- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Purpose of the study
- 3. The essence development strategy of mining operations
- Conclusion
- References
Mining enterprises, unlike other industrial complexes and structures (engineering, processing, chemical plants and so on.) are natural and technological systems. The main parameters of technological schemes, indicators of economic efficiency field development are determined largely by natural factors (structure and size of deposits, surface topography, hydrogeological characteristics of the deposit and many others). In addition, a quarry, unlike many natural and technological systems (hydroelectric power stations, transport, communications, etc..) is also a dynamic object. Quarry, as an open excavation, develops in time and space as the mining of the deposit; change its size and configuration of the surface, the number of being handled of ledges, complicated scheme of transport communications. The depth of quarry, its contours and the volume of the rock mass excavated from the quarry, systematically increasing. When planning a of mining operations operation for the period required to determine the volume of mining and stripping operations over the years and stages of development.
1. Theme urgency
The choice of strategy in the mining sector is extremely complicated by the specifics of the work. However, the right choice of strategy in the current market conditions, determines the financial condition of the company.
2. Purpose of the study
Purpose of the study is to substantiate the development strategy of mining operations at the quarry Zhegolevsky PJSC «Komsomolsk Mine Group».
3. he essence development strategy of mining operations
Strategy – an integrated model of action designed to achieve the objectives of the enterprise. The content of the strategy is a set of decision rules used to determine the main directions of activity [1].
The literature on strategic planning, there are two opposing views on the understanding of the strategy. In the first case, the strategy – a specific long‑term plan to achieve a goal, and to develop a strategy – is the process of finding a target and making a long‑term plan. This approach is based on the fact that all the resulting predictable changes occurring in the environment, processes are deterministic in nature and amenable to full control and management.
In the second case, a long-term strategy is meant qualitatively definite direction development of the enterprise concerning the scope, means and forms of its activity system industrial relations, as well as position the company in the environment. In this sense, a strategy can be described as the chosen course of action, functioning in the framework of which should lead the organization to achieve its goals [2].
In business life under the strategy is understood the general concept that how to achieve organizational goals, solved the challenges it faces and allocated the necessary scarce resources. This concept (corresponding strategy of the second type) includes multiple elements. First of all, it refers to the system of objectives, including mission‑specific objectives and general organization. Another element of the strategy – a policy or set of rules specific organizational actions to achieve their goals.
Typically, the strategy developed for several years, made concrete in various kinds of projects, programs, practices and realized in the process of their implementation. Significant labor and time expenditures many people needed to create a business strategy, do not let it change often or seriously adjust. Therefore, it is formulated in a rather general terms. This – the estimated strategy [3].
However, both within the organization and outside it, new contingencies that do not fit into the original concept of strategy. They can, for example, to open up new prospects for development and opportunities for improvement of the status quo, or, conversely, to refuse make the proposed policy and action plan. In the latter case, the initial strategy becomes unrealizable and enterprise moves to review and formulate urgent strategic task [4].
The need to select the the development strategy of mining operations is not in doubt. For example Zhegolevsky quarry clearly shows that the replacement of old equipment with new and more productive positive impact on mining, resulting in declines in the cost of commercial products and save significant amounts of money.
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