This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
- 1. The purposes and problems student work
- 2. An urgency of a theme of student work
- 3. Scientific novelty
- 4. A summary of results student work
- 4.1 Short performance of shaft № 22 "Kommunarsky" "Donbass"
- 4.2 Probe of stability of inclined developments of shaft № 22 "Kommunarsky" "Donbass"
- 5. The conclusion
- The conclusion
1. The purposes and problems student work
The operation purpose is probe of stability of airing at fires in inclined developments in shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
on a sample piece of a mine ventilating web of shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
, created by means of the program IRS Ventilation
2. An urgency of a theme of student work
Shafts and the mines realising underground mining operations, face questions of development of ventilation of mountain developments.
Shafts and the mines realising underground mining operations, face questions of development of ventilation of mountain developments. Insufficient airing under gas and dust factors contains coal mining growth, reduces level of safety or creates for the personnel. The coal operations realise preliminary scheduling of actions for possible emergencies, calculate emergency ventilating conditions for saving of workers and suppression of fires, carry out calculation of best routes of an exit of miners and movement of mine-rescuers for liquidation of emergencies (for shafts of Russia and Ukraine liquidation plans are made and affirm for each 6 months according to requirements [1]). The theme urgency consists that application of computer techniques allows to raise level guards of collieries – simplifies searching of variants of improvement of airing, raises reliability of accepted decisions and saves the operations from ineffective financial expenditures [2].
3. Scientific novelty
Scientific novelty consists that probe of stability of airing of inclined developments c descending airing for the first time has been conducted at fires on a sample piece of a mine ventilating web of shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
4. A summary of results of student work
4.1 Short performance of shaft
The shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
is located in an administrative ratio in territory of Zhdanovka of Donetsk area.
The sizes of the mine field: On proerase – 6,5–7,5 km; On falling – 1,4–2,0 km.
Coal flute is carried out with combine "РКУ–10" on all length of a lava with depth of cam of an end-effector of 0,633 m after execution of actions for struggle with gas-dynamic the phenomena – definition of a zone of unloading on initial rate of gas liberation from borehole.
If the forecast has displayed dangerously
, coal flute in a lava a combine, will be fabricated only under the one-sided circuit; if the forecast has displayednot dangerously
,coal flute in a lava can be fabricated both on one-sided.
For roof maintenance in working space of a lava, control of a roof of a complete collapse, guards of working space of a lava from permeation of breeds of the brought down roof and movement slaughtering the pipeline it is used mechanised lining DM standard size. An installation step fix on length of a lava – 1,5 m. the Circuit of arrangement of sections - linear.
The shaft is put in operation in 1958 with designed capacity of 1,2 million ton coal in a year. After reconstruction in 1986 capacity of shaft has increased to 1,8 million т in a year. The basic working beds are: k5 to 1,9 m and l3 power to 2,15 m. Mountain operations are carried on by power on depth of 650-700 m. Actual coal mining has made 2 177 653 ton at the plan 2 100 000 ton.
The mode of behaviour with three changeovers by duration for 6 hours is accepted, thus the first changeover is completely assigned for executionactions, is repair-spadework, the calculation "rigid" and strips, and other two changeovers – on coal mining.
Between 1st and 2nd, 2nd and 3rd changeovers there is an one hour's interval. Between 3rd and 1st changeovers – 4 hours are assigned on manufacture detonation in a condition detonations.
Before a kickoff of operations of each changeover all workers are instructed on the dress by the senior supervision in safe methods of operations, proceeding from a concrete situation.
Minimum composition of a working link – 22 persons. A shaft mode of behaviour:
- Number of the working days in a year – 300 days;
- Number of changeovers a day on output of coal from shaft – 3 changeovers;
- Five-day working week for workers with one common day off and one day off on a slipping graph;
- Duration of a labour shift on underground – 6 hours, on a surface – 8 hours.
The circuit of exposure of the mine field is carried out with inclined trunks and floor. A mode of opening-up of the mine field - floor [3].
4.2 Probe of stability of inclined developments of shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
, Donbass
For ventilation problem solving the computer ventilating sample piece of shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
, which consists of 2059 branches and 606 nodes has been constructed [2].

Figure 1. Computer sample piece of a ventilating web of shaft № 22 Kommunarsky
In operation the estimation of stability of ventilating flows in developments with descending airing has been spent at fires in 18 branches, in 17 from them airing in 1 at fire origin it will appear not steady (Fig. 2).

Figure 2.(animation - 8 frames, 525 kilobytes)Simulation of a fire in 235 branches. Red colour – development in which the fire is simulated; Yellow colour – a zone of spreading of fire gases before overturning of a ventilating stream (a zone 1); Turquoise colour –zone of spreading of fire gases after overturning of a ventilating stream (a zone 2);
At fire origin in this development, it is possible in 2 minutes, after a kickoff of ardent combustion, there will be an overturning of a ventilating stream at thermal depression 5,17 daPa. It is necessary to provide actions for stability security.
In 1 zone, that is in a zone of spreading of fire gases before overturning of a ventilating stream, 57 branches have got: 497, 522, 219, 228, 124, 810, 67, 69, 133, 70, 354, 349, 536, 512, 513, 138, 342, 89, 809, 127, 520, 537, 2011, 215, 538, 2013, 2015, 470, 167, 2021, 535, 617, 2023, 615, 136, 534, 430, 286, 66, 327, 495, 542, 2017, 2019, 400, 321, 616, 482, 52, 508, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024. After overturning the zone is in addition spreaded to 31 branch: 424, 414, 57, 218, 141, 776, 229, 862, 777, 861, 234, 451, 351, 387, 166, 137, 471, 201, 472, 474, 744, 294, 447, 232, 483, 455, 898, 135, 322, 963, 134. To be saved from an additional zone gazing it is necessary to ensure stability of airing of 235 branches, using function airing reinforcement
, this problem is doubled in a branch window. Having clicked the cursor on any branch (an adjusting plant), it is possible to define development (branch-regulator) adjuster installation in which, will ensure the maximum increase in an air-flow rate in an adjusting plant. If, for any reasons, in the first branch adjuster installation is impossible, other branch is offered. A problem of double assignment - for fast searching of an installation site of an adjuster, in an emergency, and for adjusting problem solving, ensuring master schedules [2].
Parametres of a branch before airing reinforcement: an air-flow rate 4,14 m3/s, aerodynamic resistance 0,0059 kMurg. We select the first offered variant a branch 229 (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Reinforcement of airing of a branch 235.
In 229 branches we augment resistance on 1 kMurg (was 0,00090 kMurg, became 1,00090 kMurg). It has not given expected result (fig. 4), therefore it is necessary to iterate a command «airing Reinforcement», an installation site of the second adjuster is 463 branch.

Figure 4. Zone after adjuster installation in 229 branches Red colour – development in which the fire is simulated; Yellow colour – a zone of spreading of fire gases before overturning of a ventilating stream (a zone 1); Turquoise colour–zone of spreading of fire gases after overturning of a ventilating stream (a zone 2);
Aerodynamic resistance of a branch 463 made 0,00127 kMurg, after increase on 1 kMurg, it has made 1,00127 kMurg. After that we iterate fire simulation in a branch 235. Apparently from fig. 5, overturning of a ventilating stream does not occur and consequently the zone of spreading of fire gases after overturning of a ventilating stream is absent.

Figure 5. A zone after airing reinforcement . Red colour – development in which the fire is simulated; Yellow colour – a zone of spreading of fire gases before overturning of a ventilating stream (a zone gazing 1);
Thus, it was possible to achieve a stability improvement of inclined development with descending airing at a fire.
5. The conclusion.
By means of the program IRS Ventilation
it is possible make a fire in development, to analyse zones and to apply series of certain measures on reduction of such zones that is much important for safety of labour activity of workers. Conditions of saving of people allow to forecast simulation of routes of an output of miners at emergencies and to develop actions for heightening of a labour safety of miners. All these actions are much important for accident prevention in mountain manufacture.
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