The contents
- Introduction
- 1. Distance education
- 1.1 The concept of distance education
- 1.2 Organizing of distance education
- 1.3 Goals and objectives
- 2. Computer programs used in distance education
- 2.1 Program purposes and features
- 2.2 Types of programs, used for distance education
- 3. Forms of distance education
- 4. Tutors (mentors, teachers)
- Conclusions
- The list of sources
Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) has always occupied a leading position in the latest developments and the introduction of new technologies. The trend has continued to the present time thanks to the teaching staff, keeping up with the innovations in the world. For the learning process in a university, DonNTU, from generation to generation makes maximum use of modern technical capabilities and innovation. Computer and Internet technologies are becoming more accessible and increasingly penetrate in various spheres of life of modern society. For educational institutions open new opportunities through which you can simplify the process of learning and teaching and to enhance learning quality. Currently, the availability of computer technology and Internet technology raises the question of the relevance of such form of the educational process, as distance education. Thanks to computers e-learning reflects the best methods and tools of innovative learning technologies. Adaptation of a specific discipline to distance learning can include as placement of learning materials on the University server for public access, as the development and implementation of specialized training programs or testing systems.
In the process of doing the master's work is expected to develop methodological support to the discipline “Microcontrollers” with regard to possible remote aspects. The course must comply with the curriculum and contain the materials needed to obtain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the discipline. The developed course is intended to apply to teach discipline “Microcontrollers” at the computer engineering department of the faculty of computer science and technology DonNTU.
1. Distance education
1.1 The concept of distance education
In distance education the basis of the educational process is independent work of the student, which is carried out at a convenient location according to individual schedule and have the necessary training package, as well as the possibility of contact with the teacher through a variety of communication tools or in person. The distance form of education characterized by humanity. It provides educational opportunities to anyone regardless of geographic location, health status, degree of social vulnerability or employment in the production sector. Distance education is one of the most promising synthetic, integral and humanistic forms of education. The characteristic signs of distance education include:
- division of student and teacher, student and the University in distance;
- established student and teacher interaction, existence and fulfillment of certain agreements between them;
- training kit of needed for training materials prepared by teacher.
1.2 Organizing of distance education
Mainly in distance education there are two approaches in providing training support – expansion and transformation. These approaches can be described as follows.
Model extension occurs when a teacher conducts a lesson, technologically little different from the traditional, expanding it to other spatial and temporal framework. The activity of the teacher, a set of training materials, learning environment allows to simulate the situation of learning in the class, and also to compensate for the lost channels of communication and obtain educational information. This model of learning involves the transformation of a lecture, followed by class discussions in individual tutorials.
Model transformation characterizes such forms of distance learning, that do not imitate traditional teaching, but represent something new, specifically associated with communication technologies, used by teachers and students [1].
1.3 Goals and objectives
The use of distance learning in the educational process allows to carry out the following goals:
- to provide equal opportunities of receiving education for any category of the population in any geographic location;
- to improve the quality and level of the society education;
- maximally satisfy human rights and needs in education;
- to provide enterprises with qualified personnel;
- to provide an opportunity for retraining and advanced training in parallel with the production activities.
2. Computer programs used in distance education
2.1 Program purposes and features
Displays of personal computers provide great graphical capabilities, and flexibility of programming languages allows us to give visibility to the materials used for distance learning. It is important to note that many complex processes that are difficult or impossible to observe in reality, can be visualized using computer graphics. Such visuals can be static or dynamic.
The use of computer technology in distance learning also allows to create programs for verification and control of student’s knowledge. Such programs allow a student to learn the weaknesses in the studied material, as well as facilitate the job of the teacher to control student’s knowledge. The knowledge control system may include a variety of topics from specific field of knowledge and test knowledge in a variety of forms. Is possible, for example, to implement test tasks, questions with gaps, open and closed questions and so on. As the simplest example of a control system of knowledge can be used a program which checks the knowledge of specific topics using open-ended questions – questions only consisting from the wording, the answer to which you must enter manually. The curriculum determines the correctness of the answer and gives the student a recommendation to the repetition of material with incorrect answers. A fragment of such a program is shown on fig. 1.

Figure 1 – Fragment of running knowledge testing program
(animation: 32 cadres, duration 23 seconds, 8 iterates, 42 KB)
Closed questions mean formulated question and answer choices to him. In example on fig. 2 the program provides one correct solution, involving the selection of multiple responses from the list.

Figure 2 – Closed question example with response options
2.2 Types of programs, used for distance education
Computer programs for distance education can be divided into several types: training and monitoring, mentoring, simulation and modeling, and educational. Training and monitoring programs are focused on the consolidation of the acquired knowledge and skills. They suggest a preliminary study of the required material. The essence of these programs is to offer the student a certain sequence of questions and tasks based on the studied material. The student consistently performs tasks, and the program counts the number of correct answers. In the case of an incorrect response the student may receive a hint. According to the results of the execution of such program, student can receive recommendations for additional study of the“weak” spots.
The mentoring program are based on the organization of human-computer dialogue, during which the student is provided with material for study. The tasks and questions used during dialogue can control the course of training. In the case of incorrect answers is possible“ to roll back the program ” in order to re-examine the theoretical material. The mentoring program type appeared as a means of computer learning in 60s years of the last century. In foreign publications, the term “programmed learning” even today means modern computer technology. Among the founders of programmed learning can be called American psychologist B.F. Skinner.
Programmed learning means a program consisting of a sequence of tasks that are passed to the student to perform. The most famous varieties of programmed learning are linear and branching programmed instruction.
Simulation training programs refer to the advanced facilities of the educational process, they are able to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of training. Various exercise machines help to acquire practical skills.
Modeling instruction program have a great value when modeling or visualizing such dynamic processes that are difficult or impossible to reproduce in the classroom. With the help of such programs becomes possible to simulate the experiments, real or imaginary situations. Computer modeling programs are based on animation, which presents the work of any mechanism or mapped the flow of a process. In such programs widely used interactive graphics that support a dialogue. This allows the learner not only to observe the study process, but also to investigate the effect of changing parameters on the result. For example, is possible using “computer mouse” turn the handle of the instrument, to mix solutes and etc. Modeling programs allow you to create situations that are necessary to determine the level of specific knowledge and skills, responsiveness in any situation and the ability to find a creative solution.
3. Distance learning
E-learning includes a number of forms of learning, ranging from communication between teacher and student by mail or phone to bilateral video courses. New concepts and terms in educational practice in distance education include:
- virtual class or group;
- support for learning (support for students);
- educational telecommunication projects;
- feedback;
- dialog technology;
- conference call;
- Internet connection;
- coordinator, moderator, facilitator of the telecommunication project (teleconference).
Virtual classroom is a group of students that interact with each other during cooperative learning tasks executions. Communication between students of the virtual classroom is carried out over computer networks.
Learning support (student support)means a set of training materials and any other information coming from the teacher to the student, which is in a different geographic location. The learning process thus implies some continuous activity, which shall be free from breaks (or they should be minimal), during which educational materials don’t come from the teacher to the student.
Under educational telecommunications project we understand collaborative (collective) activity of the students aimed at achieving a certain model goal. Such goal, generally, is not educational in nature and is a model of any scientific or industrial activity. Model purpose of the telecommunications project stimulates students' skills and ability to work in a team. Achieving the goal model is carried out using the division of labor and roles. Activity of pupils in the telecommunications project has integrated character and an active social orientation.
Telecommunications project has the following features:
- temporary certainty and limits;
- the use of telecommunication computer networks and software for organization of information exchange between all participants of the project;
- precise organization of students' activities established by the project coordinator.
The point of the feedback in distance education is the transmission of information flow from the teacher to the student in the process of assessment of student progress by teacher. Feedback necessarily involves the reaction of the teacher on the student's work ( approval or disapproval). Properly organized feedback has great importance for the formation of a stable positive motivation in the learning process. Feedback in traditional training is done at the subconscious level, using the tone of voice of the teacher, his facial expressions and gestures. E-learning is devoid of many non-verbal channels of communication between the teacher and the student, so feedback in this type of training is an essential element of pedagogical technologies.
The term “dialog technology” means the configuration of software and hardware and interpersonal interaction, as well as activities, that provide free communication.
Teleconference is a way of the text messaging between the group of interested people.
Computer connection includes a variety of ways that telecommunication networks and computers use as tools for communication. The structure of computer communication includes email, allowing you to send messages to users of a computer network; teleconferencing by which you can send messages to all participants at the same time and access to sources of the information (databases, servers, library resources).
4. Tutors (mentors, teachers)
In distance education cannot be underestimated the role of the teacher. The work of Tutors is an important part of the organization and quality of distance learning. Tutors must meet high professional and business requirements. The tutor is interviewed, which determines its potential ability to work, and mandatory testing that indicates knowledge of a tutor in a specific school course.
Professional tutor combines teacher, consultant and manager. As a teacher tutor conducts introductory and concluding sessions, helps the student to define themselves professionally, and also ensures the correct and effective use of teaching materials of the course. As a consultant tutor coordinates the learning process, conducts group classes and consults students individually. As managers tutors carry out the recruitment and formation of study groups, conduct group sessions, and supervise the implementation of students schedule of the educational process. Tutors conduct progress tests, final test and exam. fig. 3 schematically shows the stages of selection and preparing of the Tutors.

Figure 3 – Selection and preparation of the Tutors
Distance learning is a holistic process that includes the text of the lessons, searching for necessary information in the network, exchanging of the messages with the teacher and other students, accessing databases. E-learning in the modern world is becoming especially topical since this type of training can most flexibly and adequately respond to our constantly changing world. Without the introduction of information technologies in educational process it is impossible to provide current student with opportunities for obtaining and using information in the professional field and other domains of human life. In the process of writing a master's thesis I examined the possibility of expanding and adjusting of the methodological support for the discipline “Microcontrollers” given the pace of development of microprocessor technology and improvement of microcontrollers.
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