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On the modern stage of economical development which is characterized permanent growth of competition and instability of all spheres of activity, enterprises, wishing to optimize the activity and decrease the amount of executable functions, run into the necessity of permanent and put right collaboration with other subjects of management. It is also important to pay regard to strengthening of international division of labor, processes of specialization of separate countries, companies on separate business processes become more important from point of providing of their viability and competitiveness in a long-term prospect. There is outsourcing on the modern stage of one of biggest-selling models of business.

1. Actuality

Dynamic change and complication of competition environment of management subjects functioning is stipulated by the necessity in competitiveness of small and middle business enterprises increase. In the crisis terms of domestic economy one of ways for achievement of this purpose is optimization of charges on different business processes, in particular, through bringing in of external subjects (outsourcing). Work in outsourcing conditions must provide implementation of the tasks and satisfaction of customer and performer interests put before it on the basis of optimum combination of the legal and contractual adjusting of this process, that is caused inability of bringing in of highly skilled regular registration personnel because of narrow-mindedness of financial resources and scales of small and middle enterprises activity.

2. A purpose and tasks of research

Purpose of this research work is research of features, pre-conditions, advantages and threats of outsourcing application in activity of domestic enterprises, determinations of processes influence of globalization on its development.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Determination of essence of personnel quantity optimization, forms, kinds and methods in modern terms.
  2. An analysis of world experience of personnel quantity optimization on enterprises.
  3. An exposure of basic problems and modern tendencies of personnel quantity optimization in Ukraine.
  4. Development of method of efficiency estimation of personnel quantity optimization on an enterprise.

3. Economic pre-conditions of the outsourcing use

Outsourcing is a transmission the strange contractor of some business-functions or parts of business processes of company. Essence consists in that all resources of company are concentrated on the basic type of activity, and unbasic functions are shifted on professional partners [7].

Presently for Ukraine by characteristic functions, which are passed in outsourcing there are a management, IT-providing, leadthrough of marketings researches, transport services, a personnel. Production outsourcing practically is not used. For today the market of industrial outsourcing in Ukraine is not yet formed from the low culture of trust to outsourcing companies. A purpose of outsourcing application is the use of front-rank business-technologies and now-how for a conquest and withholding of competitive edges in the conditions of intensifying of relations between organizations which pass and assume implementation of separate types of activity on the basis of the celled long-term agreements.

The practical result of outsourcing application is possibility to send the own resources of enterprise to implementation of those functions which make his strong side, on that a company is able to do better than other, and giving an external performer (outsourcer) those functions which he is able to execute better than other. The same an enterprise can concentrate in the hands the newest achievements in area of science, technique and technologies, providing maximal satisfaction of expectations of user, maximal conforming to the requirements of market [3].


On the whole the use of outsourcing charts on domestic enterprises can considerably promote efficiency of their work and open on principle new possibilities for a mutually beneficial collaboration, substantially to strengthen their competitiveness in the conditions of global economic environment.

So, it is possible to draw conclusion, that outsourcing is one of the most effective methods of business conduct, taking into account those advantages which are got by an enterprise-customer at his use. Such form of business conduct is instrumental in introduction of innovations and improvement of integration connections of domestic enterprises both up country and out of it, without what it is impossible to provide efficiency of economic activity today.


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