Improving the efficiency of the oxygen mini-converter to implement Kaldo process
- Introduction
- Changes made ??to the classic design Kaldo Converter
- General layout drawing of the complex equipment, which is part of the mini- converter
- Conclusions
- References
A marked increase in the proportion of obsolete scrap with a high content of undesirable impurities , resulting in the disposal of cars and home appliances, as well as the urgent need in the processing of accumulated waste in the regions containing ferrous metals and harmful environment , are the main prerequisites for the creation of steel mini - and microgeneration , through which you can not only improve the ecological situation in the Donbass , but also to obtain tangible economic benefit [1 , 2] . For example, on eksperitmentalnom factory LLC "Energocapital" ( Makeyevka Donetsk region ) introduced technology involves the processing of mini blast furnace capacity of 128 m3 of pellets and metallurgical coal slurries in quality cast iron. In this derived byproducts - granulated slag and blast furnace gas - further used respectively as construction material and fuel in plants generating electricity . [3]
In this regard, the department " Mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy plants " of Donetsk National Technical University for 5 years , work is underway to improve steelmaking facilities for processing substandard batch and industrial waste (supervisor Head of Department Prof.. S.Eronko ) . In particular , developed and patented streamlined design 10 - ton BOF [ 4, 5] , which implements Kaldo process , using which it is possible to obtain high-quality steel from cast iron with a high content of sulfur and phosphorus , and apply a charge of up to 50 % of poor quality scrap .
Changes made ??to the classic design Kaldo Converter
In a classic design Kaldo Converter changes were made concerning the kinematic scheme of the rotation mechanism housing smelting unit . summary changes is that the drive mechanism for the rotation converter is not mounted on its casing , and placed permanently on site by one of the pins . This considerably simplifies its repair and maintenance, and also reduces the load on the drive mechanism for turning the converter housing because of reduced mass of the moving system steelmaking unit . .
General layout drawing of the complex equipment, which is part of the mini- converter is shown in Fig . 1 . P>
Conclusions . Presented in this paper the technical solutions aimed at modernizing the oxygen converter , allowing to carry out the processing charge in the form of poor vysokofosforistogo iron and scrap metal recycling , represent a certain economic interest, because in the near future should see increased work associated with the search for alternative technologies to produce steel with low harmful impurities in the face of rising prices for raw materials and energy , as well as increased competition in the global steel market . General layout drawing of the complex equipment, which is part of the mini- converter h2>
Figure 1 - General layout drawing of the complex equipment, which is part of the mini- converter
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