In the result of the work performed developed VCT, which allows drilling in the conditions of washing fluid absorption.
Designed double kolonkovyi projectile protects the core of fluid flow, jaming it protects against abrasion in the internal non-rotating tube, excludes wear coring from those used in rotation core chunks due to the timing of the inner tube, protecting it from falling out with coring pipe.
The main condition for drilling - is the presence of the liquid column is not less than 6 m. Drilling is carried out according to the standard technique with reciprocation column of drill pipes at the height 100mm at 25 stroke/min.
Thus, the use of developed VCT can help improve without pump drilling in absence or lack of technical water for rinsing wells, with strong removals fluid and to enhance the yield of the core is loose and broken rocks.
The calculations confirm the efficiency of the design of VCT.
Drilling with the developed VCT can be wells with a diameter 76mm and more. Breed category VI-VII of drillability is advisable to use a carbide crowns type CM4, СМ6, TF2. The force of the spring VCT allows stamp inner tube implemented in such a breed without rotation.
For drilling in the conditions when there is the absorption of drilling fluid, there is a loss of liquid up to 50 liters/min - this leads to delays, sedimentation sludge and grabs. In this case, for drill again zone of complications before plugging or attachment of its casing, developed various ways of drilling without the release of drilling fluid to the surface.
During rotary drilling with washing to get the specified number of geologists core (coal not less than 80%, ores 70%) minerals drill again single ejector or double paint with kolinsky pipes. For intensification washing over with coring pipe installed pumps of various designs. The easiest way to drilling in the conditions of absorption of drilling fluid is without pump way.
The disadvantage безнасосного drilling method is to destroy the core when reciprocation the drill. However безнасосный drilling method in the conditions of washing fluid absorption can be used in the absence of more efficient methods and technical means.
The purpose of work is development of construction of double with coring pipes for безнасосного drilling in the conditions of absorption of washing liquid, which gives access to Kern, which cannot be destroyed by reciprocation column of drill pipes.
To achieve this goal are defined the following tasks:
The assigned tasks are solved by compiling and analyzing patent and literature, theoretical investigations, the research and development activities. Refined methodology of calculation of VCT, and helped to study the patterns of operation of the improved device with the possibility of choice of the effective combination of structural dimensions of the mechanism and parameters of the system: VCT-well. Scientific value of the work lies in the possibility to use the obtained theoretical model and the application of obtained knowledge in the drilling industry.
Practical value consists in the creation of efficient design VCT due to the possibility of eliminating the destruction of the core when reciprocation drilling string.
The main disadvantage of without pump drilling existing structures VCT is the frequent occurrence of alternating loads in drilling pipes in the process of reciprocation missile, which leads to premature wear of pipes and their compounds. The purpose of protection of core from destruction at reciprocation drill pipes at without pump drilling expedient to use not single and double with coring pipe. Proposes improved the design of the dualwith coring pipes for without pump drilling in the conditions of absorption of drilling fluid, which is presented in figure 3.1. [3]
The principle of action of advanced VCT is the following:
Over with coring pipe is placed ball check valve 3, and in the valve box 1 bore through apertures for the release of drilling fluid. When drilling periodically produce reciprocation tool (25 strokes per min.). When lifting valve closed and the space above Kern with coring pipe vacuum is created. Liquid from the annular space under pressure post it in the hole passes through the crown, captures particulate sludge and carries them in with coring pipe. When lowering the pressure tool inwith coring pipe increases, and the valve opens. As hydraulic resistance of the valve is significantly less than the resistance of a narrow annular gap between the kernel and the with coring tube, most of the fluid displaced Kern, acting as a piston flows through the valve into the drill pipes. Then she poured through the hole in the tubes back into the annular space, thus committing a circular circulation.
To discharge valve 3 fell under the action of fluid flow in the design of VCT provided limiter 2, which will keep the ball valve. Keeprerner 20 inverted, in order to Kern entered freely and stronger jam Inner tube 7 installed on bearings and spring, in this design, creates a voltage on it.
Figure 3.1 - An improved double brushes kolinsky pipe:
1-nipple with two slits ; 2-a stopper; 3-valve discharge; 4-pipe slurry; 5 -nipple castle; 6-adapters; 7-pipe internal; 8-cuff; 9-bearing housing, 10 - base ball; 11 - ball; 12-ring lock; 13-spring 14-housing average; 15 -nipple ; 16 - valve suction; 17-seat; 18-pipe takekerning ; 19-pipe brushes Albatros artist kolinsky outer; 20-keepkerner; 21-rivets; 22-stamp.
Аnimation 3.1 - Work improved dual core pipe
Animation contains: 3 slide; 6 frames; 88 КB.
Drilling wells with the help of the developed design of a dual with coring pipe is rotary way. The internal takekerning pipe associated with the outer pipe through the bearing unit is not rotating. In addition, thanks to its rolling stock in the axial direction of connection and the availability of special spring is takekerning pipes in the mode of «punching». Application of the developed projectile can improve the quality of sampling loose, loose soils, reduce the cost of one linear metre of drilling and increase the duration of the flight.
For intensification of rinsing wells during drilling with local washing in the conditions of washing fluid absorption uses a variety of submersible pumps. Overwith coring pipe is installed a submersible pump with hydraulic or pneumatic, screw, ejector. The pump sucks the liquid from with coring pipe and throws it into the well above the liquid level. The sludge is collected in the slurry pipeline.
On (Fig. 4.1.) presented kolonkovyi projectile with built-in screw pump design A.A. Волокитенкова, V.I. Maksimova.
For the best clearing of drilling fluid and cuttings the projectile can be fitted with multiple external catchsludging pipes located on some distance from each other above with coring pipe. The main advantage of this projectile - it can be used for drilling on firm breeds.
Figure 4.1 - Kolonkovyi projectile with a built-in pump design A.A.Volokitencov, Maksimova, М.М.Rozina, В.М.Shvetsova
1-crown; 2 - pipe brushes Albatros artist kolinsky; 3,6,21,27-adapter; 4 - catchsludging pipe; 5 - drill pipe; 7 - return valve; 8-seals; 9 - clip; 10 - sealing ring; 11 - rubber stockings; 12,13,14 - details of the screw pump; 15 - trumpet; 16 - flexible coupling; 17 - square connection; 18,25 - coil; 19 - rubber clip; 20 - snap ring; 22-32 - details of spacing device; 33 - drill pipe.
To increase the productivity of built-in drill pump scheme was developed core set using a piston pump (Fig. 4.2).
Figure 4.2 - Kolonkovyi shell for a bottom hole circulation, with piston pump
Kolonkovyi set consists of an outer with coring pipe 12 with a crown 15, internal keepkerner pipe 13 stamped 14, adapter 11 with integrated valve and the rod 10. The pump consists of a 6 cylinder that moves the stock 5 piston 7, equipped with valve 8. Rod and piston only have reciprocal movement of rotation they are held by the locking finger 4, which is included in the groove stem. On the upper end of the rod is attached cam 3 with the slot, with the explosion of a sinusoid form. In the frame moves the finger 2, fixed to the 1. The second valve is integrated in the cylinder 6, which is associated with the adapter 11 rod 10. Rod 10 in the cylinder 6 under the influence of spring 9 has the possibility of axial displacement, due to this regulation exit stamp from under the end crowns. [1]
When rotating columns housing 1 finger-2 moves cam with the rod and the piston to cylinder 6. When the piston moves up filling the cylinder liquid, a downward - forcing last for slaughter. Permutation valves provide direct or reverse circulation. On the outer pipe is fortified with a special crown for destruction of breed on mine. The inner tube is intended for reception of core, protection from the damage of drilling and hold when lifting. The inner tube is strengthened mechanic crowns and a special stamp.
To establish the possible use of VCT in without pump drilling analysis of structures of double with coring pipes, which after improvements you can use when without pump drilling. [6]
According to the principle of fixing internal pipe VCT are:
-VCT-In with a rotating inner pipe;
-VCT-non-rotating internal pipe;
VCT-In with a rotating inner pipe provide increase of core recovery only at the expense of security in the inner pipe backwashing. Backwash is created using a special adaptor, seed liquid flows of drill pipes in the clearance between the inner and outer pipes or jet-type pump, installed above the inner pipe. In VCT inner tube is not rotating, through the use of the ball bearing. In these tubes stamp ahead of the crown on 1,5-2mm and thus the flow of fluid out of the ring gap immediately upon the bottom, bypassing the core, which excludes its erosion. [8]
On the washing VCT produce:
- with direct flushing;
According to the principle of the core VCT-In and VCT share:
- shells ambient type;
- shells stamp type sampling of coal.
In the Institute of WITS developed a series of binary with coring pipes ambient type tdw with rotating and TDN with non-rotating inner pipe. Tube dual tdw-1 (Fig. 4.3) is designed for drilling fractured unstable rocks VII-X category of drillability.
Figure 4.3 - Pipe tdw-1 ambient type with rotating inner pipe
1,2-adapter; 3-a nut; 4 - outer tube; 5 - washer; 6 - ball valve; 7 - inner tube; 8 - extender; 9-crown.
Double pipes series TDN have bearing unit to hold the inner tube to the rotation. Constructive difference consists of pipes in sizes pass channels, which allow you to drill on the water or on a clay solution. Tearkern is made in the form of a spring ring. Pipe TDN-1 (Fig. 4.4.а) are intended for drilling serial diamond and hard crowns monolithic rocks V-XII categories of drillability with washing the wells with water only. Housing tearkern has an inner cylindrical groove, which is located in the lower part of the inner tube. Between the end of the groove and the bottom end of the internal tube has a gap in the size 0,5-1 mm, the value of which is regulated by the nut. [2]
Return the ball valve is intended for guard coring from squeezing the liquid column while tripping. During drilling, the valve opens and prevents the occurrence of water or air cushion in the inner pipe. Double pipe TDN-2 (Fig. 4.4.b) is designed for drilling with plain water or mud solution. Diamond crown of special design has increased width of matrix and long steel case with internal thread.
Pipe fourth type TDN-4 (Fig. 4.4.c) is intended for drilling of destroyed easily washed away by the rocks with plain water or mud solution. Pipes are equipped with special one-layer diamond crowns FTC-4A or impregnated crowns FTC-4I.
Figure 4.4 - a-TDN-1; b-TDN-2-TDN-4;
1- adapter; 2 - outer tube; 3-bearing unit; 4 - ball valve; 5 - inner tube; 6-extender; 7 - body tearkern; 8- tearkern; 9 - diamond crown;
Figure 4.5. refer tube dual non-rotating TDN-FCS, which is designed for diamond drilling. Construction of the pipe allows you to enable it in the drill for drilling of SSC.
Inner tube 4 mounted on the bearing unit 3, which transmits the rotation of the inner tube. In the adapter 1 flow of washing fluid changing direction, and thus direct leaching is converted into reverse. Passing through the gap between the outer 5 and internal 4 pipes, fluid reaches the outer diamond crowns 7.
Figure 4.5 - non-rotating double pipe TDN-SCQ
Here the flow of a fluid divided, part of the flow goes in the space between the outer pipe and the borehole wall. As on the outer pipe 5 outside strengthened extender 2 & calibrator 6, which reduce the section of the ring gap and create a flow resistance of the fluid easier to pass through the inner tube past the core than via the annular gap. Therefore, in the annular gap leaves a smaller part of the fluid flow. Most of the flow enters into inner tube. In the area of the crown fluid flow affects the Kern and therefore Kern partially eroded. To disrupt the core and hold it while the rise in the inner pipe is a usual spring tearkern open type, i.e. being in the pipe and constantly in contact with the Kern. [5]
In SKB the Ministry of Geology of the USSR developed a dual pipe brushes Albatros artist kolinsky ZKS-112 (fig.4.6) with non-rotating inner pipe. Pipe is designed for drilling holes with diameters 112mm four of the roller cutter paint with kolinsky bits type 6ДК-112К with the Central channel for reception of a core diameter of 44mm.
Figure 4.6 - Dual pipe brushes Albatros artist kolinsky ZKS-112:
a - spring tearkern; b - with plate kern plucker;
1-spindle; 2 adapter; 3 - pin to hold the balls; 4 - outer tube; 5,8,10,14-rubber sealing ring; 6 - ball lock-bearing; 7-bit; 9-the bearing suspension; 11 - ball-valve; 12 - seat check valve; 13 - inner tube; 15 - inner sleeve; 16 - finger; 17 - outer ring; 18-housing tearkern; spring tearkern; 20-spacer; 21 – plate tearkern; 22-tapered ring
Ball lock 6 holds an inner tube 15, that is inserted in the outer race 17. The amount of washing fluid is governed by the replacement seat check valve 12 with different diameters of the orifice. Inner and outer pipes can consist of several sections with a length of up to 12m, which are inserted into each other. To increase the rigidity of the outer tube is made of thick-walled bite of the workpiece. In with coring shells type 3КС apply tearkern different types: collet, paddle, roll.
In 1970 was invented double kolonkovyi projectile scientists I.I. Toloknov and М.М.Rozinov, consisting of an external pipe with a collet Chuck and cone fists at the bottom and the valve (Fig. 4.7) [9]
Figure 4.7 - Double kolonkovyi projectile
The projectile, with the objective of increasing core recovery in drilling, ultimately resulting in increased efficiency, equipped placed into the annular space between the outer and inner tubes piston associated with an internal pipe shear element and provided with a cone recessed for interaction with conical Cams. It consists of an outer pipe 1, inner tube 2 adapter 3 channels 4 and 3 and the spool 6. The inner pipe is at the bottom of tongs 7 taper Cams 8. In a ring cavity 9 between the outer and inner tubes placed piston 10, associated with an internal pipe shear element 11. The piston has a cone recessed 12. At the end of the flight through the drill pipe throw the ball 13, which covers the Central channel 14,directing mud on channel 4 on the piston, which under the pressure of this fluid, cut shear element and moves downward.
Cone undercut piston interacts with conical Cams collet clamp, forcing the latter to shrink and jam kern. When безнасосном drilling is very important to maintain the rhythmic reciprocation projectile, otherwise creates favourable conditions for sludge deposition between the kernel and the with coring pipe and outer annular space, which leads to the cessation of circulation of a liquid, jamming core in with coring pipe, his separation and recovery under the adapter, as well as jamming with coring pipe.
Reciprocation instrument by means of a winch machine adversely affects the operation of blocks and improves their wear. In double with coring pipe (VCT) with a rotating inner pipe may damage the core by the friction of his on internal walls of a pipe, and in the design of dual-core projectile (ABAC) ambient type kern is not protected from erosion, as the washing of contacts with Cairn in critical part of the projectile.
Without pump drilling method allows to obtain a high percentage of core recovery even on soft, easily wash in normal drilling rocks. While there is a fairly high level of preservation of the core. Dual core pipe protect the core of fluid flow, jam kern, protect the kernel from abrasion in the internal non-rotating tube, exclude abrasions himself coring from those used in rotation core chunks due to the timing of the inner tubes to provide protection of the core from falling out of the pipe with coring. [10]
In the result of the work performed developed VCT, which allows drilling in the conditions of washing fluid absorption. Designed double kolonkovyi projectile protects the core of fluid flow, jaming it protects against abrasion in the internal non-rotating tube, excludeswea coring from those used in rotation core chunks due to the timing of the inner tube, protecting it from falling out of the with coring pipe.
The main condition for drilling - is the presence of the liquid column is not less than 6m. Drilling is carried out according to the standard technique with reciprocation column of drill pipes at the height of 540mm at 25 stroke/min.
Thus, the use of developed VCT can help improve without pump drilling in absence or lack of technical water for rinsing wells, with strong removals fluid and to enhance the yield of the core is loose and broken rocks. The calculations confirm the efficiency of the design of VCT.
Drilling with the developed VCT can be wells with a diameter 76mm and more. Breed categories of drillability is advisable to use a carbide crowns type CM4, СМ6,TF2.The force of the spring VCT allows stamp inner tube implemented in such a breed without rotation. The economic effect from the use of the developed VCT may reach UAH 2000.
When writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: January 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.