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The concept of gender was appeared in 60–70s due to the neofeminism movement. This movement has changed the understanding of gender relations and women's purpose. Since then search for model of equal opportunities for women and men began.

First, the term gender was applied to American psychoanalyst Robert Stoller in 1968 in his paper Sex and gender: on the development of masculinity and femininity. R. Stoller argued that gender it is a social sex, which is based on psychological and cultural characteristics that are independent of that which interpret the biological sex [1, с. 13].

In the context of decent work gender equality covers equal opportunity, equality of fees and salaries and access to safe and healthy working environment, equality in collective bargaining, equality in career development and high achievements in work, maternity protection, balance between work and family equitable as well as for both men and women. ILO understands gender equality as a matter of human rights, social justice and sustainable development [2, с. 47].

For many reasons, gender equality is considered like an important element of the modern labor market policy development. First, labor markets with equal participation of men and women are more effective because competition in the markets is increasing. Secondly, the basis for the taxation of profit increases with the labor market participation of both men and women. Third, providing opportunities to combine work and family life is most likely will contribute to growth fertility. Fourth, modern labor markets needs greater flexibility and choice of professions, working hours and telecommuting opportunities.

1. Relevance of the topic, the subject and object of research

The research is devoted to the problem of gender inequality and gender inequality in education and science on the example of Donetsk National Technical University. In this research work analyzed the current state of the problem, presented causes of gender inequalities in education and science, and also investigated the social processes that contribute to it.

The theme of gender equality is new for Ukraine and not developed, especially in the field of science and education. Relevance of research is defined as incomplete development and implementation methodological and procedural framework that would reduce gender inequality in education and science. Therefore, there is necessary the method to identify gender inequality and recommendations for eliminate it adapted for Ukrainian universities.

Object of research  – gender inequality in the labor market.

Subject of research  – gender inequality in social and labor relations, particularly in the field of science and education.

2. Goal, tasks and scientific novelty of the research

The goal of the research is an analysis of gender inequality in the labor market, especially in the field of science and education; development of recommendations to reduce gender inequalities in science and education.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Analysis of contemporary issues in the gender dimension.
  2. Analysis of the legal coverage of gender equality.
  3. Identification of gender inequality in education and science.
  4. Development of recommendations to reduce gender inequality in education and science.

Predicted scientific novelty of the research is:

  1. Implementation of gender analysis of professional work scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher school on an example of one of the leading universities in the country.
  2. Diagnostics of the gender inequality.
  3. Compilation and development of methods for prevention of gender inequality in education and science.

3. Analysis of contemporary issues in the gender dimension

Modern problems in the labor market of Ukraine are high unemployment, deteriorating quality of the labor force, the lack of competitiveness of the national labor market, income differentiation of the population. We suggest to consider these issues from a gender perspective.

Gender dimension (gender approach) has the interests of both social and sexual groups in society. The essence of a gender perspective is the realization that all social phenomena are in different ways have an effect on men and women and presenting them with different reactions. Therefore, at the state level government should take special measures to achieve gender equality [3, с. 13].

Ukraine ranked 64 from 135 possible position in the ranking of gender equality of the World Economic Forum [4]. This index is calculated by comparing the opportunities for men and women in four areas: politics, employment and career building, education and healthcare.

According to World Bank [5], women and men in Ukraine have approximately equal access to education at primary and secondary school (fig. 1). At tertiary the number of women is more than the number of men by an average of 21  %. Theoretically it means that women have a significant advantage in the labor market than men. However, employment in the informal economy is typical for women. In addition, women are working overtime at the informal, non‑permanent and dangerous jobs with low salaries and low labor protection. Also a large number of women have a part‑time work.

Figure 1 –Dynamics of the ratio of women to men by types of education, %

Figure 1 – Dynamics of the ratio of women to men by types of education, %

The ratio of women and men at tertiary in the world has not a sustainable trend. Throughout 1999–2003 number of women who have studied in high school, had the highest value. But the last decade the number of women at tertiary is dropping rapidly (fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Dynamics of the world ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment, %

Figure 2 – Dynamics of the world ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment, %
(animation: 7 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 382 kilobytes)

Unemployment rate among women in all age groups is lower than that men by 1–2 %. The employment rate of women is significantly less than men. In particular, in the age group 25–29 years, the gap is 16,7  %, in other age groups  – about 10 % (fig. 3). This suggests that women do not have equal access to the labor market.

Figure 3 – Employment rate (a) and unemployment rate (b) of the population by sex and age groups in 2012

Figure 3 – Employment rate (a) and unemployment rate (b) of the population by sex and age groups in 2012

Women face the wage gap and the income gap between men and women in employment and career building. This is one of the most stable forms of discrimination. Wage gaps are found in highly professions (fig. 4). In particular, the largest gap of wages observed in activities related to air transport and is 3076 UAH, in financing activities  – 2280 UAH, post and communication activities  – 1613 UAH. Approximately equal wages women and men get in activities such as forestry and related services, land transport activities and operations with real estate, leasing, engineering and private provision services. It should be noted that only in one area of women's wages exceeding the wages of men 223 UAH  – is fishing and fish farming [6]. In this regard, it should be set fair pay for equal work.

Table 1 – Economic activity (supportive table to Figure 4)

NumberType of economic activityNumberType of economic activity
1Fishing, fish farming12Industry
2Agriculture, hunting and associated services13Water transport activities
3Activity of hotels and restaurants14Ground-based transport activities
4Building activity15Transport and communications
5Healtd care and social assistance16Government
6Post and telecommunication17Additional transport services and supportive operations
7Trade; repair of motor vehicles, household goods and items of personal‑use18Operations witd real estate, leasing, engineering and private provision services.
8Forestry and related services19Research and development
9Education20Financial activities
10Provision of communal and individual services; cultural and sports activities21Air transport activities
11Activity in culture and sport, recreation and entertainment

Figure 4 – Average monthly wage of women and men by economic activity

Figure 4 – Average monthly wage of women and men by economic activity

So, we can say that gender equality has an important place in the development of Ukrainian labor market.

4. Legal coverage of gender equality

In Ukraine, women and men have equal rights at the legislative level. Basic principles of gender equality are established by the Constitution. Articles 3, 21, 2, 24 of the Constitution provide the equality between men and women in all spheres of life. Part three of art. 24 of the Constitution is devoted to fighting discrimination against women in Ukraine. It says that equal rights for women and men is ensured by providing women and men equal opportunities in social, political and cultural activities, education and vocational training, in work and remuneration, etc. It is also creates conditions that enable women to combine work and motherhood. It is about legal protection, material and moral support for mothers and children, including paid leave and other benefits for pregnant women and mothers. Legislatively men are deprived of such opportunities. This approach is typical illustration of a formal understanding of the principle of gender equality.

Principles of the equality between men and women and the special protection of working women are also enshrined in the Labour Code of Ukraine, which was passed in 1971 and still remains in force. The Labour Code is under reform, and it gives the opportunity to change some aspects of gender equality.

Ukraine signed the major international instruments on gender equality at the international level. In particular, the State has ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol thereto, 1951 ILO Convention on Equal Remuneration (№  100), the ILO Convention of 1958 on Discrimination in Employment and Occupation (№  111), ILO Convention of 1981 on workers with family responsibilities (№  156). Ukraine guarantees of equality, development and justice in the state, guided by the ideas of social and gender equality.

In September 2005, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine On equal rights and opportunities for women and men. It aims to achieve parity between women and men in all spheres of society, aims to correct the imbalance between opportunities for women and men to realize equal rights granted to them by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Under the Act, the Government provides a uniform state policy aimed to achieving equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men in all spheres of society, accepts the National Action Plan for the implementation of gender equality and ensure its implementation, develops and implements national target programs to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men, directs and coordinates the work of the ministries and other executive bodies to promote gender equality, organizes the preparation of the national report on the implementation in Ukraine of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, takes into account the principle of gender equality in decision‑legal acts, claims procedures for gender‑legal examination [7, с.  29–30].

Therefore, to improve the Ukrainian legislation in the direction of gender equality should draw public attention to this issue and to encourage political power to action.

5. Identification of gender inequality in education and science

Women are dominate among university students, but it should be noted that in the sphere of science and education there has been gender segregation (a situation in which women and men are unequally distributed between different activities) of scientific fields for many years. In this case, the sphere of science and education can function optimally provide equal participation of women at all levels (fig. 5). So, female directions can be considered medicine  – 87  % of students, the humanities  – 83,2  %, social sciences  – 82,7  % [8, с. 128]. Graduate and doctoral students are distributed to areas in the same way.

Figure 5 – Distribution of university students I-II level of accreditation for fields of knowledge at the beginning of the 2009/10 academic year, %

Figure 5 – Distribution of university students I-II level of accreditation for fields of knowledge at the beginning of the 2009/10 academic year, %

It should be noted that women in science actively improve their skills. Steady growth in the number of both candidates and doctors of science can be traced from 2005 to 2012. [9, с. 27–28]. However, career development of women candidates to the doctor of sciences is complicated by competition with male scientists. And a woman to become a doctor of science is hampered not only gender inequality, but also objective difficulties arising from family responsibilities, child‑rearing.

Wage gap also plays an important role. This gap is 244 UAH. Feminization of science and education is directly related to low wages in the fields of education and science [6].

So that, gender inequality in education and science has led to the fact that women equal rights are not observed.


So, the labor market in general and the academic space have a steady trend of promoting gender inequality. Gender inequality increases under the influence of an increase in unemployment, gender segregation, issues in employment and career building, gender differentiation of wages, etc.

The mechanism of eliminating gender disparities should be based on the following tasks:

  1. Gradual reduction of segregation and the pay gap between men and women, recognizing the value of the so‑called female sectors.
  2. Development strategies and programs to support the role of women in society, including technical areas that are not inherent to women.
  3. Balance between work and family responsibilities for women and men, as well as equitable distribution of work and family life through the development and adoption of laws and social programs aimed at supporting families.
  4. Promote conditions in which all participants have an equal opportunity to disclose their full potential.
  5. Establishment of gender equality and gender considerations as one of the essential components of human resource management, in particular for the modernization of science and education sphere.
  6. Implementation of training and awareness of management and staff at all levels on gender and gender equality, support the development of women's leadership skills.
  7. Promote gender considerations in the curriculum at all stages of the educational process, the use of gender analysis and gender impact assessment during research and development.

Functioning of scientific and pedagogical community depends on all of these characteristics. In our opinion, solution of these tasks will help to reduce gender inequality.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2014. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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