IntroductionIn the modern world the big role is played by control of knowledge of pupils, students, workers. Control is understood as system of scientifically well–founded check of results of training. There is a set of forms of control — examination, offset, certification, control. But the most correct gauge of knowledge for today is testing. Testing is a set of in special way prepared and picked up tasks, allowing to spend revealing of demanded characteristics of process of training. One of the main advantages of tests consists that they allow to interrogate all participants on all questions of the necessary material in identical conditions, applying thus to all without an exception the same, in advance developed rating scale. It considerably raises objectivity and validity of an estimation in comparison with other forms of control. Tests and test tasks were extended in spheres where it is necessary to define precisely knowledge on all course, where a lot of handing over where careful selection of participants is necessary: personnel certification of the enterprises, employment, certification and control of knowledge of students, remote formation and the examination test. Today computer testing possesses a number of advantages before traditional testing. It differs high efficiency, productivity of process of testing and objectivity of results of control of knowledge. Unlike blank systems of testing, computer tests allow to use a difficult quality monitoring of an estimation of knowledge of pupils, to lower financial and time expenses at testing carrying out, to apply in tests multimedia tasks, and as to raise an openness of process of testing. The majority of systems of testing, possibilities to answer our questions have no. When we want to learn something, we ask — we ask a question that, in general, and it is natural in the course of knowledge. In this connection interaction of system with the user through the question–answer interface gets a special urgency and becomes the central problem of the given research. The Question–answer system is the information system, capable to accept questions and to answer them in a natural language, in other words, it is system with a natural language interface. On an input to such system the inquiry formulated in a natural language then he is processed with use of methods NLP (Natural Language Processing) moves, and the natural language answer is generated. As an information source the question–answer system uses local storehouse, a global network, or both that and another simultaneously. Creation of system of testing on the basis of web technologies is the extremely perspective and actual scientific problem creation of modern model of web service of testing of knowledge with use of the question–answer interface and by means of means of web working out for effective work will be which result. From the moment of occurrence of the first prototypes of question–answer systems their scope has considerably extended. For example, them use in answers to the questions connected in due course, are studied as adjacent areas, such as: construction of interactive question–answer systems, a reuse of answers and representation of knowledge. But the area of use of question-answer interfaces in testing systems remains not investigated as analogues at present are not present, and it is good prospect for working out of research base for the future works. 1. Theme urgencyIt is supposed that given магистерская work will allow to expand existing models of the semantic analysis, having increased their flexibility and a susceptibility within some subject domain. Many aspects of a problem of development of creative thinking of pupils in educational process are at present developed. Influence of independent statement of questions and drawing up of problems on deeper mastering of a teaching material, on independence development is proved. All these aspects directly are connected with use of questions for the organisation informative activity of pupils, however, in the discussion centre — use of questions or a question–answer method. The research problem is as by means of the question–answer interface of system of testing to organise uchebno-informative activity of pupils in the course of training so that to stimulate intellectual and creative development of such pupils? The important requirement to educational system at the present stage is necessity to help pupils to extract knowledge, to be guided in the sated information field, that is to learn them to work creatively. To organise training process it is necessary so that the pupil himself asked questions to system for replenishment of necessary knowledge. The organisation of educational process at which the pupil is the initiator of educational dialogical dialogue with system, allows to reveal in a new fashion a role and functions of system which will already act as the assistant to the pupil, and its role consists, first of all, in dialogue cordination. 2. Goal and tasks of the researchResearch objective: to resolve the revealed problem by a scientific substantiation and working out of a technique of use of the question–answer interface as conducting tool of “return dialogue” with system, for intellectual and creative development of pupils. Object of research is process of training and examination of pupils by means of system of testing with the question–answer interface. Object of research is the method of use of the question–answer interface in the systems testing stimulating intellectual and creative development of pupils [1]. At the decision of the put problem hypotheses undertook a basis that the organisation of informative activity of pupils in the course of training by means of the question–nswer interface will stimulate their intellectual and creative development:
For object in view realisation it is necessary to solve following research problems:
The system designation is training of pupils by means of the question-answer interface and procedure of “return dialogue”, and as exact estimation of knowledge of the user of passing testing on the basis of adaptive complex testing on the chosen subject domain [3]. 3. Methods of realisation of system of testing with question–answer interfaceAt creation of model of system of testing with question–answer interface, had been studied a considerable quantity of works on the given theme among which it is possible to allocate a number of common faults:
Modern question-answer system work with the unlimited or limited subject domains. In the first case they remind traditional search engines more, however differ from them that use quantity question–answer interface. The basic appendix of system of testing with the question–answer interface is realisation of the interface the person-knowledge base for various scopes. Besides, question–answer systems, obviously, solve a problem of information search in general. Let's list the basic requirements for a conclusion of the answer to the user:
ConclusionIncrease of value of formation in a society and development of computer facilities of information technology was defined by a wide circulation of training systems and examination systems. The given researches should raise quality of estimation of knowledge, formalize and automate a technique of formation of adaptive tests, estimate quality of tests formed by system, to give possibility of estimation of knowledge as, in general, on discipline, and on separate themes in particular. The majority of research question–answer systems is constructed on the typical conveyor. Distinguish a question analysis stage on which definition of type of the expected answer, a stage of information search on which text fragments, and a stage of extraction of the answer on which search and a choice of candidates of the answer, their estimation and a choice of the potential answer is made receive is important. The most part of modern question-answer systems various methods of the analysis and processing of natural languages are used. On the basis of research of existing decisions it is possible to draw a conclusion on possibility of realisation of a prototype of the question-answer interface for system of the testing based on web search with use of methods of natural language processing as thus there is no necessity for support of the big base of text documents, there is no necessity for attraction of experts, working out of methods of search of the text fragments containing the potential answer is not necessary and it is possible to abstract from problems of information search. The analysis of existing means of semantic analysis of natural language texts, their features and technology has been made. Algorithms of system of the analysis of the text are described and the structure of system of construction of semantic analysis is developed for natural language texts. The important remarkAt a writing of the given author's abstract work of the master is not finished yet. Presumable date of end – on December, 10th, 2015 the Full text of work, and also materials on a theme can be received at the author or its head after the named date. References