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Managing investment in working capital in the current environment

Автор:A. Belyu
Источник:Law of Ukraine "On investment activity" from 18.09.1991 № 1560-XII (as amended) / / Supreme Council of Ukraine (BVR). - 1991. - № 47. - P. 646.


A. Belyu Managing investment in working capital in the current environment.

Investment management of working capital plays an important role in the investment of the company, as working capital in industries account for more than half of the capital. Determining the required level of working capital, which depend on the state of the current capital of the enterprise, including decisions about the sources of their funding.

Analysis of recent research and publications. This issue devoted to the work of both domestic and foreign scholars: N. S. Herasymchuka, Z Borisenko, Z. Zadorozhna, A Kuznetsova, L. Hluhova, Y. Sevryuhyna, V. Hobta, M Bilyk, I Blanca, S President, A Karbovnyk, V Savchuk, A Tereshchenko, N Ushakov, V Bocharov, V Kovalev, M Kreyninoyi, V Leontiev and others.

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the investment management of working capital based on research trends in the formation of economy.

Current assets – a combination of cash advances for the creation and use of circulating capital and money circulation in order to ensure continuous production and sales. Working capital provides the current needs of the company. Thus working capital in cash consistently take different functional forms – financial, food and commodity. By changing the form of the money commodity production cycle returns to the starting point and the process is repeated[3].

Investing is the beginning of the investment process, which by its duration and influence covers all stadiyi cycle. Overall investment in the production of the social product can result in a scheme that has the following steps.

The process of investment takes the lead in the play and provides a link between cycles. It is a link in the transition from one cycle to another. Although the capital invested in investment, is not involved directly in the creation of products, it serves as a link between production and product. As long as capital fails to fulfill its function of engagement, the production process can begin. Therefore, study its feasibility profound effect on the income of enterprises and adaptation to environmental conditions that change. Investments made ??based on misconceptions about the need for investment, may lead to unsatisfactory impact on the production costs and profits. The significance and importance of investment decisions is related to three aspects of these processes:


So rank, upravlіnnya іnvestitsіyami a werewolf in CAPITAL kіntsevomu rezultatі vplivayut on fіnansovі rezuttati, fіnansovy mill capital structure that efektivnіst vіkoristannya obіgovih koshtіv.

List of References

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3.Лемішко О.О. Інвестиції в основний капітал та їх вплив на економіку України // Фінанси України. – 2007. – № 7. – С. 46-61.
4.Закон України Про інвестиційну діяльність від 18.09.1991 № 1560-XII (із змінами і доповненнями) // Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР). – 1991. – №47. – С. 646.