Brief resume
Name | Turen Evgeny |
Date of birth | June 8, 1993 |
Place of birth | Donetsk |
Schools | 2000–2004 General school № of 70 Donetsk 2004–2010 General school № of 19 Donetsk |
Universities | 2010–2014 bachelor in the Donetsk national technical university, faculty "Engineering mechanics and engineer", speciality "Engineering mechanics and engineer" 2014–2015 Graduate of the Donetsk National Technical University , Faculty of " Mechanical Engineering and Engineering " specialty " Quality, standardization , certification" |
Average score | 4.0 |
Languages | Ukrainian language–native Russian–native English–school level German–school level |
Personal achievements | 2007 Participant of championship of Ukraine on mountain bicycle 2008 participant СК ИСД cup on mountain bicycle |
Hobbies and interests | motocross , auto, football, music |
Personal qualities | rapid taught, honest, decent, purposeful, friendly |
Professional and computer skills | 1. Operating system: Windows KHr/7 2. Applied directions:Microsoft Office Word/Excel/Access/PowerPoint/ Mathcad/ САПР «АСКОН» (Compass)/APM WinMachine.. 3. Programming languages: PASCAL. |
Professional experience | Company, job title and dates of employment |
Future plans | 2013 Productive practice on "North" 2012 "Dominе" is a packer |
Contact information | |