- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Main provisions
- Conclusion
- References
Mine shafts are essential workings of mining companies that provide continuous transportation of the mineral, goods, equipment, materials, tripping people. All the design elements of the trunk must be highly reliable and have a high life maintenance-free operation. Timely and quality construction of vertical shafts is crucial to the successful development, maintenance and reconstruction capacity of the mining industry, especially in the Donetsk Basin, where it is constantly increasing depth of coal seams. In the pool at the share stems have 20–25 % and 35–50 % of the cost of construction duration mines [1]. According to the research, more than 75 % of the violations lining vertical shafts in the Donbass falls on areas of interfaces. Typical types of injuries is chipping, delamination cracks lining, the lining and the rock fell out, strain the tendons, curves, shootings and conductors. This increases downtime due shaft repairs that has a negative impact on the technical and economic performance of the mining enterprise.
1. Relevance of the topic
A special place in the complex construction of vertical shafts is building interfaces. Domestic and foreign experience shows that, Despite certain technical developments in this matter, fixed barrel is a material-mates, unproductive and has a significant stoimost.Narusheniya lining vertical shafts in the area of interfaces lead to its fall out, changing the geometry of the contour of the barrel, deviation from the design position tiers reinforcement, displacement of conductors, which in turn gives rise rhythm of work and, in some cases, lead to complete its failure [2].
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of the master's work is to validate the parameters of structures deep vertical shaft coupling with tree trunks workings in order to prolong their maintenance-free operation, increase borehole stability, speed, adaptability and efficiency of penetration.
The main objectives of the study:
- analyze the structure of interfaces technology on the basis of statistical data;
- analyze major disruption in the operation of interfaces and to identify factors with the greatest impact on the reliability of the roof supports interfaces;
- to study engineering and design solutions used in the construction of interfaces;
- study the effect of the design of interfaces for enclosing the ability of lining;
- develop production schedules for construction interface of advanced technology;
- conduct an economic evaluation of new technology.
Object of study : pair of deep vertical shafts with pit bottom.
Subject of study : roof support structure, used in the construction of interfaces.
Methods : mathematical and statistical treatment of results of experimental and laboratory research as well as data obtained during the operation of interfaces, to build a model using the finite element method, the method of reverse engineering. p>
idea work is to increase the period of maintenance-free operation of the vertical shaft coupling, reduction of rock pressure in the interface.
Scientific novelty
In the course of this research established scientific innovation:
- Increase the dependence of the coupling strength bolting in applying advanced design lining.
- Improved technology facilities pairings of vertical shafts.
Scientific value of
Scientific value of the work is to determine the prevalence of the disorder depending pairings of vertical shafts with horizontal workings, which are implemented in the form of equations and graphs and justification on the basis of their parameters and rules-tension concrete lining of these areas.
Practical value
Increase the reliability of interfaces and to increase the strength bolting on that section, which leads to an increase in maintenance-free operation of the vertical shaft of the mine.
3. The main provisions
Vertical shafts in Donbass is currently being constructed and operated in a variety of mining and hydro-geological conditions, increasing complexity with increasing depth of the development of mineral deposits. Distinguished by its uniqueness and importance in the production complex mining enterprise, they require constant exploration and development of effective solutions to their intensive construction and maintenance-free operation that in turn, is an important scientific and technical problems of the coal industry of Ukraine. Particularly important issues relating to the causes of violations lining vertical shafts shaht. Deep of the development of most mines in Ukraine up to 700 m, but the maximum dredging depth of 1400-1500m, which leads to increased demands on the reliability and durability of concrete lining vertical shafts [3, 4].
View permanent support interface defines the type of lining matched workings. As a permanent roof supports used monolithic concrete or reinforced concrete, precast concrete, stone, metal and metal-concrete lining. The mines lining mates erect a flat or vaulted ceiling. Because of the simplicity of construction and lower recesses rock bolting with flat ceilings have advantages compared with vaulted, that enables a faster construction time interfaces. However, these have a lower lining bearing capacity for large spans and require increasing the thickness of the overlap, which increases the coupling value. So lining with flat ceilings mainly used in the form of a rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section of the mating workings and span the width of interfaces no more than 4–5 m At the same width of the span of more than 5 m in weak rocks to mates recommend the use of the vaulted ceiling [5]. P>
Analysis allows us to highlight a number of key factors influencing the distribution of stresses and strains in the area of interfaces: p>
- the presence of weak, unstable rocks and geological disturbances at the junction;
- maintenance of sewage treatment works at the boundaries of protected pillars;
- presence of closely spaced openings tree trunks and other interfaces;
- aggressive influence of the environment;
- poor quality roof supports, improper conduct blasting [6].
Part stress and stress-strain state of lining pairing with horizontal workings pit bottom is divided into four zones:

Figure 1 – Layout of characteristic zones conjugation: I – area abutting the horizontal development of the barrel; II – the same generation to the soil; III – zone most of the weakened section conjugation; IV – the most area of the weakened section horizontal output.
Length I and II zones is assumed to be 5r 0 , where r 0 - the radius of the barrel in the world. Since most stem radius in operation, is not more than 4.2 meters – the length of I and II zones of 21 m [7].
During the construction of interfaces in contacting the trunk lining there are several specific areas of impact: areas above and below the workings of the barrel wall openings between mates.

Figure 2 – The dependence of the increase in stress in the lining of the roof of the trunk conjugation on the relationship hсл/В
(Animation: 6 frames, 5 cycles of recurrence, 41 kilobytes)
In Fig. 2 hсл – layer height, B - width of near-wellbore production
From Fig. 2 that technologically justified by reducing the height of the layers crosscuts tree trunks workings can provide a less dramatic process of loading up the trunk lining located in the sinking of the upper layer conjugation.
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