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DonNTU Masters’ portal

Brief resume

Name Utyachenko Elena
Date of birth November 21, 1990
Place of birth Artemovsk city, Donetsk region.
Schools 1998–2006 — Artemovskʼs secondary school of I–III No. 5 with specialized training.
Universities 2006–20010 — Artemovskʼs Industrial College of Donetsk National Technical University, speciality Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials;
2009–2013 — Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), bachelor, faculty of ecology and chemistry technology, speciality Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials;
2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, master, faculty of ecology and chemistry technology, speciality Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials.
Average score 4.54
Languages Russian, Ukrainian — free;
English, German — basic level, sufficient for reading and correspondence.
Hobbies and interests Literature, music, travel.
Personal qualities Responsibility, kindness, honesty, integrity, responsiveness, punctuality, logical thinking, good sense of humour, an objective view of the world.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows XP/7/8.
2. Programming Languages: Pascal.
3. Development Environment: MathCad, Statgraphics, KOMPAS 3D.
4. Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, Access).
Professional experience 26.05.2009 — 29.08.2009 — educational and technological practice, DP Izosev-1, a student-supervisor Technician control department
10.02.2010 — 15.03.2010 — undergraduate practice, LLC Seversky Works, a student-supervisor Technician control department
2.07.12 — 22.07.12 — general engineering practice, Public Company Chasov-Yar Refractory Works.
2.09.13 — 22.09.13 — technological practice, Public Company Chasov-Yar Refractory Works.
Future plans Get a master’s degree and a job in his specialty with a good salary and career prospects.
Do improvement of foreign languages, self-development in a professional and personal level.
Contact information E-mail: