- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Review of Research and Development
- 4. Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes lifting machine with one end of the rope with a large rope length
- Conclusion
- List of sources
Large masses of the machine, moving at high speed, causing the complex dynamic processes during starting and braking. Dynamic processes form the excessive load, progressive fatigue phenomena of individual structural elements that lead to emergencies and disasters.
To increase reliability, safety and durability of machines designing and manufacturing them should take into account the impact of dynamic forces. The theoretical foundation of dynamic calculations is the theory of mechanical oscillations. Knowledge of the laws of oscillatory processes allow the rational machinery design..
1. Relevance of the topic
Construction of mathematical models of operation of the elevator installation will allow in the future a more detailed study of the work of some of its units to select their optimum performance. This in turn will increase the safety of the elevator installation, which is especially important when considering the passenger facilities, optimize the speed characteristics, as well as depreciation of equipment to explore the dynamic effort to further eliminate existing problems.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim of this work is the mathematical modeling of dynamic processes hoists with a large rope length.
The main tasks of modeling:
- Derivation of the equations of motion for the two types of machines.
- The definition of a rational number of elastic rope masses.
- Simulation of operating mode lifting machine.
3. Review of Research and Development
Research and reduce the dynamic loads in the ropes for mine lifts engaged in the twentieth century scholars such as A. I. Dinnik [1–4], S. P. Timoshenko [5–7], M. M. Fedorov [8], F. V. Florinskiy [9], G. N. Savin [10, 11], A. N. Golubentsev [12], L. V. Kolosov [13, 14] and others.
The current state of the question of dynamic loads in lifting machine described in the works of such prominent scientists as V. I. Dvornikov [15–17], A. G. Stepanov [18–21] and others.
4. Mathematical modeling of dynamic processes lifting machine with one end of the rope with a large rope length
Lifting the load in the vertical trunk will occur according to the scheme shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 – Schematic model lifting machine with one end of the rope
Lifting machine consists of a drum machine given to him moments of inertia of the rotating parts of the gear motor and the rotor with the kinetic moment of inertia Jб, guide pulley with the moment of inertia Jш, inclined string rope lcтр, counting unchanging in time and steep part of the rope lотв, which secured the cargo weight limit mn.
Sheer rope winding machine is divided into a number of distributed mass mk coordinates yi, interconnected elastic connections ek. Limit load mn is moving yn vertical measured from a starting position of the load.
After making the necessary calculations derived from the Lagrangian, which represents the difference between the kinetic and potential energy of the system, as well as taking into account that for each segment of the rope are elastic-dissipative forces, arranged in parallel, as a result we obtain the desired equation of motion:

The resulting equations of motion and allow to trace the resilient and gravitational effects acting on the drum, the pulley, the load and the rope on each segment during the starting of the machine, its operation and deceleration. This method of determining the dynamic forces in the rope can be used for other lifting machines.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2015. Full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
List of sources
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