- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. The main part
- Conclusion
- References
Industrial property can be defined as the result of scientific and technical creativity, which can be used in the public interest in any purposeful activity of people. Industrial property – one of the types of intellectual property, it is an integral part of it.
Ukraine has set itself the goal of radically renew society, to rebuild the economic mechanism and, eventually, to significantly improve welfare. To solve these problems very important to use a strong scientific and technological potential of Ukraine, in particular this inexhaustible source as technical creativity, and its highest level – inventions.
1. Theme urgency
The problem of protecting rights, especially industrial property today is very important, and its solutions largely lies in the hands of the owners of these rights. If an entrepreneur or the owner of the industrial property not owned at least basic knowledge in this field, we can say, that his property under threat may be a problem not so much by the relevant authorities, but also by their fellow entrepreneurs [1]. Therefore, every self‑respecting entrepreneur must know first and be able to protect their property from someone elseʼs. However, the practice failed to protect their property reminds of itself every year. Can give an example, a scandal in 2011 when a certain Alex Tokmakov patented a method for manufacturing a package for dairy products. Later, on the thirteen companies dairy industry came the same letter from the representative of the patent owner. Stringent conditions, expressed in the letters read: pay royalties or we sue for illegal use of the licensed invention [2].
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of masterʼs work is to examine the main ways of protection of industrial property rights, and analysis of the current situation in the country on this issue.
Main tasks of the research:
- Disclose the concept of industrial property.
- Consider the need to protect owners rights.
- Analyse the system of protection of industrial property rights in Ukraine, in particular the legislative system of Ukraine.
- Reveal the basic ways of protection of industrial property rights.
- Design of alternative variants of basic stages of unified Moore FSM synthesis process and estimate of itʼs efficiency.
- Substantiate the effectiveness of such protection method in Ukraine.
- Parse methodical recommendations on improvement of the system of protection of industrial property rights.
Research object: Intellectual property.
Research subject: Protection of industrial property rights.
The main part
Industrial property – a kind of intellectual property. Objects of industrial property protection are: patents for inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and service marks, appellation of origin of goods, brand names, commercial designations, suppression of unfair competition, topology of integrated circuits, an achievement of breeding [3].The objects of the industrial rights is:
Image 1. – The objects of the industrial property
(animation: 6 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 17,2 kilobytes)
The need for the protection and legal protection of industrial property predefined very essence of the relationship between entrepreneurs. In the conditions of market economy risks management fall to entrepreneurs who risk not only their capital invested in the business, but also the results of work and the means of many persons associated with them, and behind them as for depositors and producers. The real possibility of such risks, the protection of the businessman from all potential offenders, including the state.
In Ukraine, the protection of intellectual property rights is provided by the legislation of the activity of the state authorities, Executive and judicial authorities for the recognition, restoration and the removal of obstacles that hinder the subjects of intellectual property rights the realization of their rights and legitimate interests [4].
According to the Civil code of Ukraine (item 2.432) the following means of protection of intellectual property rights by the court:
- application of urgent measures to prevent violations intellectual property rights and the preservation of relevant evidence;
- to pause crossing the customs border of Ukraine of goods, the import or export of which is carried out with infringement of intellectual property rights;
- withdrawal from the civil turnover of goods manufactured or put on the market with the violation of intellectual property rights;
- withdrawal from the civil circulation of materials and implements used mainly for the production of goods with violation of intellectual property rights;
- implementation of the single monetary punishment instead damages for wrongful use of object of intellectual property rights. The amount of penalty is determined in accordance with the law with regard to the guilt of the person and other circumstances of importance;
- publish in mass media information about the violation of intellectual property rights and the content of the judgement of such breach [5].
The above methods of protection of industrial property rights successfully used abroad, and in all developed countries. However, in Ukraine, due to the nature of the legislation and a lack of awareness of the owners of industrial property rights, such methods are not widely spread. Of course, in our country, in particular the intensification of work on protection of the rights of owners after the release of the presidential decree "On measures at intellectual property protection in Ukraine" and now in our society, more and approved by the awareness that the right to create the new products are pristine [1].But in spite of this, not every conscientious ownerʼs rights want to follow the laws, and think that it will bypass unsuccessful practice, as in other entrepreneurs.
However, for many individuals and legal entities have become serious about the protection of their rights to objects of industrial property and obtaining titles of protection. So, as of October 1, 2011 has already been registered 23543 protection document (image 2) [6].
Image 2. – Dynamics of obtaining titles of protection in Ukraine for 2007–2011
According to experts, the creation of an effective system of intellectual property protection hinder first of all the shortcomings of the legal system of the country. Quite a significant role to play and prevailing in society disregard for the protection of intellectual property rights, lack of adequate information support of activity in the field of intellectual property protection. However, even among the experts, there is a certain underestimation of the socio‑economic mechanisms protection of intellectual property [7].
Having analysed the situation in the country and the basic ways of protection of industrial property rights, you can give the following recommendations:
- need to create a comprehensive system of legal security of the results of intellectual activity.
- To provide effective portfolio management of intellectual property.
- Learn how to Successfully defend their rights in judicial and administrative procedures.
- To turn the portfolio of rights to IP objects in a powerful stimulus to the development and growth of the enterprise business [8].
In recent time in the countryʼs economy has experienced positive changes and significant growth of production in our region in the past year (in particular areas – 20–30%) appeared due to some extent to the innovative processes, which took place at the enterprises of the region, and especially those that create new patent‑protected products. International practice proves, if in the gross domestic product 20% less innovative products, the economy tends to fade, for example, European countries that are actively progressing have this indicator is 25–35%, and in China – 40%.
Although the analysis showed that used abroad methods of securing the protection of industrial property rights, are successfully applied famous companies for many years. But for Ukraine, it remains a challenge. Possibly because not too regular legislation. But most likely, in most cases because of incomplete knowledge of the owners of rights. Therefore, in order to be sure that the object of industrial property rights will not bring the owner of problems, he must first get acquainted with the Ukrainian legislation on these matters, and not leave on the second plan the issue of protection, and to think beforehand how to protect their rights, and not be left with nothing.
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