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Abstract work

NOTE: The Abstract is staging character, as you create - April - May 2014, while protecting the master's work is scheduled for January 2015 yr



Key performance characteristics of machine parts - wear resistance, toughness, corrosion resistance is largely determined by the state of the surface layer, which is determined by the technology of production. In modern manufacturing purpose and parameters of technological support surfaces of sufficiently substantiated, leading to an overestimation or claims and appreciation machines, or to their underestimation and decreased reliability .

Increasing productivity and quality of machinery parts, using combined methods of processing, and therefore improve the economic efficiency is an actual problem of modern industry. The solution to these problems, and related issues, perhaps by applying kobinovanyh processing methods of machine parts.

1. Àêòóàëüíîñòü òåìû

Each has its own way of handling the vast scope caused by a set of values ??and level-Enabled settings as a base layer.

Typically, some combination of methods provides a high degree of improvement in the surface, but shallow depth of the layer, the other - a sufficient depth, but lack the degree of improvement in the surface, the third - the average depth and degree of improvement poverhni.Tomu theoretical and experimental research aimed at developing, determining the optimal combination and processing conditions, improvement and implementation of combined-processing techniques are important and promising areas islledovaniy.

2. Purpose and tasks of the research results

Purpose - to enhance the performance properties of machine parts and their machining performance through the use of combined methods of treatment.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. Analysis of existing methods for improving the performance properties of machine parts and rationale for the use of combination lezovym and firming treatment with subsequent coating deposition
  2. Investigation of the basic parameters of the combined treatment consistent sharpening and strengthening treatment.
  3. Studies basic operational properties of machine parts - arising fatigue durability and strength depending on the conditions of the combined treatment.
  4. Determination of the optimal mode of combination treatment on the criterion of maximum performance
  5. Justification of the technical and economic feasibility of a combined lezovym and strengthening treatment surface plastic deformation of parts such as "body rotation".
  6. Recommendations on the choice of methods and combined treatment conditions that provide the maximum performance machining at a given level of quality machine parts

3. Prospective scientific novelty

  1. In the development of theoretical models of the formation parameters of the surface layer of machine parts during combined treatment with accounting performance properties.
  2. In establishing analytical dependences for optimum performance and cost of cutting conditions on the combined treatment of surfaces of revolution.

4. Alleged practical use lies

  1. In the creation-based recommendations on the choice of the optimum cutting conditions for different treatment of surfaces of revolution.
  2. Improving the productivity of the process machining parts clutches by combined treatment methods

5 An analysis of existing methods of treatment combined

5.1 Use of combined processing techniques in engineering and their general classification

In modern engineering techniques are increasingly used viddilochnoyi, strengthening and reinforcing viddilochno- processing (the university of) to improve operational performance parts such as strength, stamina, durability and others. There are currently a large number of ways the university of which are designed to change the surface roughness, residual stress and microhardness of the surface layer.
Classification of the university of known methods is presented in Figure 5.1 [1].


Figure 5.1 - Methods of improving the quality of the surface layer

On the strength of a base layer in general, affects the properties of the ratio of the substrate and the thin surface layer, in particular, the ratio of hardness. To improve the bearing capacity required to strengthen the substrate sufficiently high hardness (with a smooth increase in hardness from the core to the surface of the part without sharp pe ¬ rehodiv between reinforced and unstable area) combined with even higher hardness and stiffness of thin modified surface layer and forming it squeezing residual stresses. Typically, some processing techniques provide high hardness ¬ ment, but shallow depth of hardened layer, the other - a sufficient depth, but lack the degree of surface hardening, and others - average depth and degree of surface hardening. In this regard, becoming more and more widespread ways of strengthening combined (Figure 5.2)[1].

Treatment of PPD before applying the coating is the most common way to increase resistance to fatigue and strengthen the substrate material. More prevalent finishing metal platings PPD used to further strengthen the coating and the substrate microgeometry optimization, reducing porosity, restore and even increase fatigue resistance. The use of PPD pe ¬ ed DHS improves the contact endurance by 70% or more. The combination of strengthening PPD galvanized enhances corrosion resistance and durability. PPD of isothermal hardening creates a favorable combination of properties: viscosity, pla ¬ stychnosti support and fatigue. PPD with VTMO increases resistance to cyclic loading and fracture toughness. PPD another way of increasing the elastic properties provide a set of high values ??of static strength and fatigue resistance, etc. [1].


Figure 5.2 - Improving the quality of the surface layer of reinforcing combination treatment

The main advantage of this treatment is, above all, ensuring high quality of the surface layer and significantly improve performance by reducing computing time and by reducing support time and time associated with the installation and configuration tools on the machine to perform specific operations.

Currently, one of the advanced methods of metal cutting and PPD is fine turning tool with superhard materials (SHM) [10] and diamond smoothing surfaces and therefore it is possible to effectively use these methods by combining them in a single instrument. CI for the combined treatment of fine diamond turning and smoothing has several advantages. Due to the high hardness and wear resistance of diamond is possible to successfully handle hardened steel, and extended surface in one pass without changing tools. The high purity of the working surfaces of the tool and low adhesion ability of diamond can achieve while processing this COI even higher quality and roughness of the surface layer than in the treatment of carbide tools. Small work force used during the diamond smoothing to provide an advantage over the running tool and other methods PPD - in this case it is possible to use precision tools, without breaking their accuracy, the ability to process malozhorstkyh parts and parts with uneven hardness, which can not be processed other methods PPD without violating their geometric shape [2].

5.2 Analysis of combined processing

Now, as for lezovym and for viddilochno-strengthening treatments are well known basic laws of formation of the surface layer of parts that are well represented in the reference normative literature as a theoretical and empirical relationships[12], [18],[19],[20]. However, for practical use and justification of the rational choice of a particular method in the specific context of processing the available information is not sufficient. Therefore, a preliminary analysis in this section will consider the formation of patterns of roughness parameters during processing sharpening, smoothing Running and external surfaces of revolution with nezahartovanyh parts and hardened steels based on known empirical relationships.

To finish turning of steel carbide cutters nezahartovanyh surface roughness parameters Ra is [12]:


where S - supply, ? - front angle, r - radius at the top of the tool, V - cutting speed.

For run-rollers nezahartovanyh steel surface roughness parameters Ra is [12]:


where R p - reduced radius of the roller; P - efforts during the run-in; Dp - the diameter of the roller; SO - presentation during the run-in.

For the treatment of joint finish turning and run-rollers nezahartovanyh steel surface roughness parameters Ra is::



Figure 5.3 - graph of the roughness parameters during finish turning Ra1, Ra2 break-rollers and combined treatment of feed Ra3 S

As follows from the dependency rate, as during turning, and during the run-in, very slightly affects the roughness versus feed, so further analyzes management capabilities roughness due to changes in flow. Graph of the roughness parameters of feed for different types of treatment are presented in Figure 5.3. Processing conditions used for the calculations: material details - 45 steel, carbide cutter T15K6 (apex radius r = 2 mm, rake angle ? = 5O, in terms of angles ? = ? 1 = 45o), velocity V = 100 m / min, cutting depth t = 1 mm, obkatnyy movie - HVG steel (diameter 40 mm, reduced radius 1 mm), the force at break-P = 500 N.

Graphs illustrate the benefits of run-compatible processing and turning and run-so as to reduce the value of the surface roughness Ra compared to finish turning.

Quantitative changes of roughness during processing by different methods can be measured by an increase in roughness coefficient equal to the ratio of the estimated roughness parameters Rao and comparable Ras processing options:



Figure 5.4 - graph of the roughness parameters of feed for different types of treatment of hardened steels

Graphs of dependence of the increase in roughness of filing constructed in Appendix B and presented in Figure 5.4. To finish turning as compared with compatible finish (K1 = Ra1 / Ra3), and with the break-(R2 = Ra1 / Ra2), roughness increases up to 3 times, and with the increase in filing this ratio increases. For comparison with the run-compatible processing rate of increase in roughness (R3 = Ra2 / Ra3) decreases with increasing feed that must be considered when choosing the type of treatment and regulation of its parameters.

For fine turning of hardened steels using advanced superhard tool materials surface roughness parameters Ra is[12]:


During the run-beads and diamond smoothing the outer cylindrical surfaces of hardened steel with roughness parameters Ra is [12]:


Diamond smoothing



Rz èñõ - initial roughness; ? max - the maximum voltage on pin; d - diameter of the ball; da - the diameter of the diamond indenter.

Graph of the roughness parameters of feed for different types of treatment of hardened steel are presented in Figure 5.4. Terms processing: material details - Steel hardness HRC 63 SHH15; during fine turning Elbor front corner ? =-10o radius at the vertex r = 1 mm, cutting speed V = 100 m / min; during the run-in and smoothing: the diameter of the ball d = 10 mm, the diameter of the diamond indenter da = 5mm, the initial roughness Rz ysh = 2 m, stress ? max = 5000 MPa, the velocity V = 100 m / min.

For the combined treatment and fine sharpening Running and fine diamond sharpening and smoothing calculation of roughness parameters is done by formulas (5.6) and (5.7), where Rz ysh used as a parameter of roughness Ra4, which in turn is strongly dependent on feed :



ÃGraph of the roughness parameters of filing for specified types of combination treatment presented in Figure 5.5 indicate that the lower roughness provides common fine diamond sharpening and smoothing.

Due to the fact that during the combined treatment of initial roughness Raysh variable and decreases with a decrease in feed, roughness parameters Rakomb formed as a result of the combined treatment is less than normal viddilochno-firming treatment. So, while the combined treatment for the same feed can be made ??less roughness of the surface layer than in the ordinary viddilochno-firming treatment.


Figure 5.5 - graph of the roughness parameters of filing


Figure 5.6 - graph of the roughness parameters during combined treatment of fine turning and run-Ra7, and smoothing Ra8 from filing S S

Graphs of dependence of the increase in roughness of filing constructed and presented in Figure 5.7. For fine sharpening compared with combined treatment with diamond smoothing (K4 = Ra4 / Ra8) and Running (K5 = Ra4 / Ra7) roughness increases to 4 times, and the coefficients are practically independent of flow. For run-(K6 == Ra5 / Ra7) and smoothing (K7 == Ra6 / Ra8) compared with combined treatment with roughness increases up to 3 times, and reducing roughness coefficient for the two specified types of combination treatment is almost the same and with the increase of feed decreases.


Figure 5.7 - Graphs of dependence of the increase in bone shorst-K filing of S during treatment of hardened steels

Thus, the comparative assessment of roughness parameters of the surface layer during different types lezovym and viddilochno-firming treatments suggests that the combined methods of machining and PPD provide the best condition of the surface layer in comparison with two types of treatments.


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