Abstract on the theme of master's work
- Introduction
- 1. Timeliness of the topic
- 2. The new technological concept approbation
- 3.Testing new technological solutions
- Conclusion
- References
Timber setting is one of the main method of retention of stability of mine. There are at least 90% of the length supported workings fixed pliable metal yieldable arch made of special shape. At depths greater than 600 m the heavy arches of interchangeable profiles SVP are dominated. At great depths, destruction of breeds around passed workings is inevitably due to the combined action of many factors: high voltage, low rock strength, coal-face work influence. Rocks pushing develop not only from the roof and walls of a drift, but also by their bare soil (not fixed). Along the perimeter of arches surrounding rock pressure distributed unevenly.
1. Timeliness of the topic
Through the belt entries at great depths, faced with the problem that the steel arch lining can not withstand high voltage and the rocks pushing happends, the lining requires repair, with large money and time costs. Therefore, research and development of new technologies of maintain belt entries in conditions of deep mines is relevant.
2. The new technological concept approbation
The aim of this work is to study new technologies to ensure the stability of steel arch linings, so the new method of control geomechanical mode of the discretic rock mass, providing resistance of first workings in deep mines at longwork. Roadway maintenancein the zone of influence of first workings is provided by creating a braceing load bearing zones in the roof of a drift using longitudinal girder consolidation of main lining kit.
3. Testing new technological solutions
Studies of the upkeeping of belt roadway in deep mines in the rock-pressure manifestation area pressure, revealed, that longitudinal rigid consolidation sets arch lining while connecting them with single or twin girder from flange beam of special profiles SVP-27 and SVP-33 provides a favorable exploitation conditions of lining and reducing vertical and horizontal pushings of the rock contour in various areas of roadway maintenance[1].
In the belt entry of the 11th eastern face of the bank k3 "Kommunar" mine PJSC "Shakhtoupravleniye Donbass "studies were performed after investigations by estimate of effectiveness of appliance of twist and steer consolidation of metal linin package. Belt entry was made by the tunnelling machine KSP-32 with face advancing at least 30.0 m (Fig. 1).
As the mainlining of the belt entry was used metal ovoid lining KMP-A5KM-12,8 with a density of main ring installation on the strike of 1.74 g/m. auxiliary measures to protect the belt entry was carried out enables concrete nonyielding holdout rib from rock halfblock with a rib width on the dip of 2.0 m[2] (Fig. 2).
For observing pushing of partition rock at the workings contour in the belt entry 11th eastern face of the bank k3 in the control and technical experimental area with length of 40 m, were constructed contour observation stations [3](Fig. 4).
Control plot the traditional method of fixing production arched roof supports compliant KMP-A5 with an asymmetrical arrangement of locks of the main lining and installation before and after the face individual metal racks lining amplification of two segments of a special profile SVP-27 were used[4].
On the first experimental plot of belt entry of 11th eastern face of the bank k3 kits of arch collapsible timbering KMP-A5 were linked by single length braced lining gain(LBLG)[5], which was placed in drifting face with a lag up to 4 m.