Brief resume
Name | Luksha Anastasia |
Date of birth | Aug 25, 1992 |
Place of birth | Gorlovka, Donetsk region |
Schools | 1999–2009 Gorlivka EC ¹ 50 – a multi–lyceum |
Universities | 2009–2013 Donetsk National Technical University, Department mechanical engineering and machine building, specialty "Computerized Power and mechanical systems", Bachelor. 2013–2014 Donetsk National Technical University, Department mechanical engineering and machine building, specialty "Computerized Power and mechanical systems", Magistracy. |
Average score | 4,17 |
Languages | Russian and Ukrainian (fluent), English (in volume sufficient for reading and correspondence) |
Personal achievements | From 2006 to 2009 – participated in the international mathematical contest "Kangaroo". From 2008 to 2009 – took part in the competition "Russian bear – linguistics for all". From 2012 to 2013 – participated in the conference "Mechanics of liquid and gas" and was awarded a diploma for active participation. In 2010 – training at the Donetsk Higher Professional Mountain College. Has received an additional qualification duty electrician on repair of the equipment |
Hobbies and interests | Reading (classic and contemporary literature), ballroom dance, music |
Personal qualities | Diligence, punctuality, self–control, good sense of humor, tact, punctuality. Attentive and friendly towards people |
Professional and computer skills |
Professional experience | 2012 July–August – Technological practice on the OJSC MCC «Donbassugleavtomatika» as a backup for the electrician locksmith; December 2013–February 2014 – on the LLC «ISTEK», Gorlovsky coke–chemical plant as a backup mechanics |
Future plans | Finished the magistracy, successful employment with possibility of career growth, second higher education. Take a trip around the world and to learn to swim |
Contact information | |