Radio–electronic devices, systems and complexes
Systems of remote control and monitoring there is great variety, ranging from a variety of environmental sensors and ending Lunokhod and rovers. Assuming increasing popularity of such funds over the past couple of years the demand for civil unmanned aerial vehicles has increased several times. What can not fail to attract attention.
In this chapter and classified system of remote monitoring and control – is unmanned aerial vehicles used in the military industry in the performance of any task in enemy territory.
German scientists are ahead of a lot of countries in the development and construction of wireless devices and gave the world in the forties of the XX century a jet engine and cruise missiles "V–1", and they are the first to apply it in combat as a self–flying unmanned rocket.
After the Great Patriotic War, interest in UAVs has increased substantially, and since the 1960's celebrated their widespread introduction for solving non–military nature and intensity of development to conduct local military objectives [1]. Given the fact that the intensity of research, demand and mass production of unmanned aerial vehicles in the military field has increased several times, it is clear that every military unit head wants to keep human life resorting to devices of remote control and monitoring using reconnaissance drones with high–resolution cameras .
The main task to be performed by the UAV systems, – conducting intelligence operations in all regions and local peculiarities, which receive intelligence conventional methods is difficult or endanger the health and lives of people. Information that is collected on–board means, can be sent over a radio frequency UAV operator or stored in a predetermined board "drone" memory treated as a continuous array or data. The most widely used at the present time received small–sized short–range systems, because their prices are low, and they are very economical when used for similar types of problems [2].
An additional challenge is the fact that they are very useful as carriers means electronic surveillance and control, ie carrier jammers against radio equipment or stations, which record various radiation enemy communications and control stations. With UAVs can quietly penetrate into the territory controlled by the enemy to the object of interference, in particular to the missile defense radar and air defense systems. When the UAV will be close to a radar system with a working station interference, he will not be able to function normally and provide a missile defense system of information on the entities controlled by the space. Depending on the signal generated by the noise generator on the radar screen may appear imaginary set of goals that are not different from the present, or he simply mask the allied aircraft [2].
Before you start to deal with the details of the structure of the UAV operation is necessary to classify them according to size and range.
Now automated tools entrenched in many areas and continues to expand its borders. They are becoming more autonomous, and a set of features is constantly growing. Active development of unmanned and automated complexes became possible thanks to the technical solutions related to the development of automated control systems, navigation, increasing productivity and miniaturization of microprocessor technology, using advanced telecommunications facilities, as well as the influence of political systems to minimize the loss of personnel and equipment in the conduct of armed conflicts [3].
UAV payload can be used to conduct intelligence operations, surveillance of external changes of the landscape, detection, identification and tracking; communication between their departments; conducting radio and electronic reconnaissance, electronic warfare; detection and identification of specific traces of using chemical, biological, nuclear or any other type of weapon; transport different cargoes; solving the problems of search and rescue; air support; participate in offensive air operations; Environmental monitoring [1].
Military experts believe that to meet the high demands and be optimally effective for the command and control is necessary so that all UAVs become interoperable. Most of the systems used unmanned aerial vehicles do not meet the requirements of interoperability, and some of them are completely unfit for action as part of groups of troops [1].
Available in service in many countries UAVs acquired governing officials and therefore are unique and specific in its use. The unification of the hardware and software of many UAVs can solve the problem of interoperability of unmanned devices. In order to ensure the interoperability of the UAV from the leadership of each country must be the introduction of uniform and equal standards for major system components and software functions [1].
As an example, consider the concept of using UAVs applied to solve problems of detection and destruction of enemy targets. In this unit with video recording facilities, but without arms monitors, and at the time of detection of enemy targets and carries targeting specific coordinates. At the same time in the area of observation it is ready for use shock weapons drones or artillery battery. In the case of shock UAV while receiving the discovery of the purpose of its avionics is requesting permission to the possibility of carrying out the attack, which comes to the control of the operator. Last confirms its readiness to launch and allows the use of weapons. This UAV, which is required to detect and lead targets, should be able to stay a long time in the area and provide accurate data on the situation of the purposes on request [1].
UAVs there are so many and each of them is required for some narrow task. It is therefore necessary to analyze and classify all kinds of UAVs, which every year take up more airspace.
The very meaning of the phrase unmanned flying machine means an aircraft that is remotely controlled by the remote control operator or pre–programmed flight data program.
Aerial view – this is the most efficient and economical method of collecting spatial information on the state of the terrain, the basis for the creation of topographic maps and plans, creating three–dimensional terrain models and terrain where the enemy is located. Aerial photography is done with both manned aircraft – airplanes, dirigibles and balloons, and a UAV. Unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as manned aircraft are, as well as helicopter type (helicopters and multicopter – aircraft with four or more rotors with the rotors).
Fig. 1 – Types of UAVs
( animation: 8 frames , 10 cycles of repetition , 149 KB )
Classification UAV aircraft type with respect to the use of techniques and styles can be divided by several characteristics:
1. By appointment:
— Intelligence;
— targeting;
— jamming;
— Remote monitoring and supervision;
— Complexes air relay;
— Multipurpose unmanned systems;
— Impact.
2. The size and weight:
— micro
– weighing up to 3 kilograms, the flight time of about 1 hour and up to 1 kilometer;
— mini
– weighing up to 50 kilograms, a few hours of flight time and up to 3 – 5 km;
— average (MIDI
) – 1 000 kilograms, a time of 3–1 hours, and up to 9–3 km;
— heavy – with altitude up to 20 kilometers and 24 hours of flight time or more.
Reconnaissance UAVs required for radio and visual exploration of the dislocation of the enemy.
UAV targeting applied for registration and transfer of information on the exact location of all or certain of the enemy.
UAV jamming applied to create specific signals that create communications equipment enemy jamming.
Remote monitoring and supervision – a mixture of intelligence and tseleukazyvayuschih UAV.
Complexes air relay have the same properties as the terrestrial repeater stations, i.e. It receives the desired signal and amplifies it passes on to the next relay complex or to the receiving station.
Multipurpose unmanned aerial vehicles – designed for a variety of purposes ranging from mapping and ending rescue operations.
At the present stage of development of the UAV on–board navigation and control complex, the task of measuring the state of the system performs a small–sized inertial integrated system.
As part of the UAV has lots of inertial sensors (gyroscopes and accelerometers), barometric altimeter and a three–axis magnetometer, and comparing the data from these sensors to the data receiver GPS / GLONASS built computers should calculate and create control signals for the direction of the coordinates and orientation angles.
In order to successfully carry out exploration on the deployment of the enemy forces in real time during the implementation of the flight and digital surveying and determining the coordinates of the investigated areas of the UAV payload shall consist of:
— devices receiving specific information:
— satellite navigation systems;
— specific devices and radio telemetry data;
— Devices command navigation radio with antenna–feeder devices;
— The exchange command information;
— The unit of information exchange;
— The onboard digital computer;
— storage device specific information.
The device is receiving specific information attached fixedly at a certain angle to the drill axis of the UAV in order to provide the necessary angle terrain. Sightseeing device may be a television camera with a wide angle to capture and depending on the purpose and the weather conditions may be replaced or supplemented by a thermal imaging camera, a digital camera, station generates interference or radar.
Perform optimum radio transmission of information in real or near–real–time control point within the radio visibility or via relay stations.
System command and navigation radio must be capable of receiving within the radio visibility or via relay stations commands UAVs, as well as the management of its payload.
The complex provides an information sharing command the division command and navigation information for consumers on board UAVs, ie the job is sent to the new coordinates programming device further movement of the flight, and the information that is sent to the control elements of the UAV enters the control nodes.
The unit of information exchange is necessary in order to distribute the imagery between air source imagery, radio transmitter species and telemetry data and on–board storage device specific information. It also provides information exchange between all the functional units that make up the main load of UAVs on the selected interface. Before the beginning of the mission in the UAV via an external input port Summer jobs and held before the start of the automated diagnostics for all major systems and components.
The satellite navigation system is needed to determine the location of the UAV and registered objects from the signals of the global satellite navigation system GPS / GLONASS. It may consist of one or two receivers with antenna systems. If you apply the two receivers whose antenna systems are separated and are at the beginning of the end of the aircraft, it allows you to determine not only the coordinates of UAVs, but also the value of its azimuth.
On–board digital computer system provides onboard complex control drone.
The storage device specific information necessary for the accumulation of a specific set operator or automated (programmed initially), the information before the UAV must perform landing. This drive can be removable or fixed. If you are using a fixed drive, you must provide all of the information transfer from the drive to the external device.
A power supply that is integrated, it is necessary to align the onboard power source and devices which are payload.
On–board – a full–featured navigation and control of UAVs. The complex provides a host of features: determination of navigational parameters, orientation angles and motion parameters of the unit (the angular velocity and acceleration); navigation and control during the flight along the programmed path; stabilization of the orientation device in flight; issuing a transmission channel telemetry information about the navigation options, orientation angles UAV.
The composition of a typical on–board complex: block inertial navigation system; receiver navigation system; autopilot unit; Flight Data storage; airspeed sensor.
In the basic configuration, automatic or remote control of the UAV by using aileron, elevator, rudder and motor controller.
As an essential component of the complex is to be compatible with wireless channel PCM using pulse code modulation, and thereby enable the operator to control the UAV in manual mode with a standard remote control, and automatic, on autopilot commands. If you change the flight path generates standard pulse width modulated signals for the autopilot control commands that are suitable to a variety of types of actuators.
Of these, it is clear that the main and most important components of any unmanned aircraft system is and always will be the system of management and communication.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2015. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.