DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Sergey Tomenko
Date of birth Nov 25, 1991
Place of birth v. Great Krucha Pyriatyns district Poltava region

The 1998-1999 School number 1. Old Hvorostan (1 class)

1999-2003 was - Municipal Budget of general education Institution School number 54 Voronezh (2-5 grade)

2003-2008 was - Secondary school number 5 I-III stages Dokuchaevsk (6-11 grade)


2008 - 2012. - Donetsk National Technical University Institute of Mining and Geology (IGG) Specialty "Mine Surveying" bachelor

2012 - 2014. - Donetsk National Technical University Institute of Mining and Geology (IGG) Specialty "Mine Surveying" magistracy

Average score At the time of admission to graduate grade point average of 4.0
Languages Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English proficiency average
Hobbies and interests Sports, photography, books (fiction), drawing, films (fiction, comedy, action, documentary, scientific), music (Rock, Rap, Hip-hop, Alternative rap / hip-hop, Lounge, Jazz, Blues, Techno, House , RnB etc.)
Personal qualities Ambition, communication, commitment, leadership, responsibility, enthusiasm, confidence, determination, perseverance, psychological openness, a thirst for knowledge, a commitment to excellence
Professional and computer skills

Operating system: Windows - an advanced user

Application Areas: Microsoft Office, Arc View, Surfer, Ansys

Visual Basic, html - basic level

Professional experience 2011 first field trip in Dokuchaevsk on Dokuchaevsky flux-dolomite combine as a stand-surveyor
Future plans Getting Higher Education in "Mine Surveying", in-depth study of the English language, the development of their own business, personal growth
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