- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Theoretical bases of management staff motivation
- 4. Methods of motivating staff
- Conclusion
- References
In modern management are becoming increasingly important motivational aspects. Motivation of staff is the main means of ensuring optimal use of resources, mobilization of available human resources. The main purpose of the process of motivation – is to get maximum benefit from the use of the existing workforce, which improves overall performance and profitability of the enterprise.
peculiarity of personnel management in the transition to the market is the increasing role of the individual employee. Accordingly, the change in the ratio of motives and needs, which can rely on a system of motivation. To motivate employees today use both financial and non-financial methods of remuneration. Meanwhile, a certain picture of the relationship between certain aspects of the motivational sphere employees today and most effective methods of management or management theory or practice of personnel management does not give [1].
1. Theme urgency
Actuality due to the fact that the transition to a social market orientable implies the need to establish an adequate mechanism for motivation. Without this practice can not be considered objective prerequisites for improving the efficiency of production – the basis of growth in real incomes and living standards. In this case the end point of the reforms is all business, where there is a connection directly to the workforce with the means of production, the process of work. Recognition of the decisive role of motivational mechanism in terms of the reforms does appeal to the theme authors intra staff motivation especially important.
Problem of motivation is widely regarded today in academic and journalistic literature. However, attempts to adapt the classical theory of motivation to the present largely unsystematic, which makes practical use of techniques and motivation. The complexity of the practical organization of personnel motivation system defined in the same poorly studied features of motivation of workers in specific industries and types of production. Although a number of papers devoted to this subject was published. Some assistance in studying the structure of incentives and motivation of personnel managers may have conducted sociological research on the characteristics and trends of the motivational sphere of work today.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
Goal of this work is to identify the structure of motivation of labor behavior of different categories of personnel and enterprise development on this basis science-based approaches to stimulate their labor activity based problems:
- Analyze the theoretical concepts of motivation and select basic models, which are the most relevant.
- Examine the structure and features of the motivation of labor behavior of different groups of personnel of enterprises.
- Consider known scientific approaches to the study questions to stimulate labor as labor management behavior of employees of organizations.
- Develop methods to stimulate improvements in labor activity employees, taking into account the actual structure of their work motivation, job functions performed by particular, targets organizations.
- Apply piloted approaches developed to improve labor incentives at the enterprise level and evaluate their performance in terms of the impact of generalized indicators of labor behavior of the economic viability of the organization.
Object of research can serve employees of various professional groups working in the factories.
Subject of research is the structure and features of motivation of different groups of staff, as well as methods of motivation used in personnel management.
Research Methods. Methodology were the works of leading domestic and foreign economists, sociologists, psychologists concerned with the theory of motivation and stimulation of labor behavior, human resource management, corporate governance strategies. The data were conducted questionnaires and expert interviews with businesses. Depending on the tasks at each stage of the dissertation research as applied scientific methods and logical system analysis and synthesis, and special techniques: economic-statistics methods of collecting and processing information, sociological methods of collecting primary data, methods of economic analysis.
3. Theoretical bases of management staff motivation
There are many motivational tendencies, of which develops the concept and motivation, and which to some extent inherent in every human being. Unfortunately, clear and universally accepted definition of motivation does not exist. Various authors give a definition of motivation, starting from their point of view.
Motivate employees – hence affect their vital interests, needs anything . Disturbances in motivation may have several causes, which are rooted in interpersonal conflicts among employees. Exemplary of reaching significant results in prompting tens and even hundreds of people to work and commitment to constant innovation propensity, show that there is no reason why you can not create a system to allow the majority of staff feel triumphant [2].
Most widely discloses the concept of motivation, the following definition of E. Utkin: Motivation – state of the individual that determines the degree of activity and direction of human action in a particular situation
4. Methods of motivating staff
Methods of motivating staff can be very diverse and depend on the elaboration of motivation system in the enterprise, the overall management system and features of the activity of the enterprise.
the following methods to motivate effective work behavior [5]:
- financial incentives;
- organizational methods;
- moral and psychological.
Modern content theories of motivation are focusing on the definition of the list and the structure of people’s needs.
Remedial theories of motivation are considered the most modern theories of motivation, they also recognize the needs motivating role, however, she is considered the motivation in them in terms of what causes a person to guide efforts to achieve various goals. The most common content theories are Maslow’s theory of motivation, McClelland and Herzberg [6].
Motives play an important role in human labor. Without them, no work activity may be advisable. But the motives are different and can affect different force, causing directional or non-human activity.
Practical motivation function is to select the different ways and methods of effective impact on staff in order to focus on its productive activity with regard to motivational attitudes of employees and their professional and personal potential.
Effect of a motivational system in practice depends largely on the government, although in recent years, certain steps were taken to enhance the role of the enterprises to develop their own systems of motivation that at a particular time interval allow to implement facing enterprises goals and challenges in market conditions.
Is no uniform method of personnel motivation, effective at all times and under all circumstances. However, any method used is based on the head of the selected firm human resource management strategy. This means that the choice of a particular method of motivation should, first of all, to define a common strategy of personnel management, which follow or want to follow the firm.
Examining a small part of management – employee motivation, we found that motivation significantly increases productivity, which leads to increased profits.
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