Justification of the main parameters of airlift-dredge complex for the extraction of sand from the bottom of flooded pit
One of the promising areas of technological progress in transportation is the development of pipeline transport. The most promising is the hydraulic transport in which the flow of water or a mixture of bear with a piped bulk materials, or is transferred by means of the blower homogeneous environment. Due to the known advantages of these modes of transport are used for moving: mining (coal, sand, gravel, oil and oil products, salt solutions, and much more) of the place of production to the consumer waste concentrators; ash and slag of thermal power plants in the dumps; waste material storage place, etc..
As experience has shown, and numerous theoretical and experimental studies in Donetsk National Technical University and others. Universities, one of the most effective and efficient methods of mining from the bottom of ponds and flooded fields, it is airlift-dredge complex.
1. Theme urgency
Theme of master's work all the more urgent that planned to produce sand extraction from the bottom of flooded quarries means airlift-dredge complex, using airlift that is most advantageous than the extraction of sand by means of a dredger with soil pump. Held in the master settlement ADC in order to find the optimal parameters of the complex in specific circumstances, it can be used by a contractor in order to more rational use of energy, material and human resources.
2. Purpose and objectives
The aim of this work is to study the basic parameters of the working process air lift installations for the extraction of sand from the bottom of flooded quarries, construction of flow characteristics, determining the coefficients of resistance, calculate the hydraulic size, definition of rational parameters of the installation.
As a result of studies and calculations derived: coefficient of resistance when moving solids in the riser airlift, at a relative immersion α<0. 5, which is not necessary to for the calculation of the hydraulic size; Optimal parameters airlift ADC; various structural components; necessary equipment, airlift dredge complex; consumables and energy characteristics and airlift. d. p
What is the result of theoretical and experimental research was obtained.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2015. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that dateСписок источников
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