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Brief resume

Name Turen Evgeny
Date of birth June 8, 1993
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2000–2004 General school № of 70 Donetsk
2004–2010 General school № of 19 Donetsk
Universities 2010–2014 bachelor in the Donetsk national technical university, faculty "Engineering mechanics and engineer", speciality "Engineering mechanics and engineer"
2014–2015 Graduate of the Donetsk National Technical University , Faculty of " Mechanical Engineering and Engineering " specialty " Quality, standardization , certification"
Average score 4.0
Languages Ukrainian language–native
English–school level
German–school level
Personal achievements 2007 Participant of championship of Ukraine on mountain bicycle
2008 participant СК ИСД cup on mountain bicycle
Hobbies and interests motocross , auto, football, music
Personal qualities rapid taught, honest, decent, purposeful, friendly
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows KHr/7
2. Applied directions:Microsoft Office Word/Excel/Access/PowerPoint/ Mathcad/ САПР «АСКОН» (Compass)/APM WinMachine..
3. Programming languages: PASCAL.
Professional experience Company, job title and dates of employment
Future plans 2013 Productive practice on "North"
2012 "Dominе" is a packer
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