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Human capital and innovative economic development strategy

Author: S. Sherkunov

Translation: O. Chernishova

The government of the Russian Federation from November 17, 2008 No. 1662-R has approved the Strategy of socio-economic development of Russia until 2020, which establishes the goals, indicators and priorities of country's development in medium and long term: increase to 5–6 % in the total volume of production of goods in the share of high-tech products and the share of intellectual services – up to 5–7 % and more; the increasing share of innovation-active organizations to 15 % in 2015 and 40–50 % in 2020; the achievement of specific weight of export of high technology products in total exports to 2 % by 2020, innovative products – to 25–35 % in 2020.

Innovative development of economy should be considered as interaction of resource flows within the socio-economic system, which allows to obtain synergy and multiplier effect, measured defined volume and scientists indicators commercialization of the results of innovation activities and attainment of the strategic goals of socio-economic development of the country.

Material-technical resources are material basis of innovations include machinery, technologies, means of production, raw materials, new materials and components, technological equipment of new generation for high-tech industries, new jobs and production areas. This is everything that forms the main funds of the innovation-active organizations, defines production capacity and workers.

Financial resources are characterized by the availability of funds, allocated for implementation of objectives and tasks of the innovative development, individual project and programme activities. Determines the amount of funds income, the system's ability to participate in the creation of wealth and the provision of services. Financial resources are not only ensure, but the insurance function, expressing, as far as possible, in monetary units other resources. The main sources of financing the innovative activities of the organizations should include the Federal budget and the consolidated budget of a subject of the Russian Federation, participation in competitions of the Ministry of economic development, preferential government loans, conversion loans for enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the funds of commercial structures (investment companies, financial and industrial groups, commercial banks, etc), foreign investments, own funds of scientific and innovation funds of various levels, including those posed by international organizations, private accumulation of individuals, enterprises own funds, equipment leasing, receiving forward contracts for delivery of produce with deferred delivery time.

Information resources are inexhaustible resources of innovation. They activate material factors. The basic forms of this component of the resource base of innovations include knowledge, models, systems, algorithms, programs, projects, etc. etc. For the organization of innovative activity, ensure the proper functioning of the innovation system of any level require a constant influx of new scientific-technical, industrial, economic, commercial and other kinds of information, the database update mode On-line, a new logistics information flow (formation of control centres flow of information), advanced communication systems, effective information management systems and technologies, meets the requirements of time information infrastructure.

All terms of human resources innovation – health, intelligence, talent, creativity, strong-willed mobilization and self-development, education, professional knowledge, skills, competence, qualification, professional experience, special quality (mobility, flexibility, adaptability, willingness to change), the energy of creation inseparable from the person. Human resources have a direct impact on the quality and quantity of other resources, innovation, and effective internal components of the innovative potential of the territory. The internal component of innovative potential defines the ability of a system on the principles of economic feasibility to use those or other resources for the implementation of innovative activity. Internal component is characterized through the processes of creation and distribution of a new product, ensuring interaction between the participants of innovation with the aim of increasing its efficiency and profit, use of modern methods and management principles. Effective component of innovative potential of the territory is a reflection materialized result of realization of available opportunities – new product, obtained in the course of innovation.

Organizational and administrative resources innovations are of secondary nature, and their formation is happening in the area of human resources. The special importance of human resources acquire in the process of formation of the innovation system. The quality of human resources is determined by the value of human capital, which becomes the main factor of innovative development of the economy.

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor L.I. Jakobson correlates human capital to economic evaluation of a human being, made at a certain angle of view within the framework of accepted theory [1].

In fact, human capital is an integral resource and is the aggregate capital health, professional knowledge, skills, intellectual, organizational, cultural and moral, brand equity, formed as a result of activities aimed at personal and professional development of the individual to maximize bring them the benefit of society and growth of own revenues.

Accumulated socio-economic system of any level of human capital increases productivity and growth of welfare of the population. One of the first began to consider human capital as a productive factor T. Schultz [2]. The contribution of this American scholar in the development of the human capital theory was highly appreciated by the scientific community. In 1979 he was awarded the Nobel prize in Economics. His successor, Nobel laureate, Becker noted that human capital formation is due to the investment into the person, including education, training, health care costs, migration and search information about the prices and incomes [3].

The task of preservation and development of human capital is of strategic importance. According to the fair remark A.R. Markov human capital due to their nature, their economic origin and peculiarities of reproduction is the natural interaction of state, business, individual and society in General [4]. To convince Y.A Dmitrieva, S. A. Maksimov and C.V. of Hartanovich deployment activities aimed at overcoming the negative tendencies in the development of human capital, will be an adequate response of the Russian state and society on one of the long-term system calls [5].

Human capital is a source of formation of a cohesive staff corps is capable of productivity growth and provided the integration of all available resources – the formation of the socio-economic system based on innovation.

Achieving high rates of economic growth is impossible in the absence of public policies with a strong scientific Foundation and promoting mobilization resource capacity for the implementation of technological breakthrough on the basis of intensification of the use of the advanced achievements of science and formation of the worker of a new type. Should be taken to create an organizational system and mechanisms with a high degree of efficiency of use of available scientific, technical and intellectual potential of the nation.

A pressing need is to develop a national policy aimed at the preservation and enhancement of human capital innovative economy. State policy in the field of human capital development (hereinafter – GPCC) is formed at the junction of economic, scientific-technical, innovative, social and personnel policy. This determines its place in the integration field of public policy.

General outline of GPCC began to be viewed in 2005–2006 announced by the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin rate on realization of priority national projects in the field of education, preservation and strengthening of health, provide citizens with affordable and comfortable housing. In normative legal documents quite often the expression state policy in the sphere of human development. Study of theoretical bases stipulated by the program of additional professional education of Federal state civil employees of the Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation. The state authorities have taken certain steps aimed at intensifying activities in the field of realization of priority directions of this policy. While the focus is on the promotion of healthy lifestyle, development of physical culture and sport, physical education of the younger generation. The government of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2009 No. 1101-R approved Strategy of development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020. We believe that to improve the efficiency of work in the given direction of activity of bodies of state power must purchase a systemic character.

Forming state policy has an impact on the status of the various spheres of society and economic sectors. It is aimed at creation of favorable conditions for physical, intellectual, cultural and moral development of the population, mostly the younger generation, disclosure each of their skills, talents and abilities. GPCC creates a basis for improvement of employees' professional knowledge, abilities and skills in order to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the country. Through more active use by the citizens of personal potential, GPCC aimed at the growth of material well-being and achievement of new quality of life.

Advantages for implementation in accordance with the form GPCC should get a program aimed at improving the efficiency of investment in human capital. In conditions of global financial-economic crisis and ensuing recession, the limited budget resources, the problem of investment provision activities development of human capital is particularly acute. Therefore this program should be seen as a joint project between the state and the business community.


  1. L. I. Jakobson Human capital and modernization of education // the Human capital in Russia: current problems and prospects: materials of the seminar Development Strategy (3 February 2003). – M: TEIAS, 2003. – S. 27–41.
  2. Schultz T. Investment in Human Capital. N.-Y., 1971
  3. Becker G. S. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. N.-Y., 1994.
  4. Markov A. R. What happens with human capital of Russia // Human capital in Russia: current problems and prospects: materials of the seminar Development Strategy (3 February 2003). – M: TEIAS, 2003. – S. 8–26.
  5. Dmitriev, Y. A, Maksimov S. A., Hartanovich C. V. Conceptual approaches to the improvement of innovation activity in regional economic systems. – Vladimir Cathedral, 2010. – 444 S.