- Relevance topic
- Goal and tasks of the research
- Object and subject of study
- Dataware
- Approbation
- Basic material
- List of literature
Relevance topic
At the moment, a big problem of the Ukrainian economy is the low competitiveness of domestic goods in the world market. Improving the efficiency of modern production and competitiveness of products based mainly on new solutions in the field of engineering and technology, as well as on the use of new organizational forms and economic methods of management [1].
The main problem is that nowadays a lot of attention paid to innovation theory, but in practice most of the projects do not reach the stage of implementation. At the same time, the specific projects create conditions the country out of the economic crisis, as well as conditions of development of individual enterprises. That is, to achieve high-quality output and Ukraine on the international market, it is necessary to develop and support innovation in the country, particularly focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of innovative enterprises, as they provide a competitive advantage and contributes to the economic growth of the country as a whole.
Effective tool for enhancing the effectiveness of innovative enterprises to pay attention to these Ukrainian and foreign scientists: N. Kondratiev, Il'yashenko, Yu Bazhal, Vasilenko, A. Volkov, V. Heyets, M. Denisenko, M. John, V. Rossokha, A. Sukhorukov, A. Yuzefovich, I. Balabanov, S. Il'enkov, E. Utkin, L. Evdokimov, A. Kazantsev, G. Fathudinov, IA. Rudakov, M. Molchanov, P. Zavlin, Y. Morozov, On. Prigogine, V. Tuzhilkin, T. Brian, F. Haberlend, F. Valenti, P. Drucker, I. Perlaki, B. Santo, B. Tvis, M. Huchek, Schumpeter and others. At the same time improve the efficiency of individual aspects were left without the author's attention and require further development.
Goal and tasks of the research
Main tasks:
- To explore the nature and characteristics of economic efficiency category;;
- Investigate the specificity of category innovation;
- To consider the effectiveness of the legal framework of an innovative enterprise;
- Analyze the current state of functioning entities in Ukraine;
- Investigate the level of efficiency of the innovative enterprises in Ukraine;
- Assess the level of efficiency of the modern enterprise;
- To develop a set of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of an innovative enterprise in the Ukrainian economy;
- Develop measures to optimize the efficiency of the innovative enterprise;
- Assess the impact of implementing the proposed measures to improve the effectiveness of the innovative enterprise.
Object and subject of study
Object of research are innovative processes that are planned and implemented in modern enterprises.
Subject of study – principles and methods of forming the level of efficiency of innovative enterprises.
As an information security are: Ukrainian and foreign statistical abstracts of theses and dissertations, official reports and analytical publications leading international economic organizations, Internet resources, statistics, laws of Ukraine, Decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [17-19].
Coverage of key provisions of the master's work is planned at conferences, one of them V International Scientific Conference of young scientists, graduate students creative «Search youth – focus on efficiency» Khmelnitsky, theses «Improving the performance of an innovative enterprise».
Basic material
In the first section, «Theoretical Foundations of the efficiency of the innovative enterprise», addressed the following questions:
1. Essence and features of economic efficiency category.
This section discusses:
-the basic theoretical concepts of efficiency;
-granted copyrights definitions of «Effect», «Efficiency», «Cost-effectiveness», «Production efficiency»;
-presents the cost-effectiveness;
-given their own interpretation of economic efficiency.
2. Study specifics category innovation.
-contributed by many scientists determine the concept of «Innovation»;
-present author's classification of innovation [15-16];
-given their own definition of «Innovation».
3. Legal basis for the effectiveness of the innovative enterprise.
Examined the effectiveness of the legal framework of an innovative enterprise, namely:
-provided the basic principles of the state innovation policy;
-systematized the main purpose of the state innovation policy;
-systematically the basic principles of the state innovation policy;
-analyzed legislation of Ukraine in the field of innovation and the Law of Ukraine «On іnnovatsіynu dіyalnіst».
The second section «Analysis of the effectiveness of innovative enterprise» analyzes the current state of operation of business entities in Ukraine. A study of the level of efficiency of the innovative enterprises in the country and assess the level of efficiency of the modern enterprise.
In the third section, «Complex recommendations to enhance the innovative development of enterprise» is a set of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of innovative enterprises in the Ukrainian economy. Developed a set of measures to optimize the effectiveness of innovative enterprise and assesses the effectiveness of the proposed introduction of measures to improve the effectiveness of the innovative enterprise.
Evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects is not sufficient for its successful implementation in a particular enterprise. Any innovative project may forever remain a good alternative to the current flow of business processes. But in order to increase the scientific potential of the enterprise, any form of ownership and industry sector should take the following measures: increase the number of engineers and researchers; increase among researchers and designers share of highly skilled workers; provide support for the development of innovation through R & D budget funding on these priority areas that are of strategic importance to the state; provide high-quality training of the scientific potential of the country (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral students, researchers, designers, etc.); proportionally and simultaneously stimulate the development of basic and applied research; reduce possible scientific production cycle "innovative idea - a prototype - production"; accelerate the renewal of the range of products in the enterprise; improve the conditions of testing for the enterprise; intensify the processes of design patents, patent applications, licenses, etc.; ensure the provision of public financial support, appropriate safeguards and quality of expertise in the innovation process. [20].
Thus, only in the development of an effective quality model development of domestic enterprises of Ukraine will be able to increase the production of national goods and services. Such improvements to promote economic growth, improve living standards and reduce unemployment.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2014. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the website after this date.
List of literature
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