| Natalya Malch
Date of birth
| October 29th, 1992
Place of birth
| Dobropole, Donetsk region, Ukraine
- 1999–2006 – general school ¹ 8;
- 2006–2008 – general school ¹ 9;
- 2008–2009 – general school ¹ 10
| Donetsk National Tehcnical University:
- 2009–2013 – bachelor;
- 2013–2015 – masters
Speciality: Safety of labour activity
Average score
| 4.9
| Russian, Ukrainian, English basic
Personal achievements
| 2009–2013 – received a scholarship to the Academic Council DonNTU behalf jf Â. A. Gryaduschego.
Received a bachelor’s degree with honors. I was awarded an honorary badge The Best Student faculty for
my excellent academic achievements
Hobbies and interests
| Books, music, knitting needles, play on the violin
Personal qualities
- Ñommitment;
- Energy;
- Diligence;
- Easy-learning;
- Diligence;
- Ability to work in a team
Professional and computer skills
- Operating system:
- Web-technologies:
- Programming languages:
- Office packages:
- MS Word;
- MS Excel;
- MS PowerPoint.
- Graphic packages:
- AutoCAD;
- PhotoShop.
- Applied softwear:
- IRS Ventilation PLD (plan to liquidations to damages)
Professional experience
| 2013–2014 – consultant promoter
Future plans
| Protect the master’s work, get a job in their field
Contact information
| E-mail: