodetska that considers a model of inventory management; Fedorchuk BK , Bezuglyi BD , A. Melnikov offered their methods for determining the current regulations stocks; Novitsky NI, Richard Thomas, Kondratiuk AI; Pylypenko AA, Makarov, TP, Cooper MM, Tugan-Baranovsky[2].

The term "resources" is interpreted as tools, supplies, facilities, sources of income. At the present stage of rapid transition to a market economy is becoming increasingly important area of ??logistics enterprises. Stocks enterprises occupy an important place in the production process of the enterprise, without them it is impossible to ensure the production process. For materials that have their very important component to occupy a significant place among the management as they characterize as material elements of which are used as subjects of labor in the production process. are the items that are material and the material basis of output. They are fully involved in the production process (fully consumed in each cycle) and completely transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products[8].

The cost of industrial production share of cost of materials is about 50%, and in some industries (eg chemicals, textile) reaches 80-85%.

Inventory management software company primarily provides for certain actions that are shown in Figure 2.

2. Logistic approach to materials management

Logistic approach primarily involves logistics, through which manages material flows.

But we must first see what exactly is the material flow. Factor that enables the integration of all elements of the logistics system is clearly functional mechanism is material flow. In the material flow, talking about the principles of logistics, understand the relationship of all processes and operations associated with the extraction, processing, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation and distribution of goods in the sphere of material production, in industry, in shops, on production sites. Any flow is implemented on a physical medium, from a philosophical point of view, all the threads are material. However, the economic practice material flows seen in more narrow, but the specific content — like flow of material resources for production or end-use as material resources play an important role in social production[1].

3. Recommendations for improving the classification techniques of materials management.

The third section of the planned development of a new approach to constructing models of material flow in the enterprise.


Today, all businesses face problems of logistics, modeling of inventory management. Finding ways to effectively manage physical facilities of enterprises engaged in production, largely concerned with an innovative approach to the organization of supplies. However, at present in a saturated market of businesses there is an objective need for the development of high technology in the organization of material flow in production as a way to move the material flow from raw material to the level of the finished product. This problem is particularly acute in the period of economic globalization, when the individual links in the production chain significantly separated in space. Thus, the development of technologies of production logistics is an objective requirement of the market.


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