- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Main part
- 4. Proposal to reduce the harmful effects of waste dumps on the environment
- Conclusion
- References
1. Theme urgency
In today's world of increasing importance is the problem of environmental strain territories under the influence of anthropogenic factors. Intervention in natural processes leading to environmental pollution. Important environmental problem for the Donetsk region is the impact of coal mining processes.
Heaps have a negative impact on the atmosphere, soil, surface water and groundwater sources.
Consequently, the problem of recycling waste heaps is relevant.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of this study is to develop proposals for the remediation of surface heaps.
Main tasks of the research:
- Study of the regulatory framework governing the issue of waste dumps.
- Analysis of the impact of waste dumps on the environment.
- Development of proposals to reduce the harmful effects of waste dumps on the environment.
Research object: Identifying problems environmental consequences of the existence of heaps.
Research subject:Heaps in the cities and towns of Ukraine coalfields.
As part of the master's work is expected to be solved scientific problem to identify environmental problems and offered suggestions for reducing the negative impact on human activity.
3. An approach to the unification of synthesis of Moore FSM on FPGA
Waste dump — technogenic array formed on a designated area of the rocks obtained during field development.
Terrikon or waste heaps (Fr. Terri — dump rock fr. Conique — Tapered) — Blade, artificial mound of waste rock extracted in underground mining of coal and other minerals.
In world practice, there are several methods of controlling waste heaps.
One of them — it's mine backfilling with rock dumps. But despite the fact that this method from an environmental point of view is considered most appropriate, due to its laborious and expensive it is almost never used. Thus, the actual cost of loading rock back into the shaft exceeds the cost of coal production.
Another option — removal of rocks outside the settlements. But the search for vacant land size of 200 hectares, laying them roads and garbage piles of rocks from one place to another — all this enormous cost. Reduce the cost of the procedure is possible when exporting rocks on the territory of existing outside the city landfills. So, back in 2010 in Donetsk considered this course of action. However, for various reasons it has not yet been implemented.
At impossibility of complete elimination of the method of remediation.
Under land reclamation can understand complex works to restore the biological productivity and economic value of disturbed lands, and the improvement of environmental conditions.
Distinguish between technical and biological reclamation.
Proposal to reduce the harmful effects of waste dumps on the environment
The basis of the task to improve the surface reclamation method heaps due to the fact that choosing the southern slopes of the heaps, which decreased after treatment of internal heat generation in the protective strips, located in 10-15 meters down the slope. mikroterasy arrange two spaced apart by the width of the solar cell device with an elongated rock mikroteras poured into washouts mikroteras directly from solar panels installed between mikroterasamy gullies between 1.2–1.5 at a height so that the shadow of Battery fell to the canvas top mikroterasy and the bottom dripping rainwater from the plane battery on a flat top waste heap arrange water tank, using energy that produce solar panels, water is pumped into the tank to care for batteries and supplemental watering plants, prepared mikroterasah gullies and planted drought‑resistant shrubs and herbaceous plants, they can reach the technical result — improves the quality of surface refinement that increases the reliability of remediation waste heap.
- Donbass region officially recognized with adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, to reduce the effects of pollutants on human knowledge becomes important to eliminate or reclamation of waste dump.
- This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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