- Introduction
- 1. Relevance
- 2. Purpose and objectives
- 3. Brief information about the mine
- 4. Placing water-spraying automatic installations
- 5. Improvement (replacement) of automatic extinguishing underground fires
- Conclusion
- References
Occupational safety and health of miners is largely determined by the state fire protection mines and effectiveness of prevention activities in the mine in order to eliminate any causes or localization of underground fires.
In the coal industry made a lot to improve mine safety, eliminated the potential risk of major catastrophes. However, with increasing mechanization of production processes, increase available power mines and increasing length of electrical circuits and conveyor lines fire hazard coal mines continues to be quite high [1].
1. Relevance
The greatest danger in the mines are working, equipped with a conveyor belt. These quarries have high fire load (combustible conveyor belt, wooden lining elements, mineral oils in hydraulic clutches and gearboxes, electric cables). About 65% of the fires on conveyor belts occur in the area of drive stations, despite the fact that there are concentrated the main controls and automatic extinguishing media. Statistics show that only 18% of all fires were extinguished in its infancy, and the other resulted in serious consequences, including death.
Should also be noted that about 60% of conveyor belts has been in operation for over two years, and 40% ? five years or more. Exceeding the deadlines exploitation leads to considerable wear and a sharp increase in fire danger tapes in connection with abrasion working and running plates, impulse sides tape. This led to the fact that at some mines there was extremely fire situations.
Consequently, fire protection workings equipped conveyor belts, was, is and will be a hot topic in the study of the prevention and containment of fires in mines.
2. Purpose and objectives
The purpose of this master’s work is to perform a critical analysis of the workings of the fire protection system equipped with a conveyor belt, for example mine “Progress”.
Main tasks:
- development of measures to improve fire protection workings equipped with a conveyor belt;
- introduction of new automatic sprinkler systems located on conveyor belts, including the drive stations.
3. Brief information about the mine
Mine is Progress
is a separate division of the State Enterprise Torezantratsit
Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and is located in the town of Torez Donetsk region of Ukraine. Mine was put into operation in December 1973 with a design capacity of 1.8 million tons per year.
Mine field opened by four vertical shafts: the main skip, the cage, the northern vent, vent south.
Mine developed reservoir h8 Fominskaya
capacity m = 1,1–1,35 m, the angle of incidence 4–10°.
Circuit training mine field – panel system development – long poles to revolt.
Excavation carried coal miner CGS-10 frame conveyor lava SP-251.13. Fixing bottomhole space produced mechanized bolting 2KD-90. Since February 2011, work is underway to dismantle the mechanized complex 2MKD-90 with the passage of ventilation Walker southern wing, which is required for the output of people in case of accidents and outgoing jet ejection of the 10th southern lava. Fixing production – steel arch three-phase ILC-AZ22/11.2, tightening mezhramnogo space – vsploshnuyu wooden tightening.
4. Placing water-spraying automatic installations
Generation, according to [3, 4] shall be equipped with automatic means of detecting and extinguishing fires installed on the drive station and the linear part of the conveyors. However, virtually no localizing installation and equipment drive stations is 80%, with 52% of them work in manual mode.
To extinguish a fire on the drive and tension stations sections of belt conveyors with water spray used automatic installation UVPK-B1 and UVPK-B1-01 (TU 29.2-13513758-017-2004), and to prevent the transition from a warehouse fire in the production VM and vice versa, at the entrance to the warehouse provides automatic installation type UVZ-2. To extinguish a fire on the linear part of the pipeline planned installation ULTV (TU 29.2-13513758-019:2006).
Position UVPK-B1 are placed on a conveyor belt drive station and activated automatically in case of fire and the ambient temperature increases of more than 72 degrees on temperature. Position ULTV arranged on a linear conveyor and the parts included in the job automatically when the air flow temperature increases up to 72 degrees.
The most appropriate use for extinguishing fires at the drive station belt conveyors with automatic warning systems and fire extinguishing water UVPK-B1. Automatic installation of fire prevention and fire fighting UVPK-B1 (TU 29.2-13513758-017-2004) designed to extinguish fires on the drive belt and operates automatically.
Specifications UVPK-B1 (fig. 1):
- minimum operating pressure, MPa: not less than 0.35;
- maximum working pressure, MPa: not more than 2.0;
- static water pressure before installation, MPa: not more than 2.5;
- consumption of water supplied, м3/year: at least 36–44;
- activation temperature thermal sensor, °С: 72;
- intensity of irrigation, L·s/м2: not less than 0.1;
- degree of atomization of water, an average droplet diameter, mm: not more than 0.3
The apparatus has several versions, depending on the types of drive sections, and is composed of a valve (1), the distribution manifold (2) with the sprinklers (3) and a trigger system hydromechanical causative conduit, heat sensors (4), manual actuation device (5), and pressure monitoring system (6) of water in the pipeline.
Installation automatically comes into operation when the temperature in the zone above the drive pulleys 72 °С. When triggered, the installation or reducing water pressure in the pipe below 0.6 MPa pressure monitoring system shuts off the conveyor. This unit has a distributor pipe, which can be transformed for the fire protection of an object. Different reliable and easy-to-use system startup, increased extinguishing capability through the use of new water spray PB-10, creating a full cone torch water spray to fog-state.
The unit has two modes of operation (fig. 2 ):
a) state of readiness , ie when there is no fire; wherein the installation portion (locking devices inclusive) under water pressure;
b) operating condition when the event of a fire installation is included in the work, and formed water curtain, watering places and eliminating flammable fire;
c) when the unit is switched automatically or manually disconnects power to the drive station.
You can manually start installation of fire extinguishing by turning the eccentric manual pull handle (5).
Mounting Position UVPK-B1, its preparation for work, work procedure and operation, maintenance regulations, planning and current repairs and removal of possible malfunctions and failures made in accordance with the factory owner’s manual UVPK-B.
![Process of installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1 (animation: 5 frames, 7 cycles of repetition, 131 kilobytes) Figure 2 – Process of installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1](images/animation.gif)
Figure 2 – Process of installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1
(animation: 5 frames, 7 cycles of repetition, 131 kilobytes)
5. Improvement (replacement) of automatic extinguishing underground fires
Mine is Progress
is equipped with automated extinguishing underground fires UVPK-B1.
The disadvantages of the above settings is that:
- in dust sensors misses, in consequence no longer work;
- batteries are discharged;
- may not be in the water pose.
Need to upgrade automatic fire installation UVPK replacing electronic starting system hydraulic, reducing the likelihood of further spread of the ensuing fire [5, 6].
Currently beginning to implement design NIIGD UVPS installation – designed to contain and extinguish fires along the entire length of the belt conveyor partitioning method (PB p. 584, 1998). For fire protection stations drive belt conveyors designed automatic installation with an independent source of water type AAP-500, which is reliable in operation and full autonomy supply system startup. Using these settings implemented partitioning method conveyor workings of the water curtain . Installations of this type are characterized by high reliability, ease of operation and maintenance [2].
Widespread use of these systems in the mines in accordance with the instructions [7] would eliminate the appearance of developed fires in mines.
To improve the fire safety of mine workings equipped conveyor belt, you need to take the following measures:
- prohibit the introduction of import and domestic production of new tapes without factory certificates, marriage institutions of quality conformance specified tapes with current standards;
- do not operate belt conveyors without controls;
- upgrade install automatic fire UVPK;
- in the workings equipped with a conveyor belt, for early detection of outbreaks of exogenous fires appropriate to apply automatic analyzers
, set at 500 m and the length of the conveyor line and duplicated to increase the reliability of thermal detectors IPT-1, set in 150 m and along conveyor; - to create a system for early detection of heat and fire on the conveyor belt maintenance products termodekstruktsii in the mine air.
In the course of the work found that a range of these measures will significantly reduce the number of exogenous fires in mines equipped with a conveyor belt.
Also, the research carried out modernization of automatic sprinkler systems located on conveyor belts, on the example of mine Progress
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