Problem definition
1. 1..P —products
2. 1..M — machines
3. 1..W — jobs
4. Tp – Processing time
5. Techp — Processing of job j on machine i
6. NTechp – the steps that are included to technological process of production P-products
7. k – step of technological operation k = 1..NTechp
– operative
– number of
technological operations
– The cost of
the machine changeover from one type of job to another
We also present a two-dimensional array M x W, where cm,w defines costs of carrying w job on m machine in one unit time (if w job impossible to perform on m machine, then cm,w = +∞).
Unknown quantity:
The unknowns are the set of vectors jobs Xm, m = 1..M.
Each plan describes the tasks vector download m machine, and ñvector set of tasks describes the production plan of the enterprise for the production of P products.
Km — sum total of of tasks for m machine (a vector)
dm,k — number of the product processing m mschine in k tasks
xm,k —the number of
process steps production dm,k
sm,k — the time at which begins k tasks m machine.
Xm – the loading plan m machine m = 1..M (a vector)
On duration of operations:
By number of technological operations:
k = 1..NTechp
On technological processes:
Objective function
Is necessary to minimize costs (Accounts) for the execution the production plan:
The objective is a task without interruption type of Job Shop. In the above formulation of this problem is NP-complete.