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Brief resume

Name Mykyta Barsuk
Date of birth Jyle 22, 1993
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2000–2010 – secondary school I–III stages No. 120
2010–2014 – Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Mining and Geology (IGG), Occupation Mine and underground construction, bachelor;
2014–2016 – Donetsk National Technical University, Institute of Mining and Geology (IGG), special Mine and underground construction, MSc
Average score 4.6 (90)
Languages Russian (native), ukrainian (native), english (basic)
Personal achievements
Member of the 19th and 20 International scientific conference of young scientists and students of the department Construction of mines underground structures 2013–2014
The presence of scientific publications in the collections
Hobbies and interests Fishing, football, billiard pool, historical literature
Personal qualities Responsibility, diligence, ability to learn quickly and adapt
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows, 98/XP/Vista/Seven/8.
2. Applications:Package Microsoft office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access),Compass 3D, AutoCAD, MathCad
Professional experience 01.07.2012–01.08.2012 – educational finding practice on mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep;
01.07.2013–01.08.2013 – the industrial practice in the construction of mine shafts Red Army West
Future plans Defence of master's work on excellent, employment specialty
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