Summary of a preliminary nature, since the time of its preparation - March-April 2015, while the protection of master's thesis is scheduled for January 2016
- Relevance of the topic
- 1. Research goals and objectives
- 2. Analysis of the modern state of the research question
- 3. Methods and principles of application of function-oriented blades GTE
- Conclusions
- References
Relevance of the topic
In a modern engineer in the conditions of keen competition on world markets the problem of producing of competition capable products has the special actuality for construction engines enterprises. It is thus necessary to take into account quality of the produced products, compressed terms and cost of good.
One of major tasks of perfection of aviation engines is an increase of their reliability and resource.
Reliability of gas-turbine engines on reliability of work of shoulder-blades of compressor and turbine, as they are the most loaded details. Shoulder-blades are exposed to the action of static, dynamic and cyclic loads, in addition, the shoulder-blades of turbine test cyclic, thermal tensions, they work in the conditions of aggressive gas environment at a high temperature and exposed to gas corrosion. The shoulder-blades of GTE have difficult spatial geometry and made from the difficult-deformed materials: heatproof, titanic and aluminium alloys. To them enhanceable requirements are produced, such as: on the structure of metal, his chemical composition, mechanical properties, geometrical sizes, exception of defects. [1].
1. Research goals and objectives
The purpose of this work is to improve the wear resistance of blades GTE by using special coatings on the basis of application of function-oriented technologies.
Accordingly, the following problems are generated:
- To perform analysis of the application features of function-oriented coating of blades GTE.
- To develop methodology and application of the principles of function-oriented coating of blades GTE.
- To perform structural synthesis of functional studies and analysis of special coating of blades GTE.
- To explore the design features and the synthesis of equipment for application of function-oriented coating of blades GTE.
- To carry out pilot studies special coating of blades GTE.
- To develop recommendations for the application of technological protection of function-oriented coating of blades GTE.
2. Analysis of the modern state of the research question
In modern times, there are many technologies for the repair and restoration of GTE blades. The development of science and technology at a rapid pace, reveals to us a lot of technologies that aim to reduce costs and increase the quality of repair and restoration of blades GTE .
The technology of repair and restoration of blades GTE consists of stages:
- incoming inspection;
- metallurgical research;
- remove the outer and inner heat-resistant coating;
- surfacing;
- The heat treatment;
- preparation of a coating;
- the coating of the internal cavity;
- the coating of the flow part of the blade;
- the output control.
3. Methods and principles of application of function-oriented blades GTE
Given the characteristics of the various wear rollers rolling mills, we can establish that a promising approach to the development of coating technology is functionally-oriented technologies.
Function-oriented manufacturing technology engineering products — a special technology, which is based on the exact topologically oriented realization of a variety of algorithms the necessary technological exposure of tools and means processing necessary micro, macro zones and areas articles which functionally correspond to the conditions of operation in each individual zone thereof. Using functional-oriented technologies engineering products maximizes their general operating parameters through local enhanced technological capabilities and properties of the individual elements, surfaces, and / or areas of product depending on the local functional characteristics of their operation. In this case engineering products maximally adapt in their properties to the features of their operation and show their full potential opportunities in the machine. It should be noted that this new class of techniques complicates the manufacturing process of products, but generally provides a qualitatively a new set of properties and measure of the usefulness engineering products in using. This enables a substantial increase technical and economic indicators operation and using of machines and technical systems [3].
The main features of functionally-oriented technologies are that the technological impact of tools for processing products and the process ensure the specified and the desired properties of products is performed at the following levels: at the level of the articles; at the site level; level components; at the zone level; at the level of macro zones; at the level of micro-watersheds; at the level of nanozon.
In this case specified, the required limits and properties of the products provided by the orientation of technological influences flows of matter, power and information based on the principles of eight special principles [3,4].
Based on developed principles the synthesis of functionally oriented technologies and manufacturing of products is performed.

Pic. 1 Machine for the application of the detonation coating
(animation: 11 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 167 kilobytes)
Detonation spraying method capable of applying ceramic with melting point C0 on the surface 2500 of the turbine blade with a wall thickness of 1 mm without causing any change in its geometry and structural characteristics of the metal. When coating obtain
- Intensity decreased surface wear is 5...7 times compared to unreinforced alloy based on titanium blades and anti-vibration shelves compressor blades and turbine;
- Increased service life of 3...4 times the lever turning vanes;
- Increased durability and service life of 5...6 times the nozzles[8].
Functionally-oriented technologies are promising for many applications, including for gas turbine engine blades. The main feature of this approach &mdash the best adaptation of the product to the service conditions. This, in turn, significantly increases the service life of the blades increases engine performance.
The positive trend in the increase of wear resistance can be noted, studying the experience of companies that are developing technologies hardfacing gas turbine engine blades. Thus, the observed increase of stability of the product several times, depending on the method and conditions of coating, the operating conditions and materials.
Because of the negative effects it may be noted the increasing complexity of technology development for the treatment of products in general. It is also complicated by the technology and equipment, which leads to an increase in the cost of the product, but the economic effect achieved by increasing the service life of the blades and increase engine performance.
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