- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Research goals and objectives
- 3. Analysis of modern simulation systems, mining
- 4. The approach to modeling the development of the coal mining company
- Conclusion
- References
In the current environment of Donbass coal industry is undergoing structural changes due to the lack of public funding. The way out of this situation is the privatization of the mines and attract a large number of investments. In market terms, each individual element of mine to become the coal industry with its factors hindering its development, so the main goal is to identify these factors and to develop a strategy that would respond quickly to changing internal and external environment of the enterprise. This work is devoted to the analysis of modern methods of modeling mining enterprises and the choice on the basis of this conceptual approach to the development of mining operations at the mine [2].
1. Theme urgency
The current state of development of the Ukrainian coal industry is characterized by transformation processes, change of ownership, approaches to determining the effectiveness of the mines, the transition to market relations in determining the suppliers and buyers of coal products, subsidized by the principle of funding the coal enterprises to their self-financing opportunities with the development of the financial market. In these circumstances, profitable work of coal enterprises is impossible without restructuring, modeling of mining operations, including organizational and financial aspects of this process.
2. Research goals and objectives
The aim of the study is to validate the approaches to modeling of mining operations in coal mines today. To achieve these goals it is necessary to solve the following problems:
• the simulation of mining operations in coal mines;
• avit especially coal mines as an object for the model;
• provesti analysis of modern foreign systems modeling on mining operations;
• develop conceptual approaches to improving the system simulation in coal mines.
3. Analysis of modern simulation systems, mining
At the present time in many industries use computer programs to solve tasks and automate processes previously performed manually. The mining industry is well established spatial modeling of mining operations. For decisions on stock assessment, planning and design of mining operations in the world uses an integrated mining computer systems. The best-known products are the Gemcom, Micromine, Vulcan, Datamine [1].
In these systems, originally expected to create three-dimensional models of fields and the interconnected complex of problems of mining on the basis of constructed models. This approach is consistent with the nature of mining sites and the nature of tasks.
Simulation problem of mining operations, solved in integrated computer systems, usually identical in functionality and include the following steps:
• volumes of mining and preparatory work for the planning period based on the performance of equipment;
• visualization of mining development with the release of colors mining waste sites and units held mining in different periods of the planning;
• сonstruction of graphs showing start and end dates of works in mining faces, as well as the timing of development workings;
• linked to diagrams of tabular data reflecting the volume and tonnage of minerals extracted for planning periods;
• reflections diagrams movement of slaughtering the mining and mineral processing plants.
The simulation of mining operations is well proven System MINE2-4D. The main advantage is its ability to integrate long-term and current plans. Typically, in the planning process creates long-term plan for the life of the mine [6].
Other advantages of the program:
• quick transition from project planning;
• submission of the plan in the form of spreadsheets, animation, or high-quality graphics;
• the ability to easily import data from other systems.
MINEMAX and its package iGantt – is a powerful tool for scheduling the open pit and underground mining operations, which combines the capabilities of Chart Gantt, three-dimensional visualization and spreadsheets [7].
Benefits package:
• easy to use interactive Gantt chart interface allows new users to create charts from the first day;
• productivity increases through integration with other business software and databases;
• create a set of plans, taking into account the unforeseen circumstances and possible economic / market changes;
• fast conversion plans using iGantt the appearance of unplanned events;
• add-on module to optimize NPV considering operating restrictions;
• user-defined communication systems enable to monitor the production of the key objectives in tabular or graphic form;
• three-dimensional images of graphs and presentations and visual verification of usability plan.
For mining is a very important financial factor as it often appears restrictive. To carry out simulation taking into account the financial calculation widespread program of Runge, namely their software XPAC Underground Design designed specifically for coal mines. It can import geological reservoir models of all known systems of this kind. The package is compatible with AutoCAD graphics, allows you to plan any scenario of mining operations and evaluate its economic performance. Coal reserves, their quality are calculated automatically when you specify the boundaries of mining operations.
These features, in fact, characterize modern requirements for the implementation of the automated systems of planning for mining companies.
4. The approach to modeling the development of the coal mining company
When building a model of a coal mine usually use the following list of documents: the plan of mining works on all layers, which is developing a mine; schedule I-disposal stopes; plan for the mining layers. Depending on the existing mining-technical and mining-geological situation is further formed documents: a roadmap of mining; requests for equipment required for assembly and disassembly of lava; schedule of cleaning equipment; timetable tunneling equipment. The formation of these documents are also due to the formation of annual production program, or to develop new plans for the development of the mine. For frequent mine prevails not situational system planning [5]. This is due to the fact that the production process affects a large number of unpredictable factors that lead to a change in the planned program of mining and a number of other processes carried out at the mining enterprises. Also, when building a model under the influence of these factors, there is the complexity of the operational conversion specified model parameters and linking them to operational strategies.
In addition, there are objective reasons for the instability unwound model as most decisions in mining are inertia and interdependent.
Modern approaches to the management of mining operations involve complex modeling of the mining enterprise, scenario analysis, operational review of operational and tactical plans for the production conditions change, linking the decisions adopted at this level with the operating strategy [4].
Front preparatory and mining works in the space is constantly changing with the passage of time and this leads to a change in the mutual arrangement of mining, transport and ventilation circuits, voltage massif. Simulation of mining operations suggests the possibility of a restriction on the maximum job mining face, the negative impact of mining pressure. All of these factors ultimately affect the financial performance of mining companies and mining safety. The adoption of appropriate decisions concerning the development of mining operations is based on the spatial distribution of mining in their dynamic movement.
The applied technology development schedules using spreadsheets mainly provides solutions and computational tasks schematic reflection of the timing of the completion of the work and in the mining and development faces, movement of equipment.
The applied technology development schedules using spreadsheets mainly provides solutions and computational tasks schematic reflection of the timing of the completion of the work and in the mining and development faces, movement of equipment.
In applying this approach big disadvantage is the low degree of automation of calculations, the inability to link settlements with a graphical representation of the results.
Simulation technology of mining operations in coal mines is seen as an example PSC DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbas
Golf shafts excavated 6th vertical shafts: Central double cage and skip and Central assimilated by block air supply and ventilation. Circuit training mine field – block. The project provides for the preparation of the four blocks of size 2.0 – 4.5k m along strike and down dip 1 – 1,25 km. Circuit training within each unil. Horizons laid at elevations 418 m, 628 m. 810 m to the device at these horizons main haulage and ventilation and drainage drifts.
The system of development – pillar (column length of the uprising, strike).
Inflow of water is 541 m3 / h
Mine is classified as dangerous to sudden outbursts of coal, I gas.
Mine coal seam fulfills four brand T:
• Plast l7 1,0 – 1,05 m power. Immediate roof - clay, silt, silt, shale, sandstone. Slate clay unstable (B2) and highly unstable (B1), with coal extraction collapses to a height of up to 6m 0,1 - 0,6 m.
• Plast l6 1,1 - 1,3 m power. Direct populated with the sturdy roof sandstone (B2). The main roof is represented by rocks, similar in description to the immediate roof rocks (A3 + A2)..
• Plast l4 simple structure consistent power within 0,90 - 1,01 m. Directly in the roof lies clay and sand-shale. Slates unstable. The main roof is presented of light and sredneobrushaemymi shales (A1, A2).
• Plast l3 power 1,26 – 1,45 m, immediate roof – limestone, shale clay (B2).
For the conditions of the mine schedule was developed mining development picture 1. With the software Rudnik 3D developed a three-dimensional model of the development of mining operations at the mine in picture 2.

Picture 1 – The copy of the mining plan

Picture 2 – The three-dimensional model of the development of mining operations:
(animation: volume – 25 КБ; size – 440 x 223; the number of frames – 8 – the number of repetition cycles – 5 ; delay between staff – 75 ms)
Modern computer programs to construct a model of mining operations, coal-fired plants in Ukraine, has not yet received proper distribution for several reasons. The introduction of such software requires a lot of costs in terms of restructuring of individual specialists and units, training of specialists, the difficulty of linking it with the programs of the mining enterprise. In addition, foreign systems is sometimes impossible to prepare a graphical documentation in the format adopted by the company and the required regulatory bodies. All these factors holding back widespread innovative technologies of processing information.
Summarizing the requirements for building a model of development of mining operations at the mining enterprises, and planning experience in the coal mines can be formed following conceptual approaches to resolving problems of modeling development of mining operations:
• the model should be based on the account of factors internal and external environment and respond to their changes;
• planning of mining operations should be based on introduction of innovative technologies in data processing and modeling of the mining enterprise;
• the effective implementation of the modeling should occur as a consequence of the reorganization of the geological, surveying, engineering, planning and economic life of the enterprise and the orientation of these services on the joint preparation and use of the database to build a computer model of the mine.
The analysis of modern methods of modeling coal enterprise goals and objectives of the master's work. The study results were obtained 3D modeling. After determining all the dependencies can generate the most promising model of a coal mining enterprise.
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