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Status, and Formation Using stocks is one of the factors of competitiveness of the company. The most succed decision of strategy tasks entrepreneurship development in Ukraine in terms hard competition. The stocks need large capital attachments. Therefore is one of indicators, determines policy for the enterprise and influence logystic level of service as a whole. Many enterprise and Company in Ukraine are not pays attention stocks of attention, its needs the stocks, that lead significantly big rubbed capital, than could be. In the production process arises in the needs of management stocks. Problem everybody should enterprise is determination of optimal level attachments and attachments safity reduction of money funds in the purchase and storage of stocks. This problem especially for the overwhelming of enterprises, where stocks consists large part of assets.

1. Theme urgency

Under the current economic conditions to ensure effective enterprise development and growth of their productive capacity requires the creation of a new system of management of material resources, and above all, of inventory. The main prerequisite for the success of the production process is the efficient use of inventory. Effective inventory management allows to reduce the duration of the production of the entire operational cycle to reduce operating costs for their storage, release from the current economic turnover of funds, reinvestuyuchy them in other assets.

Inventory management system implements organizational structure, the current policy of continuous operation of the company and is designed with the aim of ensuring continuous production activity all the necessary resources. Modern approach to inventory management to be a strategic and prospective management of enterprise components and rely on modern tools and methods for achieving the objectives. Modern inventory management system - is not just a means to calculate how much inventory you must purchase and when to do it , and the system focused on achieving the strategic goals of the company and covers all aspects of the enterprise. Company reserves make up a significant proportion of its assets and draining a significant amount of enterprise resources, as necessary to improve inventory management system in order to release funds.

An important contribution to the study of the management of inventories were the works of scholars : Anikin B., Butynets F., Goals S., Ohiychuk M.., Pushkar M., Sabluk P., Sopko V., Chayun I. , Iefimenko V., Tkachenko N., Shvets I., Bondareva I., Chase R., Ekvilayn N., Jacobs R., Boyko V.and others. However, to date, a clear perspective on the issues outlined among scientists exists.

Obtained results over many decades of theoretical and practical research on the improvement of inventory management systems are important for the development of enterprises. However, further research and scientific development require the classification of inventory , methods of assessment in use, as well as of economic analysis in the industry.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The aim of the master's thesis is a scientific and theoretical basis and development of teaching principles and practical recommendations aimed at improving the management of inventory of industrial enterprises.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Define the essence of inventory management for the enterprise.
  2. Explore the intrinsic characteristics of inventory and improve the conceptual apparatus.
  3. To investigate the situation and to develop measures that will ensure more efficient management of inventory.
  4. To carry out the evaluation of the current state and trends of use of inventory in industrial as well as the degree of impact of inventory on the efficiency of industrial enterprises.
  5. Develop recommendations for the use of mathematical modeling to improve management of inventory.

Research object: the management is control of inventory enterprises.

Research subject: the principles of management and organization of accounting of inventory of domestic industry.

3. Theoretical aspects of inventory management

The first section are the theoretical foundations of inventory management in economics and accounting and suggested defining the essence of the concept of inventory. The results of the studies found that there is no certainty as to the interpretation of the term inventory in the writings of academic economists. This difference in interpretation suggests that the disclosure of any economic categories depend on the approach to its definition , in this case , the position from which they are viewed: logistics or accounting. In the master's thesis based on a study of the economic literature suggested the following definition of inventory - the stocks of material resources that are in the company as raw materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, fuel, tools, and other materials intended for industrial consumption and allow for uninterrupted production process and take part in production for one production cycle and completely transfer their value to the value of the finished product.

Inventory management involves a process in which there are numerous factors that affect the nature and stability of production and that are characterized by varying their ability to assess and account for financial security planning production. Identification and grouping of these factors provides avoiding the negative consequences of their actions and direction to obtain positive results in the management of inventory. Isolating factors influence the formation of the stock of the company, they should be divided into the following: factors influencing planning stocks, impacts on organizing warehousing, warehousing staff motivation and factors influencing regulation deficiencies related to inventory management [1].

For a rational accounting of inventory is important evaluation of the procedure. Valuation of the assets of the entity allows us to get a consolidated view of all business processes, phenomena and events within an enterprise.

To date, the order of evaluation of inventory is governed by national provisions ( standards ) of accounting number 9 reserves. Under this provision purchased or produced stocks credited to the balance sheet for the initial value, which is determined by the sources of reserves. In company stocks can come as who purchased workers acquired in exchange for other assets, made its own, making the founders ( participants) of the charter capital of the enterprise, free receipt , receipt in the repair of the defective product and return waste products [2].

The order stock assessment depends on many factors, the main one of which is selected now accounting system inventory. To display stocks and obtain information on their presence and movement of businesses can use a system of continuous or periodic accounting obumovyvshy his decision to order the accounting policy [3].


Master's thesis is devoted to the current economic problems - management of inventory in order to minimize costs and provide a profit, livelihoods and sustainable development of enterprises in the market economy. This study allowed us to several conclusions of theoretical and practical , the main of which are as follows:

  1. Determined that the current economic system makes changing forms and methods of economic management company, requires new approaches to study the effectiveness of its activities. One of the problems, which provides the overall efficiency of industrial enterprises is the effective management of inventory that affect the structure of assets, their turnover and profitability, and the structure of financing sources and terms of reserves - the level of financial stability and activity of the enterprise. Therefore, in a market economy, the role of inventory management has grown considerably. After the formation of rational organization and use of inventory is determined financial situation, which depends on the results of its production, investment and financing activities. First and foremost, it will contribute to the strengthening of uninterrupted output, which is possible only in the case where the company manages its inventory.
  2. The essence of the economic nature of inventory, classification in accounting and suggested further consider them as resources stocks that are on the plant in the form of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, fuel, tools and other materials intended for industrial use.
  3. Proved that successful sustainable development of economy of Ukraine there is a need for improving the efficiency of inventory management. Thus the sustainable development of industrial enterprises is largely dependent on the formation and use of material resources and reserves.
  4. Determined that the management of inventory affects the production efficiency. It acts as an indirect connection between production, industrial consumption of material resources and products for industrial purposes. Therefore, the author proposed a model of effective management of inventory, which will enable the company to optimally use their financial resources.


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