DonNTU Master Bratukha Mykhailo

Bratukha Mykhailo

Faculty of Computer Science and Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Speciality System Programming

A virtual environment for debugging the software of real-time systems

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., professor Vladimir Svyatniy

Brief Resume of Master

Full name Bratukha Mykhailo
Date of birth 14 January 1992
Place of birth Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk region
School 1999–2009 — Comprehensive school No. 2, Krasnoarmeysk

2013–2015 — National Technical University Donetsk, Germany Technical Faculty; speciality System programming, master

2010–2013 — National Technical University Donetsk, Germany Technical Faculty; speciality System programming, bachelor

2009–2010 — National Technical University Donetsk, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, speciality Computer Diagnostic System, bachelor

Average score 4.85

Russian: native

Ukrainian: native

English: pre-intermediate

German: pre-intermediate (B1)

Personal achievements

Participation in student conferences and competitions of scientific works

Third place in personal offset and first in team of Ukrainian competition 2013 on system programming

Additional courses, internships

August 2013 — Language courses at the University of Hannover, Germany

March 2014 — Internship at the University of Stuttgart, Germany

Operating systems Windows XP/7/8 and Ubuntu
Programming languages C#, C/C++, JavaScript, PHP
Scripting languages HTML, XML (XSLT), CSS
Software MS Visual Studio, Eclipse, MatLab, Mathematica, Adobe Photoshop
Professional experience September 2013 – February 2014 — Junior C# Developer (WPF)
Future plans Development and defence of the master's work, a deep study of the English and German languages, the enhancement of skills, traveling around the world