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Relevance of research topic. Under the conditions chosen by Ukraine innovative way of development of the economy are becoming increasingly important management issues in the area of economic and innovative enterprise in particular personnel. To date, has ripened objective necessity to create administrative mechanism, wherever there was a real possibility of limiting factors are not controlled development. So understanding administrative problems arising in the process of building such a mechanism - is one of the most important tasks of management science, defining the role of human capital as the most active capital.

Social and personnel problems, specific aspects of innovative activity managers and employees of companies considered in the works of such authors as [1-11] L.Blyahman, V.Bogachov, Y.Vasilchuk, E.Vihlisenko, B.Genkin, M.Grachov, G.Dobrov, N.Lapin, L.Menshikov, B.Nagorny, G. Popov, A.Prigozhin, E. Starobinskiy, G.Slezinger, V.Shahova and other. However, if the study of manage individual elements of the personnel potential of an innovative enterprise is devoted to a sufficiently large number work, then integrated system of effective innovation management personnel of enterprises still have not worked out.

In addition, no unified point of view about the means and criteria for evaluating the personnel component of the innovation capacity of enterprises, as well as all of the potential; degree of theoretical and methodical elaboration problems of increasing the efficiency of its use in market conditions do not meet modern requirements. Consequently is it necessary to search for new forms and methods management of innovative activity in the enterprise. Given the rapid pace of socio - economic change, it is also necessary to continuously refinement of and complement the results obtained earlier. Necessity to develop new approaches to the management personnel of the innovation capacity, which led to the activization of innovative activity of enterprises, led to the relevance of the master's work, the choice of its purpose and trends research.

Purpose and objectivesThe purpose of the master's work is the further development of theory and the creation of methodical recommendations to improve personnel management in innovative enterprises in modern conditions of managing.

To achieve the purpose in the work need to solve the following objectives:

- Determine the nature, characteristics and methods of personnel management on innovative enterprises;
- Explore features of the functioning of innovative enterprises;
- Explore the motivational aspects of personnel management in innovative enterprises;
- Analyze human resource management at the enterprises of Ukraine;
- Evaluate innovative processes in the modern conditions of managing in Ukraine;
- Analyze human resource management system on the innovative enterprise;
- Determine the instruments improve efficiency of personnel management in innovative enterprises in Ukraine and develop recommendations on improving personnel management innovative company;
- Explore improving employee motivation as a basic means of human resource management;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of measures to improve personnel management in innovative enterprises.

Object and subject of research.Object of research are innovative processes that are carried out in modern enterprises.

Subject - principles and methods of forming the personnel management system on the innovative enterprise.

Dataware.Information base research became works of domestic and foreign economists and sociologists, Materials of the State Statistics Committee, primary materials accounting and statistical reporting industrial enterprises, obtained by the author data from survey and expert assessments, the results own observations.

Approbation of results of the work. The main ideas, position, proposals have been tested by 3 international, Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, such as: V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “Creative search of youth - focus on efficiency” (February 25, 2014, Khmelnitsky, KhKTEI), Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "Modern problems of investment and innovation" (March 27-28, 2014, Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University), II International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Theoretical Conference "employment problem" (April 30, 2014, Donetsk, Donetsk National Technical University).

1. Theoretical Foundations of personnel management in innovative enterprises

In Section 1, "Theoretical Foundations of personnel management in innovative enterprises" examines the role of innovative activity in ensuring economic stability and competitiveness of industrial enterprises of Ukraine in the modern economic conditions; stand out factors constraining its development in enterprises; consider the characteristics and conditions that contribute to the ability of enterprises to develop and implement innovations; determined by the nature, characteristics and methods of personnel management.

An important element of the productive forces are people of with the level of education, experience and skill.

Category "personel" is more accurate at the enterprise level, as it determines the personnel of the enterprise, in paid employment and distinct characteristics. The main ones are:
- Employment mutual relations with the employer, are usually checked by labor contracts;
- Possession of specific quality characteristics, a combination of personal and organizational purposes.

Personnel of the enterprise characterised by the number, structure, professional competence. The number of personnel determined by the character, scope, complexity, laborious production processes, the level of mechanisation, automation and computerisation, and their level of innovativeness.

Approaches to the definition innovative activity is not regarded in the context of personnel management of innovative enterprise, although it frames determine the effectiveness of the company. So, innovation activity - it's activities are focused on the use and motivation to innovate intellectual resources employees for further commercialization (or introduction into the production process) of results of their intellectual labor, and the creation of this work on the basis of new intangible assets.

Company carrying out innovative activity is an innovative. Innovative enterprise can function as an innovation center, a business incubator, Techno polis, Techno park, etc. At such enterprises attention should be given HR-management [5].

In management of the personnel play an important role motivational aspects, so if brought into practice apply, it can be stimulated even hopeless worker. On innovative enterprise personnel motivation is becoming increasingly important, as personnel become self-regulating system.

Approaches to employee motivation

Рicture 1 – Approaches to employee motivation (animation: 6 frames, 10 cycles of repeating, 102 kilobytes)

One characteristic of the innovative activity is the unpredictability results, which can be both positive and negative. Competently designed by work should create internal motivation, a sense of personal contribution of each employee in the labor of all collective.

In order to make better use of the motivation on the innovative enterprises necessary to be able successfully combine direct and indirect incentives.

2. Analysis of Personnel Management of innovative enterprises

In Section 2, "Analysis of Personnel Management of innovative enterprises" is analyzed of human resources management in general on the enterprises of Ukraine, being evaluated innovation processes in modern conditions of managing in Ukraine, analyzes the system of personnel management in the selected enterprise.

Analyzing the quality management personnel at domestic enterprises were analyzed wage costs, number hired workers the number of employed workers. To ensure the quality of the analysis, the data were presented as by region and by economic activities kinds.

Of interest is a direct relationship between the number hired workers on the magnitude of wages in a region or area.

So modern conditions of managing require a recognition of the fact that a person becomes one of the basic elements of social production. Economic efficiency of any enterprise directly depends on how effectively is realized creative potential employees are mobilized all their possibilities, rationally organized labor process.

3. Integrated recommendations to improve the system of personnel management in innovative enterprises


In the acute shortage of creative personnel, labor market opens up a huge selection of employees for enterprises, among which necessary to carefully select the. After that such personnel should maintain their mobility, that is get rid of the routine and constantly involved in various projects, which ultimately leads to long-term interaction of employees and enterprises. Which in turn allows the company to save time and resources on the the selection new and creative personnel. However, such personnel require constant motivation and a certain freedom.

At this stage, particularly noticeable that the staff in the domestic enterprise not being examined through the prism of innovation, and innovation activity is not associated directly the leadership with personnel.

In the master's work proved that innovative processes in the company are inextricably linked to human resources, intellectual capital in the modern world become more valuable information. Information age beginning to replace new creative formation, the core of which is the creative management. Making a start on this thesis, in work considers approaches to employee motivation to innovative activity, proposed by tools that allow more effectively manage human resources to stimulate the development of the labor potential of the enterprise.


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