We often face the aerosol particles in various perfumeries, fresheners, powder, talc and other products of cosmetology and household chemical goods. But the main quantity of aerosols particles is in the industrial plants emissions.
Plants and factories are the main source of emissions. In particular there are multitude of thermoelectric power stations and plants of hard industry. The plants of ironwork and power stations are make the 35 and 32% of all pollutions accordingly per year. The spray emissions are consist of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, ashes, smallest nonburned particles of fuel, such as dangerous radioactive elements, dioxin, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and many others matters. Besides that the motor transport is approaching to industrial plants for the harmful influence of emissions nd be the same power producer, such as thermoelectric power stations and etc.
The cars emissions are bring in atmosphere the lead particles, sulfur oxides, nitrogen and carbon. In our country lead adds to fuel for increase the octane number.
The filters and various dust recovery equipments are placed at the many plants. However there are become moral and physical obsolete over many years of work.
By using the modern filters and spray locate equipments on the plants we can decrease the quantity of aerosol emissions at one third. We will examine some of that equipment.
In modern technique and technology of spray recovery they are stopped using of filtration by only one cleaning factor, such as electrostatic attraction (electric filters), centrifugal force (cyclones), gravity (gravity chamber) and etc. These factors are combining in one device for increase cleaning quality.
One of the modern constructions of cyclones includes the electrostatic effect. It effect was arrived by connecting the body to the ground and the output tube to the cathode. Such construction (Pic. 1,a) combines the possibility of electric filter and the cyclone
But the electrostatic forces are not useless for filtration and recovery of highly explosive aerosols. In that case they find an application for dust recovery equipment with using the liquid.
This equipment was taken the wide spreading for aerosols recovery. The property of liquid is using for catching or dissolve the particles. The constructions of the wet dust recovery equipment are not enough. Therefore the modifications of this equipment are less various. The weakness of this dust recovery method is the possibility of fluid formation with high corrosion. Another problem is the solid particles extraction from fluid after dust recovery.
One of the progressive solutions is the inertional-impact equipment with lamellar nozzle. The gas-dust emissions enter into the nipple 4, it direct to the liquid surface. After the impact large particles are getting in to the liquid in effect of inertia. Blow will make the drop screen which catching more small particles. The vertical flow was made by using of plated nozzle. This component is further the coagulation process of small particles. Setup the supplementary plated nozzle is promoting the small particles coagulation process.

Figure 1 – a) The model of the inertional-impact equipment for aerosols recovery: 1- body; 2- lath; 3- lamellar; 4- input nipple; 5- liquid layer; 6- output nipple for recovered air; 7- string. b) The fundamental scheme of the cyclone with using electrostatic powers.
According the research outcomes in result of further increase of gas speed the drop carry-over will occurred.
The creation of new equipment is lead in various directions: acoustic sirens, devices with scum layer, devices with used polymers, filters with gamma-radiation and etc. But the acoustic sirens are good for aerosols conglomeration, however it doesn’t have effect on the superdispersed particles. The devices with scum layer are efficiently for recovering dust particles all over size range, but that equipment has the large hydraulic friction and low productivity.
However, the exotic and science intensive techniques and technologies of dust recovery have the perspective. For example, the devices with using light pressure on solid particles. But now the main way of research is the increasing of the dust recovery quantity by means of combining of various methods in the one equipment. The many possibilities of research will opened in that direction and the result of those researches will give to us clear and safe air.