- Introduction
- 1. General information on the topic of master's work
- 1.1 Theme urgency
- 1.2 Goal and tasks of master's work
- 1.3 The scientific novelty of the obtained results
- 1.4 Application Development
- 2. Overview of Research and Development
- 2.1 Overview of international sources
- 2.2 Overview of national sources
- 3. The sequence of methods for optimization
- 4. The model of an expert system to optimize content
- Conclusion
- References
The website of the main "communicator" and "guide" for the visitor is the information content. That he is a versatile tool to attract and hold the attention of the visitor to the website. According to research by the company "Analytic Intelligence Service" (co-founder of the project web analytics SpyBOX), about 70% of all visitors to the web sites that specifically target web analysts, leaving them with poorly trained due to text content. If the content does not capture the visitor's attention, does not motivate him to certain actions, depending on the level of traffic to the website, it will not perform its functions effectively.
Many site owners mistakenly perceive the content only as part of filling the empty spaces on the website. Content is a versatile tool that attracts targeted visitors, motivates them to become clients, strengthens the image of a website increases the popularity of the Internet.
To analyze the quality of the website content, as they say, only half the story. The most important thing is to convert the data into action to optimize the content. Prepare content only with the "requirements" of search engines will not be quite right. Focus should be on training current, interesting and useful content. Over time, search engines will learn to more accurately rank sites based on popularity and readability of the content. Therefore, the content must first fully meet the needs of visitors to the site [1].
1. General information on the topic of master's work
1.1 Theme urgency
On the internet is really beginning to appreciate the clear content, quality traffic and the valuable information that can really give a site. Therefore, you must have popular content, if you want to create a website is not just for the fact that it is, but in order that he may actually bring benefit or profit.
The need to create a new system also arises in consequence of the fact that at the moment, search engines continue to evolve and will soon be able to rank the sites, taking into account the popularity of content. That is, sites with "unpopular" content will drop below lists the results of a search query. This means that sites should be the most suitable to the needs of users of the web resource.
There is a relationship: optimized for the user and interesting content makes it rise above the search list, which will in turn attract even more users.
1.2 Goal and tasks of master's work
The main purpose of the master's work is to increase website traffic by creating dynamic content that will interest any user who visited the site. Since the study will be conducted on the example of a site with movies, it will optimize the structure and video content.
For achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problems
- gathering statistics on pages visited by the user;
- analysis of the preferences of visitors;
- the creation of a structured and optimized dynamic content according to user preferences;
- an increase in the conversion of the site;
- an increase in website traffic, increase its popularity among search engines.
The object of study: Web-based system.
Subject of research: Methods of optimizing content.
1.3 The scientific novelty of the obtained results
For the first time developed a sequence of methods to optimize the content as an analyst to track conversions on the site, collect statistics on visited pages, content analysis criteria of films placed on these pages to generate dynamic content based on these data. Moreover all actions are performed automatically by the system.
1.4 Application Development
This expert system can be used as a module for a site with video content. As the modification of the algorithm it is possible to use for many sites with various subjects (criteria of the algorithm must be changed for each individual) to increase website conversion and growth of its popularity.
2. Overview of Research and Development
2.1 Overview of international sources
2.1 Overview of international sources
Analysis of web analytics next generation of specific strategies and models using web analytics are presented in the book of Avinash Kaushik. [2]. Various tips, techniques, and ways to optimize the content of sites considered in [3] and [4] and the book [5], special attention is paid to the optimization using web analytics to the source [6].
2.2 Overview of national sources
Web Analytics is a step towards perfection Melikhova Dmitry and Igor Sarmatova is a unique collection of information and analytical materials prepared by the Ukrainian professional web analytics. In its information content it has no analogues in the Russian segment of the Internet. The authors have accumulated in it a considerable amount of theoretical and practical materials that will be useful for both beginner and professional analysts and webmasters [1]. Innovative techniques for the analysis of complex Web sites are available in the source [7].
The method of dynamic content well reviewed [8], which revealed its essence, how it works and how to implement some dynamic content in the marketing strategy. Optimization methods, in general, considered to many electronic resources.
Optimization methods considered to many electronic resources [9, 10].
3. The sequence of methods for optimization
The choice of methods is based on an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of methods of optimization of content as well as taking into account the factor of development and change in the ranking of search engines. The method of web analytics is one of the most used methods of optimization, and we can say that a half or two years of web analytics is more relevant for a site than search engine optimization.
Web-analytics like any analyst, data analysis. With the growth of Internet in the world will develop web analytics as the science of optimal supply information to the user, there will be its integration with the theory of mathematical statistics on the one hand and the psychology of the individual on the other. In the meantime the work of web analytics is to increase the number of sales or other required actions (for example, an increase in clicks on advertising). [11].
At the core of web analytics two main principles:
Web analytics solutions use the following symptoms:
Some of the benefits of web analytics is, what
For the system we used a web analytical method as a conversion tracking for each user individually. Then use the method of analysis of the data collected, based on which are determined by the user's preferences. Under the method of data analysis refers to information processing and identification in her patterns and trends that help to make decisions. [13].
Creating dynamic content. Dynamic content is a term that refers to the work site or email distribution means that the content varies depending on the interests and user behavior. One gets the impression that this content has been specially created for this particular user is currently viewing. Other forms of dynamic content may include the insertion of graphics and offers a page that is displayed, depending on who looks at it at the moment, personalization fields in emails.
The effectiveness of such content in its relevance. Numerous studies have confirmed that the targeted marketing of higher relevance to the final recipient gives much better results [8]. On the basis of the previous method is analysis of statistics collected data just generated a content selected by the user.
4. The model of an expert system to optimize content
A similar algorithm developed system has a site amazon.com, which store and offers the user products that might interest him. However, we take the Amazon algorithm is not possible, since it is a commercial secret.
Our algorithm.
According to the model developed by each user and the movie contains a list of criteria. For the film, the criterion value is set to true or false, depending on the availability criterion in the film. User defined criteria as rating the significance of which is increased when you visit the links to the film, in which this criterion is present.
Upon registration the user will be given the opportunity to put down the importance of the criteria in the form of movies rated from 1 to 10.
Then, according with the sequential method, we need to track and store addresses of visited pages users. When the user selects a view or generates a new search query, the system analyzes the films are saved for the current session links (based on inherent criteria) increases the score for the basis for the user and dynamically generates content offered films.
Contents formed thereby. For the user will be important criteria with a rating above 7 inclusive. Calculated for the number of suitable criteria for the movie (if important criterion for the user is present in the film, the number increased by one). The list is then sorted by descending number of criteria and put a limit on 100 entries.
When a search query, the same way of counting important criteria for the relevance of the results are located. The model is presented in Figure 1
![The generalized model of the system](images/model.gif)
Figure 1 – The generalized model of the system
For the system was chosen such a list of criteria the film:
- quick action;
- one of the main roles of the pet;
- availability chases;
- with superheroes;
- war theme;
- cosmos theme;
- availability monsters / mutants / other mystical creatures;
- about school;
- philosophical reflection;
- future, time travel;
- availability high-tech, robots;
- with secrets;
- based on real events;
- based on the book (the story, etc.);
- business, becoming successful;
- family values;
- dedicated struggle between good and evil;
- changing a person for a certain period of time;
- a large number of special effects;
- religious themes.
This research work was conducted analysis of methods to optimize the structure and content of the site for the creation of an expert system. The analysis identified and implemented a sequence of techniques required for system operation. Spend the development of a fundamentally new model of the algorithm, which includes all of the above steps and methods. As a result, implementation of the model has developed a system that can pick up movies exactly according to the preferences of each user site.
It is assumed the possibility of using the system, and for sites with different themes, by changing the criteria for evaluating the system. There will also be modifying the algorithm of data analysis and selection of information to the user to improve the quality of produce results.
While an essay is writing master's work is not yet complete. Full content will be provided after the end of its writing (December 2015).
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