Development of mineral deposits
Name | Baenko Dmitry |
Birthday | April 23, 1992 |
Birthplace | City Donetsk |
School | Of 1999 – 2009 — Komsomolskaya ZOSh stages I-III (11 classes) |
University | 2009–2013 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, specialty: Development of mineral deposits, bachelor 2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, mountain faculties, specialty: Mining, MSc |
Languages | Ukrainian, Russian – fluent; English – pre-intermediate |
Personal Achievements | Runner-regional competition for the English language. |
Hobby | Football, volleyball. |
Personal qualities | responsibility, a desire to grow, the ability to learn quickly, teamwork. |
Professional specialization and computer skills | Operating Systems Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, is familiar with the package Microsoft Office (Word, Exel, Power Point) |
Experience | 2013–2014. Komsomolsk-ore / management "Metinvest" overman blasting. |
Future Plans | Graduate from the university, get a good position in the company, to create a family. |
Contact Information | E-mail: a> |