- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Theoretical aspects of the organization staff appraisal
- 3.1 Essence and the value of staff appraisal
- 3.2 Foreign experience of the staff appraisal companies
- Conclusion
- References
- 3.2 Foreign experience of the staff appraisal companies
In Ukraine not enough attention at the enterprises is paid to performance appraisal. In the most effective way to reveal talents, to measure results of work and level of professional competence of workers, and also their potential in a section of strategic tasks of the company is performance appraisal system. Performance appraisal is considered as an element of management and as system of certification of the shots applied at the company in this or that modification. At the same time this necessary means of studying of qualitative structure of personnel capacity of the company, its strong and weaknesses, and also basis for improvement of individual labor abilities of the worker and increase of its qualification.
The central question of performance appraisal is establishment of its indicators, criteria of an assessment. They can characterize as the general moments, the equivalent enterprises for all workers, and specific norms of work and behavior for a concrete workplace or a concrete position. In the first case indicators of an assessment define belonging of the employee to concrete organizational and social system, in the second – compliance of the employee to professional requirements.
1. Theme urgency
Staff evaluation is an integral part of the management personnel in all its subsystems. The use of the staff appraisal system allows staff to determine the significance of the company and promote change their activities in a better way. With proper design and implementation, assessment of personnel – is an effective tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, plan professional development, corporate culture to build an open and trusting relationship with the head, increase company profitability through more effective management of personnel.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of research is to identify effective methods to assess personnel in the company, research and analysis of best practices of foreign countries to assess the company's staff review of the system of personnel evaluation of a specific company and its improvement.
Achieving the purpose of this work needs next to decide the followings tasks:
- To define essence and value of staff appraisal.
- To define the most common methods of staff appraisal.
- To analyse foreign experience of staff appraisal.
- To reveal effective methods of performance appraisal within the concrete company.
- To offer recommendations about improvement of system of staff appraisal of the company.
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed activities in the company.
Research object: staff appraisal system in the company.
Research subject: organization staff appraisal in the company and methodological approaches according to efficiency of its functioning.
3. Theoretical aspects of the organization staff appraisal
3.1 Essence and the value of staff appraisal
Staff appraisal – is a procedure which is carried out for the purpose of identification of degree of compliance of professional, business and personal qualities of the worker, quantitative and qualitative results of his labor activity to certain requirements [1].
As a result of an assessment there is an accumulation of information necessary for management of people
Staff appraisal is directed on achievement of three purposes: administrative, informational, motivational.
The administrative goal is reached by adoption of the reasonable administrative decision on the basis of results of an assessment of activity of the personnel.
Information purpose consists in that, as workers, and heads have opportunity to receive reliable information about activity.
The motivational purpose consists that the assessment in itself is the most important means of motivation of behavior of people as adequately estimated expenses of work will provide the further growth of labor productivity of workers but only in case work of the person is estimated according to his expectations [2, с.124].
From all set of the purposes and the directions of carrying out staff appraisal allocate the main – to improve management of organization activity. The enterprise can't count on long-term development without effective management of people and the organizations of their activity. The assessment of shots as starting for improvement of the personnel, his motivation and the corresponding compensation is a basis of providing it also. The assessment of workers in the fullest measure covers two spheres of its activity – current and perspective.
In the analysis of the current activity the attention is focused on how the worker performs work. Perspective activity is regulated by the decision at arrangement, rotation, movement and personnel training, demands an assessment of abilities, personal qualities, motivation, allows to predict potential opportunities of the worker. At the work organization with people the obtained data are basic for adoption of effective personnel decisions [3, с.222].
Staff appraisal carries out two main functions: orienting and stimulating. Orienting function is that each person through an assessment from society and by means of a self-assessment realizes himself the condition and behavior, an opportunity to define the directions and ways of further activity has.
Stimulating function of an assessment is shown that it, creating at the person success or failure experience, validating or abnormality of the chosen behavior, induces the person to activity in a certain direction [3, с.224].
3.2 Foreign experience of the staff appraisal companies
In the foreign organizations of function on carrying out an assessment of shots are distributed between linear heads and personnel services. Personnel services, proceeding from corporate policy, develop procedures of their practical use. Personnel officers help to introduce system of estimates, develop training programs, carry out polls, will organize storage of all information in databanks. The actual and estimated information collected in many firms on the wide program, represents real base of personnel planning, calculation of requirements for the additional personnel, forecasting of programs of intra firm training, the organization of competitive replacement of vacancies, certainly, compensations of employees. In the different organizations the emphasis is placed depending on personnel policy on these or those problems.
The crucial role in performance appraisal belongs directly to the chief who well knows the subordinates, bears full responsibility for results of their activity, application of measures of encouragement and punishments, for their training and development.
In most companies, evaluation and certification are carried out every year, especially when applied simplified assessment procedure. Many companies demand from the heads of obligatory current control of activity of subordinates, carrying out formal interviews and discussion of results of work in intervals between annual formal estimates. Control for new, employed, and on what were given new assignment is especially carefully exercised [3, с.242].
Staff appraisal is carried out following the results of a half-year (in connection with award payment), following the results of a year (at the next increase of a salary), in long-term prospect (taking into account results of an operational assessment). Key criterion of an assessment – not the individual end result, and diligence of the worker, his readiness to improve the activity and to make a contribution to firm work. The special attention is paid to a social contribution of the worker to functioning of labor collective. The individual assessment of workers is carried out by the direct head. Materials of an assessment arrive in office of management of human resources which corrects them in firm scales, without allowing the underestimated or overestimated individual estimates, results are fixed in a private matter of the worker. They are used for planning of its individual growth and professional development. The principle of confidentiality of an assessment is carefully observed. Only in the few firms as an innovation the feedback system is applied, provides discussion with the worker of results of an assessment [8].
Staff appraisal is one of the most important components of a personnel management system. At the enterprises of Ukraine for performance appraisal are still characteristic not complexity; lack of systematicity and regularity of application of procedures of an assessment. It is necessary to carry to characteristic signs of systems of performance appraisal operating in Ukraine and orientation to the simplified procedures of an assessment. Therefore for increase of efficiency of performance appraisal it is necessary: distribution of modern methods of an assessment on all categories of the personnel, expansion of access of the personnel to results of its assessment; active inclusion of the personnel in process of its assessment through attraction to introspection of activity and development of actions for work improvement, expansion of a circle of appraisers as which, except the direct head, the highest managers, fellow workers, subordinates often act.
Periodic estimations allows to define, this worker at the enterprise is valuable; to prove expediency of increase of payment; to estimate overall performance of service of the personnel.
The western firms, at performance appraisal, pay the main attention to specialized knowledge and professional skills. In the American firm employees pass test for detection of professional qualities, and usually each firm develops the criteria of an assessment. The general criteria of an assessment of shots are: education, practical experience, psychological compatibility, ability to work in collective.
Note: This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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