- Introduction
- 1 Theme urgency
- 2 Goal and tasks of the research
- 3 Assessment of the impact of
emissions from PJSC
HeidelbergCement Ukraine
on atmospheric air - Conclusion
- References
For industrialized regions such as the Donbas, the trend to increased emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, is inevitable. This leads to a significant deterioration of the various components of the biosphere. Gaseous emissions are very adversely affect the environmenta lsituation in the locations of industrial enterprises and worsen sanitary conditions. To aggressive mass emissions include nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and many other gases, and inorganic dust and ash. Also, significant risk, as greenhouse gases are methane and carbon dioxide produced in almost all the processes associated with combustion of fuel.
1 Theme urgency
Atmosphere pollution with harmful substances has a significant impact on population health and ecosystems of the region. On the territory of Donetsk region, which is only 4,4% of the total area of Ukraine, the fifth part of the industrial potential of the state. According to the State statistics Committee of Ukraine the share of Donetsk region in 2008 accounted for 33,9% of total emissions of harmful substances from stationary sources in Ukraine. On its territory created a powerful technosphere, which includes more than 1,100 industrial enterprises. With the onset of the global financial crisis since 2008 there is decreasing gross emissions of harmful substances in the region. But the level of air pollution in industrial cities in the region remains high. In the structure of pollutants, the greatest weight falls on the carbon dioxide (32,9% of total emissions), methane (23,3%) and sulfur dioxide (21,7%). In the region there are priority substances to air pollution such like a dust, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia, heavy metals, benzo(a)pyrene, hydrogen sulfide [1].
Along with mining, metallurgy and chemical industry, energy and heavy engineering industry, a major contribution to air pollution is making the industry of building materials.
One of the largest enterprises
producing cement in the Donetsk region Amvrosiyivka is the branch of
PJSC HeidelbergCement Ukraine
His activities are related to such contaminants as dust, nitrogen
oxides, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide, which
significantly affects the air quality of the region. Therefore, it is
very important to control and reduce emissions into the air.
To improve air quality and reduce emissions of pollutants, particularly dust and carbon dioxide, it is necessary to develop measures enabling it to reduce the emissions data for pollutants to a minimum.
2 Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of this diploma is
to assess the impact of activities of Amvrosiyivka branch of PJSC HeidelbergCement
on atmospheric air and
the development of measures for improving ambient air quality.
Based on the goals, the work had the following objectives:
- Analysis the technology of cement production at the enterprise.
- To identify the main sources of emissions of polluting substances in the enterprise.
- To identify the main pollutants coming into the air.
- To analyze single and comprehensive measures of quality of atmospheric air.
- Develop measures to reduce pollutant emissions.
Research object:
emissions of pollutants from emission sources PJSC HeidelbergCement
Research subject:
development of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants from emission
sources PJSC HeidelbergCement
3 Assessment of the impact of
pollutant emissions from PJSC HeidelbergCement
on atmospheric air
Production of cement is inevitably linked with the intervention in the environment. In General, it can be classified in three groups:
- dust emissions during extraction, loading, grinding and drying of raw materials and packaging finished products ;
- gaseous emissions of the kilns during firing of clinker and other secondary processes;
- noise and vibration emanating from the machines and from installations for production of cement;
- explosions in the extraction of minerals [2].
Analysis of emission sources
Amvrosiyivka branch of PJSC HeidelbergCement
showed that the number
of sources of emissions of polluting substances in the atmosphere on
the first industrial site is 66 units, of which 19 sources of emissions
are fugitive. At the industrial site 1 33 the emission source
is equipped with a gas purification installations.
In the quarries of the enterprise 21 source of emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere, 18 sources are unorganized. The emissions of dust, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide when blasting operations are referring to volley emissions pollutants into the atmospheric air.
All, during the operation of the enterprise, enters the atmosphere 23 contaminants, mainly are referring to third class of hazard. In the largest amounts are emitted nitrogen dioxide, dust, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide.
Cement production has a direct impact on the environment [3]. Be aware that cement production is the source of 5% carbon dioxide (CO2) in the world. The cement industry is a natural producer of CO2 [4]:
- 60% of emissions are due to
the transformation of raw materials at high temperatures (the decarbonation
of marl);
- 40% of emissions result from fuel combustion for heating the material to the desired temperature.
The decarbonation reaction marl is shown in figure 1.

1 – The Process of formation of
dioxide during the burning of carbonaceous materials
(animation: 9 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 101 kilobytes)
To assess the state of atmospheric air use such indicators of air pollution as:
- the air pollution index;
- comprehensive air pollution index;
- hygienic indicator of the quality of atmospheric air;
- specific emission rate per unit area;
- score;
- methods of bioindication.
The air pollution index is applied to estimate the total pollution of the atmosphere by a number of substances. Hygienic indicator are used in the case where it is necessary to assess the condition of the atmospheric air on the degree of danger to the public. Assessment of air quality in the territories of different taxonomic level is carried out using numerical scores [5].
To assess the contribution of
emissions of shops Roasting-1
and Grind-1
namely, 4 kilns, 1 clinker refrigerator and 6 cement mills, total air
pollution was calculated shows the total emissions for each source. The
results of the calculation of the total of these sources is graphically
shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 – Contribution of individual sources to air pollution
Chart of the calculation results summary is given of the emissions shows that the largest contribution to the pollution of the atmosphere make a kiln. The contribution of roasting furnaces 3,4 in total air pollution is 45%, and roasting furnaces 5,6 – 53%.
Due to the fact that the kiln enterprises are the main pollutants of the air, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of measures to reduce pollutant emissions from these processing units.
The analysis of influence of
activity of Amvrosiyivka branch of PJSC HeidelbergCement
stipulates that the
industrial site of the enterprise 66 sources of pollutant emissions.
The main pollutants released into the atmosphere as a result of
activity of the enterprise, are nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide, inorganic dust and sulphur dioxide. It is revealed that
the main contributors to air pollution are kiln company. Development of
measures to reduce pollutant emissions to allow them to improve their
air quality and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the air basin
of the region.
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When writing this abstract master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2015. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.