Institute of Mining and Geology (IMG)
Department of mineral development
Speciality «Development of useful depositss»
Research in the field of peculiarities of natural deformation which include adjusting passes" dobropolie ugol"with the vie to establishing the characteristics of low- consuming and intangible ways of their support.
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Professor Novikov Alexander
Anchor lining in modern scientific and technical literature is a set of rods (wooden , metal, concrete, plastic, etc.) and secured in boreholes (wells), capable to independent or in combination with supporting and enclosing to constructing lining perceive mountain ting pressure.
In study of deformation and fracture of rocks around the mine workings, their maintenance, including anchor creation, greatly contributed scientists and specialists of domestic and foreign research cents in Australia, UK, Germany, USA, K and endowed and South Africa. This is the work of scientists of Ukraine and CIS: Babiyuka GV, Boris Island of AA, AF Bulat, Bulycheva NS, VV Vinogradov, VT Glushko, Erofeev LM, Kasian NN, IA Kovalevskaya, Makhno EY, Remezova AV, Seeman on vicha GA Shashenko AN, AP Shirokov, Tolpankoroeva AT, Chuka VK Molln and covariance NI Usachenko BM .; and foreign scientists Ayzaksona E., All i man G., Althonyan P. F. R., Bauer E., Ficek J., Fletcher R., Goris J. M., Dol i nar D., M. Junker, W. Kammer, A. Costa, Langosha W., Mark C., Middendorf H., Molinda G., Opoloni K., Panek, LA, PengS., Signer S., Scott D., Stankus J., Stilborg B., Thomas F. M., Tingkan L., J. Farmer, Yugona A., Wang Z., O. Jacobi and many others.
Outlined in these works represent the work of bolting, based on theoretical research and experience of its application can be summarized as the following major schemes:
The first scheme – This formation of layered rocks e Konstr to the load-bearing tion (cross-linking) based on the notion that the emerging generation roof rock-anchor plate is a supporting structure. Moreover, abraded rock anchors experiencing compression and anchors themselves - stretching. This scheme was proposed by Jacobi [1] and has been developed and the one in the works Semevsky [2], Panek [3-5] Timofeev [6-8], Borisov [9-11] and others [12, 13]. The first group can be attributed schemes and support-anchoring credit n tion [14].
Second circuit – A diagram (a binder) based on the fact that the part is not stable rocks, within the emerging area of inelastic deformation (collapsed arch of e) develop around the anchors are attached to more sustainable long to give beyond. It was first proposed by F. Bucky. Her supporters are smiling t: L. Ra b tsevich, BK Chuka, APShirokov and others [15-18].
Third scheme – I prevent it providing individual windfalls roof rocks (mechanical reinforcement) and is used under conditions of strong, but bursting Novato and host rocks as a way to strengthen their local [13]. H m e prosperity of this scheme is the difficulty of obtaining reliable information on fracture tears and enclosing production of breeds, and ,consequently, and Mr. and load that should count bolting.
The fourth scheme – a scheme of energetic interaction with the rock mass and Mr. Kern bolting. It is based on the idea that as a result of e tion redistribution of stresses in the array, caused by the conduct of production releasing tons smiling potential energy spent on the deformation and fracture of rocks, as well as overcoming the resistance of the lining, play the role of energy compensator guide [19-22]. Proposed has not found practical application because of the required use of conductivity in each case a significant amount of additional dome l more research to get the input parameters for the calculation of numbers.
The fifth circuit – It is experimental and analytical interaction bolting and array based on a scientific analysis of a multi-year production experience with anchoring in coal mines [23-41]. These studies were conducted by specialists e ment in countries with developed mining washed w laziness: United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, France and others. [42-47]. Studies about Vatel an understanding that sustainability rock outcrops, z and the anchor bolting, anchoring determined by the depth, density setting rods, clutch and rock anchors and other important parameter and E. The basis of the scheme laid empirical approach allowing both politically and en (using numerical methods of modeling the stress-strain from standing on rocks [April 8 -57]) and experimentally (on the basis of statistical processing of the experience [49, 58-64]), with a high degree of confidence to predict the stability of workings Anchor, calculate parameters fixing ensuring the absence of differences in caving geological and mining conditions and maintain cuttings substances.
Most American and Canadian researchers [23-30] used exclusively empirical approach based on expert judgment largely on the amount of anchoring options and the choice of its parameters by optional characteristic of mining and geological parameters are then calculated parameters creditability .
European scientists [65-68], typically use a generalized approach to assess the feasibility of a n Kernogo fixing and calculating its parameters, which consists in determining the quality indicators of the roof rocks (for example, the criterion RQD). Thus, Professor. Stilborg [65] considered depending on the ranks and led the stability criterion for the three concepts of roof bolting: theory and bounded stability ogre block medium, the theory of creation of layered rocks in the blood whether reinforced beams and the theory of the arch.
Diagrams related to the fifth group were not used in our mining practice due to the lack of experience of operating a roof bolting in Ukrainian mines not possible at this stage to streamline and systematize and Rowan to Have e data are available.
About wrote above schemes of work bolting ignore its effect on megeomechanical processes taking place in the past with production, including the use of roof bolting as a reinforcing structure that will not reliably assess the role of the lining in the process of holding d generation . They do not explain, thereby forming the load on the supports, which makes is justified to develop a method of calculation of its parameters and n.
Various schemes of interaction with the rock bolting with variety of geological conditions led to a large number of methods for calculating its parameters.
Analysis of studies on the interaction between the lining and the combined array, as well as the development of methodologies for calculating their parameters, and allowed to divide them into 3 large groups:
- The first group of studies takes into account, reinforcing frame anchor reduction ratio displacements, which is incorporated in the formula for calculating the expected displacement contour generation and depend on the density of the mouth and Novki anchors [1];
- The second group of studies examines a frame and reinforcing frame support as a single load-carrying structure, structural parameters which are taken depending on the expected displacement loop loose generation, mining and geological factors, the nature and conditions of its inception generators [2]. Parameters combined lining calculated using the method of finite and boundary elements;
- The third group of studies examines a frame and reinforcing the supports as a coherent unit and constant striation, whose parameters are calculated theoretically using the forces [3].
The basics and the design parameters and the combined lining (anchor-frame and frame-anchor) are special section number of which are made on the e frame, step installation frame support, the diameter of anchor rod, its activity in th lengths, the initial tension force carrying the ability to anchor and density setting anchors and parameters characterizing scheme about their LAYOUT.
In the first group are analyzed following works s.
This group of researchers who see the role as Mr. Kern lining in the hardening of the wall rocks. So, OV Timofeev [6, 69] Approved and is that roof bolting at a density setting anchors ns ≥ 0.7 ank/m2 can provide a reinforcing effect, and the magnitude of the coefficient may reach a density of 1.5-2.0 1.5-2.5 Position anchor ank/m2 s and in the guise of an initial tension of 6 - The coefficient of 12 tons of rocks e reinforcing anchors them was obtained in experiments on models of equivalent m and losses and fishing ns.
The author believes that by applying Anchors, can provide a degree of hardening of the array at which it would prevent formation of a zone of inelastic deformations (ZND) or reduce its size. Thus, result increase the stability of output. Active length of anchor La objectified e mined from the condition of fixing the lock outside ZND, while it has received and to be equal Wherein (1.2-1.4)*a, a – The distance between n and ceramics.
Professor NN Kasian [70 - 72] believes that the roof bolting installed at prove production, serves as a reinforcing element in enhancing conditions, but the strength of the rocks around the instantaneous output. In the formation of the zone ra s violations rocks it has resistance to the expansion into the cavity in the rock s processing. To improve the efficiency of roof bolting the author proposes and installation schemes use anchors allow transfer the process of destroying e n a genus of about conditions of compression to the conditions of two-and three-axle ratio.
As a result of testing of samples of phosphogypsum, reinforced by the circuit shown in Pic. 1.14 is set arbitrarily by the increase in the instantaneous compressive strength of 1.2 and 1.6 times when using the 1st and 2nd patterns.
Current normative documents regulating the use of roof bolting in the mines of the Russian Federation [73] suggests the following method of calculation. For a rectangular or trapezoidal openings, dimensioning bolting (bolting resistance, length ankh e moat and their compliance, additional funds gain) is produced in the head and pending on:
А) the intensity of rock pressure, determined based on the size and depth of the in production;
Б) the method and process parameters to protect it from the influence of Pts works;
В) strength, fracture and stability of the roof rocks. As a criterion for the intensity of rock pressure taken calculated displacement of the roof with the production of roof bolting, determined by the method of H & MI [74, 75].
Currently in Ukraine not operating regulations [74, 76-78] which regulated similar procedure for calculating the parameters of the second anchor attachment. For example, in [78] provides a classification of bolting application conditions (simple, heavy and powerful), taking into account the expected e-Offset of roof rock in developing not fixed, the strength of the roof rocks, lifespan s processing, generating position relative to the boundaries of the space generated pr and its purpose, the power of immediate roof rocks, structure and properties of the genus p of the main roof, including the presence in it of coal and sandstone layers, the presence of geological faults in the host array.
Anke same parameters p tion lining (cross-sectional shape generation, the distance between anchors, angle of n and clone to and anchor rod and diameter) are invited to choose without calculation of the tables, according to the above mentioned classification and direct signs of fragility and durability of the roof rocks, values pretension, width generation, the diameter of the anchor, etc.
In the developed technique (SDAs anchorage - 2009)
P Editable bolting into the workings of the arch form determined by the empirical formulas [142] in the following sequence:
1. Determines the optimum depth of anchoring.
2. Determine the optimal step installation of anchors in rows and rows of each anchor t respect each other.
3. Produced payment angles end anchors anchor series, including strengthening roof and soil formations.
4. Calculate and offset relative parameters convergence given elongation anchor rod. Calculation is different and Rowan maintenance periods for different generation, given the relative Conway roof rock generation in this maintenance period when fastening anchors to array anchoring depth, height production in excavated rock thickness array generation involved in formation shifts bonded anchors of genus p roof.
5. Determine the expected minimum thickness of the layer of rocks that period under review to maintain production. If the calculated thickness of the load-bearing rock layer is less than the distance between anchors in a row or between rows further calculation displacement stops.
6. Calculating the bearing capacity of roof bolting in combined system is max fixing workings (for each maintenance period, output). To do this, prefaces and Indeed, the nomogram hardening coefficient determined within the load-bearing rocks of e-reinforced anchor layer, depending on the indicator of the flexibility of rock with it concluded between the anchors. Then calculated the load-bearing capacity of roof bolting in development.
7. Determine the perimeter of the roof contour generation to be anchoring with these sizes that generation, seam thickness and size of the bottom ripping rocks. For example about current flat roof exposure, carrying capacity is determined by bolting them in formula, taking into account the depth of anchoring rocks sinking in width generation, n e sheer ability to anchor rod, the coefficient hardening rocks within layer and the distance between pa with anchors in a row.
8. Expected load on the supports is defined vault height stratified rock roof production in all periods to maintain production and calculated by the formula MM Protodyakonov.
In practice remain unaddressed issues related to e differentiated calculation that the bearing capacity and parameters of the separate elements combined lining, as well as issues related to the technical performance frame-anchor when installing anchors with different time lag between the recess and rock anchor installation.
In [143] argues that the role of anchors in the combined frame-anchor is secondary and is to improve the working conditions of frame support. Anchors reduces the deformation of the host rocks, and creates their reinforcing the supporting structure of a normed anchors at the top of the reservoir rocks.
Analysis of the results of observations of mine and experience in domestic mines [144-146] showed that in the conditions of stable rocks at depths up to 600 m of the used e-braced roof bolting provides significantly increased resistance workings and reducing the flow of e fastening mater 1 2 ,5-fold [147].
Combined with arch roof bolting is calculated based on discharge and Botha met on wild and regulations [148-152]. Created in the roadway design should provide the necessary e chit bearing capacity and prevent displacement of rocks. In depend ing on the schemes and installation frame-bolting perform the following activities:
А) pairs and define parameters and erecting base lining when driving;
Б) determine the characteristics and erecting additional dome l Executive lining considering indicators of outer array around s processing prone oh influence fulfills lava;
В) selects parameters controlling the state of e rock massif around fortified for its production and of reuses.
U.S. researchers recommend the use of a purely empirical e sky approach based on expert evaluation of a large number of mounting options and select options bolting through the provision of specific geological features and performance for its mining conditions under which then determined parameters n and fixing [153-160] .
It should be noted and Using Quality Score roof rock is widely used in European countries when choosing parameters passport anchoring. As a typical e ca pa include articles [161-163], where detailed analysis of all the technology of mining and geological conditions for the selection and justification parameters passport fixing is preparatory workings using stalepolimernoy bolting on one of Polish coal mines.
In [171] on the basis of mine instrumental observations obtained graph and ki offset contour frames laid down within the areas fixed roof bolting within the zone bearing pressure ahead of lava. This allowed the author to establish rational border zone setting anchors in front of the lava and the parameters of their foundations, n allows to reduce the displacement of rocks and prevent separation of the roof rocks. For the conditions of the mine "Vorkutaugol" obtained an empirical relationship to determine the offset to the masses and was and depending on the distance from the contour of the point to the array along the length of the hole, the angle between the hole and the stratification of rocks, taking into account the time and position of slaughter at the time of bolting.
In the procedures and recommendations of the scientific literature bolting parameters are usually determined by empirical formulas obtained on the basis of long experience with the anchors, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the governing parameters bolting for various kinds of underground structures [179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 91].
In these studies found that at a constant tension anchors produced in them mustache and Leah affect the array and produces a more or less uniform field of compressive stresses n and increasing resistance stiffened generation. [177.178, 182, 183.186, 1].
In the second group analyzes the following scientific papers s:
Yugon A., A. Coste [8 0] distinguishes two cases use of roof bolting as reinforcing structure:
1. Anchors are set to form around a working area and understood conjugated stresses.
2. Anchors installed during or after lowering the voltage e s.
The authors recommend aspire to the first case.
Job anchors reduces the formation of the compression zone in the rock to a depth of L. Thus, around or above making it an annular zone or part thickness. Compression rocks in this area increases their resistance during Nika s efforts.
Compression rocks in this area increases their resistance during Nika s efforts.
To explain his views, the authors use the theory of Mora. Circle M o pa, reflecting the state of rock and wed right after the generation of construction, as shown in Fig. 1.9 (denoted by a solid line circle). If roof bolting provides normal stress on the surface cuttings processing and equal n0, then the circle Mora becomes a circle, marked by the dashed line. If the force n0 is increased, the range decreases and stability increases. In no fuss rock fracturing and repents, and can not develop and vatsya undervoltage.
As can be seen, anchoring rock leads to the formation around a working zone thickness L, consisting of arches or rings fastened n tion with each other, which can withstand the pressure of the mountain.
Number of anchors per 1 m2 is defined as
where f – the tensile force in the roof, kN;
nш – Calculated tension single anchor t/m2.
Anchor length thus should be more of the spread of Tanga district social stress, ie should strive for as poss s necks length anchors, but within reasonable limits.
In his works [2] VN Semevskii proved that roof bolting, mouth and immediately after excavation of rock in the bottom, layered or strengthens dfractured media, turning it into a composite beam. It ensures the preservation of immediate roof rocks natural forces screnation and adds to them the material's resistance rods.
For images and diagrams of the roof rocks of the carrier beam, it offers the following method def f dividing bolting parameters for fixing cracks and rocks.
1. Determine required thickness pedigree plate capable of ensuring the stability of fixed e chit ankh e ramie roof.
2. Determined active length of anchor La
where L1 – required thickness pedigree plate, m;
a – Distance between anchors, m;
L3 – The length of the production serving anchor m
3. Determine the distance between anchors. This should ful l nyatsya condition a ≤ 0.7La. Distance between anchors should be such as to ensure the stability of a fixed e chit subterranean shear on inclined or mountains and tal planes.
Researchers Ba Bink GV and AA Leonov [81-85] propose an approach to the calculation of roof bolting parameters based on the top of the development in the formation of rock-anchoring structures using pre-compaction bundle of rocks then installing anchors and frame support with RA with Porus. Tests on models of "massive anchor" in terms of not compression strain diagram obtained complete and mouth and found that due to anchoring, and destroyed rocks - seals and anchoring, you can change the deformation properties of the array and quality Conver s Vat his transcendental behavior. Their proposed method of calculation parameters and Mr. Kern lining allows for impaired fracture coefficient array and technological param t ry lining.
VP Sazhnev [8 6] in its considering bolting as a way to better use e rocks. According to him, the anchors should have a spatial location, which helps to mitigate the unevenness of convergence along the length of cuttings and processing, which is caused by the movement of rocks different axis siders. Angle setting anchors, as recommended website, varies from 5 to 40 degrees.
In [8 7, 8 8], based on laboratory tests bending Financials e Sgiach models rock-anchor structures of layers of anisotropic rock n were obtained on their load-deformation characteristics for some schemes and p ming massif. Established that the load-deformation characteristics to Mr. constructions depend on the power and strength of the layers composing directly n ing roof and width output. Experimentally proved that the increase in sal t completely anchoring above a critical value leads to a reduction e NIJ carrying capacity created rock-n struction to anchor.
In a study [108] found that the spatial arrangement of rocks in reinforcing systems can manage the processes of deformation and discharge from sheniya rocks. We formulate a new concept of the use of the anchor p genus-reinforcing system allows maximum use of the carrier used FPIC completely rock mass, based on the choice of such a scheme with a minimum amount of reinforcement anchors to the array is not destroyed or discharge from shalsya within limits. The peculiarities of the mechanism of a deformed rock-anchor structures outside the influence of the treatment works and in the influence zone of clearing works. Calculation methods of rock-anchor cons t n struction enables us to determine the parameters of the combined anchor-frame support. However, this work is not considered vopr of raw related to the deformation of the array in case the roof bolting set with a lag of slaughter generation.
The technique, developed by the German scientist HO Lyutgendorfom [1] shows that when anchored formed Ball set consisting of prikontu p tion of the rock mass and the tensile radial n LOCATION AND tion anchor rod. The effective thickness of this combined carrier arch d is the length of the anchors L less distance m e anchors forward e:
d = L - e (1.25)
Acting on the anchor rods tensile forces but to create А ra-uniformly distributed in the radial σr within breed shell thickness d:
σr=A/e2 (1.26)
It is assumed that the carrying capacity of the array increases by rank and led Δσ1 in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the smallest district and the main voltage provoked additional compressive stress: Δσ3=Δσr;Δσ1=Δσ3=a1Δσr. By increasing the radial example I multiplication by Δσr tangential stress increases by an amount Δσt, namely in a1 time:
a1=tg2(45°+p/2). (1.27)
In undisturbed array parameter p is the angle of internal friction, and Disturbed - angle of friction on a plane with bones cut (or shift). Additional supporting force breed shell reinforced anchors tries to be found from the expression:
Additional resistance p at the outer radius ra of the n fortified native shell is determined by the photon p mule:
Bearing capacity breed shell depends on the angle of internal e tr – p, the bearing capacity of the anchor – its length – L, the distances between the ankh ramie e – e and the equivalent radius of production – r0.
According to studies Lyutgendorfa HO, own carrying capacity of rocks in the vicinity of production is small and is determined by the residual strength cx and tie, which is 100-200 kN / m2. Anchors promotes more height on whom additional resistance rocks. If the carrier used FPIC completely bonded anchors breed shell is insufficient, in the rocks of b are formed on the shear plane fractures, resulting in a decrease alternately h cross section generation and elongation anchors. The ability to lengthen the anchors should be adapted to the deformation of the rock mass. When the image of the broken rocks Vania zone efficiency bolting installed n tion in the radial direction and significantly reduced etsya.
Calculation of the parameters of the anchor to Repi procedure O.Natau and V.Lyayhnitsa [1, 89] is based on establishing dependence of the strength of rock samples from the Tell and show flexibility λ. Under the flexibility index is the ratio between the height of that sample and its diameter. Accomplished authors of the study show that the strength of the samples uniaxial compression increases the exponential dependence of z and decreases λ:
σд/βд=1+Bλ-n (1.30)
where σд – the strength of the sample under uniaxial compression λ≠1;
βд – However, if λ=1.0;
B, n – the coefficients, B ≤ 1.0, n > 1.0;
Element bearing ring (Pic.1.10) corresponds to flat sample, ceiling height is not limited to d press plates and anchors, which are anal about the analogy with plates prevent lateral expansion of face planes compressed samples. Flexibility of such a figure used sample λ = a / La.
If such an element to strengthen the breed and the distance between anchors on rymi cat and will be much less than the length of the anchors La, the bearing ring around the development of the breed must also be ensured exponential growth Dielectric strength of STI. Test a series of samples reinforced with metal rods, dormancy and showed that the observed marked increase in strength with decreasing index λ (Pic. 1.11). Based on these results, the authors concluded that by selecting an appropriate ratio of the distance between the anchors and their length La can be achieved by the strength of the marginal ma with siva providing state output.
Studies have shown that the relationship between the anchor rod and the rock shear is strong enough, the authors proposed a settlement of roof bolting and starting from the following provisions:
1) the maximum shear force N, perceived support ring is determined by the area FN of h and completely uniaxial compression σд;
2) necessary bearing capacity of the anchor is determined by the magnitude and N ratio and transverse thrust ω;
3) value ω determined by results of tests per sample with compression of;
4) A strength of the anchor bolt is received at the weakest cross-section along its length.
Proceeding from the above-described provisions, the authors propose and floating bridge for calculating the diameter of the anchor from affecting geological and technological factors:
where ν – the safety factor of the anchor;
σc – Tensile strength of the material of the anchor bar.
This technique allows us to calculate the bearing capacity of n Rodney anchor the marginal array and the desired diameter of the anchors, but questions remain about the nature of external loading on the carrier n Rodney anchoring ring from the surrounding rock and its residual Dielectric strength of STI during the beyond of deformation.
[92] performed a comparison of the two options arch and roof bolting by analyzing the stress-strain state (SSS) of the "rock mass-lining" the components of stresses and displacements for full frames of SVP-27 and SVP-19. Payment of VAT to the m components produced using the finite element method. Performed analysis of the VAT system "lining-array" revealed that the use of a light profile of n allows to reduce by 30% and labor erection of metal lining. Installed e but that rack frame support in the area of the heel and arch support of a rack formed the plastic flow of the metal, to prevent the formation of which is done to strengthen the sides in s processing anchors of not less than 1.8 m Made in the study is not about n allows to judge the mechanism of interaction between the combined lining and containing file during any e, as well as to determine the proportion of loads perceived individual amounted to governmental system elements' frame - the shell of the fortified rock anchors".
[93] on the basis of analytical and experimental method were obtained even with Mr. formula to determine the displacement loop round capital generation for pa s personal methods of its construction, a fixed metal arch supple crepe n about phasing shotcrete reinforced with metal anchors with metal mesh and t . etc. Installed dependencies allow, based on minimizing the displacement on the contour due to various options to strengthen the lining to develop new flexible mounting technology s of current based on known fundamental structures, as well as produce rapid amplification using a resource-saving technologies of construction. These calculated curves do not consider the fact that then and optical effect, resulting from the use of reinforcing structures, essentially depends on the time gap between the rocks at the bottom of the recess in the ongoing processing and s implementation of additional measures for attachment. They take into account only indirectly switchboard e tion loads between the individual elements of design Throw e.
[94] proved the possibility of application as reinforcing elements for frame supports tubular type anchors Split Set and Swellex, as well as anchors secured with expanding compositions. Their use allows the lowest one and the bridge mounting, high speed of installation, reliability and versatility lining, as well as height of Kyiv passport bearing capacity of the anchor immediately after installation. The basis of the application of the lining on the idea of consolidation and integration of the proposed system rockmass captivity. This work does not clearly divide existing design scheme creditation based anchoring systems. It does not take into account the mechanism of interaction of the combined lining and an array of time.
In [95,96] described the construction and lists the specifications polymer composite lining agribusiness and anchor bolting AFM cat of paradise can be used to enhance the traditional frame support. Presented on Wild met mine and the results of studies bearing capacity of anchors with their corn application. The paper is not listed s data on the mechanism of interaction combination of supports based on AIC anchors with the host array that can not account by direct bolting of share of the load, which is perceived reinforcing roof bolting in comp and we e "frame - Sheath fortified rock anchors".
[97] developed the theoretical basis for improvement of metal and n Kerov based on the use of the theory of space-curved bars. Receive e us stress strain values of anchors for different schemes and loading using a computer program ANSYS. But the work is not considered a change of mechanical interaction ma s bolting and host an array depending on break during any e between the recess and the erection of rock bolting. T his is not a reliable and calc thief parameters amplifying bolting.
In [98] theoretically proved the possibility of increasing the stability of the current vyrab by reinforcing destroyed around a working breeds. Positive e f fect provided by creating tight mechanical connection between the individual pedigree fragments through the use of anchoring systems. First proposed a new method of x wounds workings based on the use of load-carrying capacity of the host rocks by bolting tion spatial array. But, in the proposed method does not take into account what part of the bearing capacity of the host rocks can be used to install reinforcing bolting at various stages of the production time.
In [99] On the basis of the conditions in the state holding companies and SRI "Shahterskantratsit" comprehensive research frame-anchoring and training bodies tion s workings installed unbalance load dependence of the angle on the metal arch support the position of the stope lava and theoretically substantiated OPPORTUNITIES w completely ensure the maximum load capacity of the metal frame support by installing rigidly connected to the frame of the anchor point of application of the resultant vector of the external load. However, the results of the research do not allow to take into account the interaction mechanism and fur lining and a combination containing file in time for the project and the design parameters frame-anchoring.
In [100] the results of the experimental determination and efforts of anchors installed in the mine development workings "Edge with Western number 1." Tests were conducted for anchors installed and operational and at different sites supported development workings. Prospect and conduct in the results do not allow us to judge the size of the portion of the anchor is located within s about us broken rocks, formed around the time of production testing. This, in turn, gives no indication of the mechanism of interaction and combination Rowan lining and containing file in time.
In [101] developed and tested a method of estimating the reliability of the anchor item and lepolimernoy lining under coal mine. The rational procedure vers s tany bolting, which allows to reduce the time and labor. Present in the technique can not account for change in the carrying capacity of the anchor head in the tests and pending on the time gap between the recess and the second rock anchor installation. This is in your red will not reliably calculate the parameters of frame-anchoring.
In [102] the results of tests of a new mine design connected with arch roof bolting. Described the construction of the proposed connection node anchor the frame. The character of deformation node connections within the experimental plot. Wm e degree so this article does not contain materials describing technical change effect of the lining depending on the time gap between the recess and installing rock bolting, and it will not reliably calculate the load on the department s matrix elements bolting the mounting structure and determine their parameters.
In [103] the results of stability studies in the preparatory deep horizons beyond the influence of sewage works fixed frame-bolting. Studies have been done on their models of equivalent materials. And follow the following scheme fixing workings: without lining, with frame support and reinforced frame supports respectively one, two, three and four anchors 3m. Prospect of reference of the study allowed us to estimate the efficiency of amplifying bolting in development workings. These studies did not consider I was the difference in the resulting effect on enhancing technical lining at different gap in time between the rock and groove construction anchors.
In [104], based on monitoring of plastic deformations washers (GRO plates) installed features redistribution of rock pressure resistance of anchors in advance working in the zone of influence new method of testing the bearing capacity of the anchors on the work of plastic deformation of the arch shaped washers installed under the nut. Conducted tests on mine discharge procedure and bot under development workings of the mine "Red Army West number one." However, the technique proposed in only indirectly takes into account size of the zone deprived of their discharge from the rocks formed in an array around a working at the time of Britain s Run for pullout of anchors. T his is not reliably determine the carrying capacity of a n ce and calculate parameters of reinforcing anchorage.
In [105] justified combined bolting parameters, conditions and the application and executed on the basis of laboratory and analytical study. Developed a mathematical model using the method of initial param centers and the design scheme of the combined non-circular lining and unclosed structure interaction th sponding to an array, allowing to estimate the stress-strain state ale n Comrade lining rational design and calculate its parameters. Received head and dependence power and kinematic parameters of the elements of the value of the combined lining koe f stability coefficient generation L.M.Erofeevym proposed. The dependence of w and n Position lining combined cross-sectional area of output. Made in the study allow recommend to the rocks in categories 2 and 3 stability frame-bolting, and in the rocks of 1 category ability anchor-frame supports. It should be noted that the work done in the study and was not taken into account the change of the mechanism of interaction combined bolting and accommodated array present time does not allow you to install the light of this load distribution between the elements of the "frame - the shell of the fortified rock anchors", which, in turn, can reliably calculate the parameters of the lining.
In [106], the authors argue that "... using anchors high carrier FPIC used completely in the workings of chasing inherent in complex geological conditions such as substantially increased the stability of the marginal zone rocks. At the same displacement of roof rock is s about us influence treatment works does not exceed 10 mm. In this case not only stops at arr sheniya bundle and roof rocks, but heaving rocks. "In the currently valid methods of calculation does not take into account, or partially ignored (for making parameters bolting) its impact on the marginal array mining-geological and gornotehnich e SCIE application conditions.
With regard to the length of the anchor for the development of less than 0.4 width bearing rock-anchor design of the plate in the top of the elaboration is not created. It is argued that in the case mouth and the marginal Novki anchors array in which there was a partial or full implementation of the displacement formulation and partially or fully developed zone of broken rocks, the anchor role as shaper support is reduced or lost. In this case, the anchor can only hold the broken rock from collapsing. However, there is no clear division of work between the existing structures combined shoring on regular use of ve anchoring systems, and the interaction mechanism and bolting vmeschayusch e massif seems quite primitive and its changes over time have hardly been studied. The paper also does not contain information on the distribution of loads between the gill with elements of the "frame - bearing Cons struction of the fortified rocks." T his is not pos Will calculate their parameters bearing structures.
In [90] the results of mathematical modeling using e sovr variables computer programs, processes of interaction frame, truss and frame-anchoring with the host preparatory development of rock masses. All calculations were performed for the case of the anisotropic containing file using the full strain diagrams of each element of the system. Developed technology for creating resource-tion unit and the load-bearing system of the frame and anchoring allows th schaya self-regulate the load on the individual elements. In this paper, the mechanism of interaction and comb bined lining with an array is described as follows. Reinforced anchor n of native cooker top of the development transfers the load to the frame and rocks in the sides. In this frame thanks to the constructive compliance "leaves" from the main part of the vertical load, perceiving it partially. The main vertical load transmitted from rock-anchor plate on the sides of the rock in the generation, which partially destroyed. At the same time due to violations of the marginal areas in the STI sides generating load is redistributed to more distant from Mr. ITATION sides develop the breed. As a result, in some areas along the length of the size of the destruction zone production in the sides increases, develop kosonapravle n displacements in the sides (directed at an angle to the horizontal plane), and the load on the rack frame. Due to an insufficient number of anchors installed in the sides generation (less than 2) supporting structure made of reinforced anchors on rock walls in s cell generation is created, due to the formation in the sides of the plastic deformation region lateral heating z ka transmitted to the rack frame. [107, 108]
To ensure the sustainability of deformed sides of excavation work and serves a complimentary by the following:
1. Increase the depth and density to create anchoring there at gruzones ing kontstruktsii.
2. Increase resistance to lateral forces frame support through the creation of additional d footholds mechanically linking anchor with stanchions and we p.
In the second case it is proposed to connect the anchor shank portion (loop lock) and rack frames flexible (rope) ties, outstretched along the longitudinal axis vyrabo t ki. Technical cue effect of applying this solution is provided by reducing the amount of the highest high bending moments by the reaction of ground anchors in contact with the frame ties.
We justify the design of mechanical linkages anchors and frames into a single load on the bearing lining, made them mine tests. The paper contains a methodology for calculating the hearth t livogo Connection frame with anchor. Methodology for the calculation of flexible tension ties, Mr. la their inclination, the provisions of the rope when it enters the rack and the shank of the anchor. Defining tension ankh e pa calculated its elongation.Assuming the displacement contour generation model ne displaced submerged rocks at the end of the anchor. Then set the parameters l1, δ3, l2 and β define the position in space of war, covering the rack and shank a n ce and calculated effort yvnoe bit flexible ties. Fulfillment of strength suggests suitability (unsuitable) given diameter rope as malleable and howling communication.
Proposed in the method of calculating the parameters of a combined cr e pi does not allow to fully determine the distribution of loads to accept some elements of E s in the "frame - the shell of the fortified rocks" that does not give in s opportunities to more accurately calculate their parameters.
In [109] the results of the statistical analysis of test results stalepolimernyh anchors pull-out in the mine "Red Army West number one." The test results allowed the author to establish the characteristic dependent on STI "force - displacement" characterizing the rigidity of anchorage and get approximated miruyuschie and dependence. The obtained results allow to assess the quality and fixing n Kerov depending on the gap between the walls of the hole and the rod anchor wall relief from pa trowels, humidity, host rocks, temperature, etc.
Listed in the starting materials can not explain the mechanism of interaction of elements combined lining (anchors) with an array of in time as and assess the carrying capacity created by rock-anchor design.
In [110] sets out the principles applying shrink anchor-bolting on gypsum mines in the workings of large-flat potolochinoy. They allow you to ensure its steady state using bolting ASA.
N ozzhe conducted research in this direction have been carried out by the authors [111], which dormancy and Zali high performance frame-bolting to maintain the workings in analogues h tion conditions they are reused. Experiment on mine "Krasnoar Miejski West number 1" In developing the reservoir d 4 showed that the method of mixed frame-anchor credit n tion Mauger successfully applied under gentle and inclined layers of bedding, neg and was treated by a columnar or combined system of development without leaving y e faces coal with simultaneous construction behind the lava from the goaf l and that strip, and in front of the lava from the array - the backing strip [111].
SN Stovpnik th [112] studies have been conducted on the Western Donbass mines on the use of roof bolting vaniyu as reinforcement frame structures. He came to the conclusion that it is possible to improve the design approach workings selecting options and providing a frame support structure bearing capacity corresponding to overburden pressure in the steady period of displacement. During active displacement must Additional property t ret opportunity anchor the marginal gain of the array to increase the bearing cn lities of lining system-level array to loads acting at elevated pressure mountain. The author argues that the anchor reinforcement effectively, if the total load capacity of anchors installed in each frame corresponds to a manifestation of rock pressure in tion during intensive displacement and reduces Actual e tion load on the frame.
Systematic studies of the mechanism of interaction with rocks roof anchors of p tion workings commenced in mid pr oshlogo century. D e ostignuto understanding showed that the stability of rock outcrops, fixed anchors, is determined primarily by the length of the anchor, the density of their installation, clutch anchor with rocks and other important parameters gimi. And in the early 50s began to publish the results of cal systems and studies on the mechanism of interaction of bolting with layered roofs mine workings. These studies were performed in parallel by our scientists [164-166] and specialists in Canada [167] U.S. [168], Germany [169], France [170] and other charges have inevitably countries with developed mining industry.
Tipi sations example is [March 11], where with the help of the method of boundary ale n Comrade and dimension theory Rational parameters stalepolimernoy lining with Inca n sulyatsiey (fixing) the length of her rod.The length is taken from the next anchors e following considerations. They should not be shorter than 60 cm, as otherwise strengthened n Barking effect will not be noticeable. Distance from the end of the anchor to the nearest plane donkey b tion should not be less than 30 cm, otherwise fail to prevent stratification massif. In essence, this parameter is in good agreement with the above value of z and glubleniya castle stable anchor in the overlying rocks. If the roof is presented on the stony long rows. End anchors shall be secured outside the thin layer and cross media. Moreover, if the length is obtained more en ce 2 1 m, it is necessary to carry out its pre-n and traction, otherwise, it will not end portion noticeable effect on the stress state of the array.
In order to improve the proposed method of calculating the parameters of the combined pre lining Dr. Laga apply the finite element method combined with the method of initial voltage e s, which will be considered transversely isotropic array with an elastic-plastic formulation of the problem more closely consider the parameters used and the frame and Mr. Kern lining.
In [114] Consideration of destruction around the array of development workings with a flat roof begins to develop in areas of weak layers located within the zone d e zintegriruyuschey fracture with subsequent movement of the bed material in the direction of production. Proposed calculate bolting on the basis of a set of size w OPPORTUNITIES tion collapse equal to the radius of the first zone disintegration array, placing the anchor to present a rule area radius.
In [115] developed a method for calculating the stress in the rocks around the production, s and fastening anchors, taking into account the impact of anchors on the stress state of the rock mass i. At the same roof bolting and accommodating array treated as a single deformable system, and the impact of the anchor on the array is replaced by an equivalent system of concentrated forces applied to separate closely spaced relative to each e NIJ other points on the axis of Art erzhnya anchor. The results obtained are based on the methods of the theory of exercise have guests and the theory of analytic functions of a complex variable. As a result of the theoretical solutions of this problem are obtained depending on the influence of the length and density of anchoring on the form and posted e ra inelastic deformation zones formed around the excavation.
[116] developed a method of payment and steam meters and bolting into the workings of arbitrary cross section using the theory of elasticity. Shoring experiences the self weight of the first rock or tectonic forces, taking into account the mutual influence of the anchor w erased it.
In the third group examines the following research work.
In [ 117 ] describes the parameters for the use of roof bolting shrink to about Thoraya creates the effect of self-maintenance breeds, increasing their carrier FPIC used completely.
Separate study in the survey prefer associated with designing it Combinations of bathrooms shoring based anchor designs for the workings of coal mines in the U.S. and Canada, many researchers. Thus, the rationale of the fields of application used different designs anchors engaged Bieniawski [42], Peng [48-52, 54-57], Tadolini and Kock [118], Fuller [79, 119], Khair [120, 121], Gerdeen [ 32], Smith [1 72], Tang [57], Unal [39, Jan. 24]. Rationale and di anchoring depth meter as the anchor rods are devoted Bischoff [Jan. 22], Lang [1 to 22, Jan. 23], Biron and Arioglu [125], Stankus [62, 64, 121, 173], Hoek and Brown [1 74 , 1 75, 126] and others [1 27 -1 36]. Designing layouts anchors devoted servant of you Fairhurst and Singh [1 37], Thomas and Jorstad [44, 1 38 -1140], Panek and Mccormick [4]. Methodology for calculating effort prestressing anchors were proposed in Peng [28], Franklin and Woo d field [141], Lang and Bischoff [22 January].
As the analysis of the above research papers as one of the main parameters considered anchoring angle relative location of the anchors. However, the impact of the proposed Anke p systems on the stability of the containing array production, with different arrangements of anchors in layered rock mass still has not been studied enough but e.
The existing operating regulations recommendations do not include the effect of anchor rod layouts for stability vyrab about current and proposed use (mainly) on the radial circuit LAYOUT tion anchors. This is only indirectly on n t allows to take into account the role of the lining in maintaining production, do not give fully disclose the nature and essence of the reinforcing e f defect from its use. Such an understanding of the mechanism of interaction and Mr. Kern lining and solid lead to the restriction of its field of application, and the autonomy of both designs, the second category of sustainability workings (Offset ting circuit does not exceed 2 0 0 mm) and overestimation of density and mouth Novki anchors that makes use of roof bolting it advisable economically s nym.
The existing ideas about the role of the anchor cr e pi in combined structures in maintaining production, she ra regarded solely as a power carrier element working in cond tions of continuous arch-vyvaloobrazovaniya or that does not allow to evaluate the role and lining its parameters in maintaining production.
Despite the large number and diversity of the research on the problem of fixing Anke p tion, selection and combination of parameters on the basis of securing and anchoring systems to use in a particular mine happens rather on the basis of lessons learned than on scientific progress d. Calculation of parameters lining conducted on a given load. It is based on calculating the expected load on my e lining, which is formed as a result of the destruction of the genus p of the contour generation in depth containing file and displacements in its cavity of n, which contradicts the fundamental problem facing the combined bolting - to prevent the destruction of the marginal array . When calculating the structural parameters n and the main frame and reinforcing - roof bolting uchivtyvaetsya not to share kai and rock pressure (load), which is perceived by each element of e Throw.This approach does not take into account the mechanism of heating s matches a combined lining, but not reliably calculate its parameters to reflect changes in properties in the resulting rock-anchor design in on time or f (in the construction of reinforcing anchorage with different lag from the bottom) at SRI maintain production.
Analysis of combined industrial experience of supports based on Anchor's systems shows that these t w lining providing effective maintenance and mountain cuttings botok if you create an array in the marginal bearing rock-anchor structures, which together with the frame support perceive m mountain in da tion.
In connection with this study parameters combined with arch anchorage to maintain mining is an important scientific and s dacha.
Justification themes and names of relevance:
Coal reserves amount to 3.5% of the world. Extraction is carried out in 560 mechanized faces of which half is constantly doing construction and dismantling work. From the state of installation depends on the duration of these best-selling works and material and labor costs. In this regard, studies that aimed at establishing deformation features of rocks which contain mounting salable under SOE "Dobropole coal" to justify the parameters of low-cost and intangible ways to maintain them has actual scientific problem.
Work is connected with the state budget cathedral 11-13 H theme "Improving methods to increase the resistance of mine workings in the conditions of deep mines.
Purpose - to develop new and improve existing ways to maintain erection salable under SOE "Dobropole coal."
Objectives of the study - an analysis of existing experiences maintain erection salable. Laboratory analysis (structural model and equivalent materials) deformation characteristics of rocks that contain mounting salable. Mine research. Development of measures to improve the sustainability of mounting salable.
Object of study - mounting salable. Subject of research - geomechanical processes in the array that contain assembly production.
When the work is expected to update the emergence of new-deformation features of rocks which contain mounting salable.