- 1. Overview of work
- 1.1. The relevance of research
- 1.2. Goals and objectives
- 1.3. Object of research
- 1.4. The actual material and methods of processing
- 1.5. Scientific novelty
- 1.6. The practical significance
- 1.7. Personal contribution of the author
- 1.8. Testing results
- 2. Geological characteristics of Pryazovskyi megablock
- 3. The summary results of the reserches
- Findings
- References
1. Overview of work
1.1. The relevance of research
Research typomorphism of minerals – one of the most important problems of modern mineralogy. Therefore, the study typomorphism chemical composition of minerals – satellite of diamond (chrompyrop, Cr – spinel, picroilmenite, chrome – diopside) is very important as it allows to determine the conditions of their formation and contributes to the solution of a number of critical issues, and predictive search – assessment work on this kind of exchange of minerals needed Ukraine.
Geologically, most of the territory of Ukraine is represented by Ukrainian shield (SHIELD) is the south-western part of the East-European diamondiferous province. By all available evidence, to identify promising Ukrainian Shield, both indigenous and alluvial diamond deposits. To date, it is allocated within the five areas, promising discovery of primary diamond deposits: Azov Sea, Central and Western part of the shield, Volyn Paleozoic uplift and average Transnistria. Of these, particularly noteworthy Eastern Azov area where geologists Azov geological expedition to date found 4 kimberlite pipes and 2 dikes.
In the 90 years developed new methods of research typochemism minerals satellite diamond, significantly enhancing the efficiency of forecasting and survey and assessment work on this valuable raw material. A group of researchers led by Professor VL Griffin (Macquarie University and the Joint organization of scientific and engineering research, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia), studied more than 3,000 samples of kimberlite and approximately 45,000 grains chrompyrop and other minerals satellite diamond from different regions of the world, and create a unique data bank the distribution of these minerals such elements-impurities like nickel, zirconium, zinc, yttrium, gallium, scandium, niobium, rare earths and others. The fundamentally new information obtained by the unique laboratory equipment (including proton microprobe MDS particle accelerator HIAF) , allows you to quickly and cost-effectively evaluate diamondiferous kimberlite and lamproite bodies. The urgent need is to conduct similar studies in Ukraine.
The relevance of research is determined by the need to improve and enhance the effectiveness of the methods of prospecting and exploration in Ukraine one of the most important indigenous sources of diamond-bearing kimberlites.
The scientific basis for the development of prospecting and evaluation criteria is the doctrine of Typomorphism minerals satellite diamond, which requires in-depth understanding of the dependence of their chemical composition and other characteristics of the P-T conditions and other parameters of the mineral medium, determining the presence or absence of diamonds in kimberlites.
Using a highly informative features typochemical kimberlite indicator minerals (chrompyrop, picroilmenite, Cr-spinel and chrome-diopside), revealing the nature of distribution in these small elements and elements-impurities is highly relevant in the scientific and practical purposes, contributing to the solution of some problems of search and evaluative
1.2 Goals and objectives of research.
The main objective of the master's work-study typochemism minerals satellite diamond (chrompyrop, picroilmenite, Cr-spinel, chrome-diopside) from kimberlites Azov block of the Ukrainian Shield and the decision on that basis, issues related to the conditions of their formation and diamond prospects. The main objectives of the work:
The main objectives of the work:
1.Set the geological position and petrochemical peculiarities kimberlites Azov region;
2. Determine the patterns of distribution main oxide components and trace elements in minerals-satellites of diamonds from kimberlite pipes of the district;
3. Define the conditions for the formation of kimberlite indicator minerals (P-T parameters, the nature of metasomatic processes, etc..) On the basis of the data of the chemistry.
4. Assess the prospects of industrial diamond kimberlites Azov region based on the interpretation of new information about the chemical composition of minerals satellite diamond.
1.3. The object of study:
Minerals-satellites of diamond kimberlites Eastern Azov.
1.4. The actual material and methods of processing
Determining the content of the main oxide components and trace elements in minerals-satellite of diamond kimberlites Azov region. performed on the electron laser (Cameca SX-50, LAM-ICPMS) and protons (HIAF) microprobe laboratory Main National Center geochemical evolution and metallogeny continents (GEMOC) at Macquarie University and the Joint Science and Engineering Center (CSIRO), Sydney Australia. In addition, the used literature data on East European, Yakutsk, Chinese and South African diamond province.
1.5.Scientific novelty:
1. representative number of tests (over 500 samples) performed on the electronic and for the first time, the proton microprobe, the regularities of the distribution of the major oxide components and trace elements in chrompyrop, picroilmenite, Cr-spinels from kimberlites and chrome-diopsides the Azov Sea, which revealed features typochemical their composition.
2.On the basis of the original data the thermobaric and other conditions for the formation of kimberlite minerals typomorphic the Azov Sea and the conclusions about the nature of their underlying maternal sources.
1.6. The practical importance.
As a result of the research and analysis of available data on the composition of minerals-satellite of diamond kimberlites of South Africa, Russia, China, Canada and other countries offered new and effective ways to assess the industrial diamond kimberlite pipes and the South Novolaspinsk
1.7. author's contribution
1. Processing of test results on a computer, their mineralogical and geological and geochemical interpretation, the definition typochemical features studied minerals-satellite of diamond.
2. Summary of results and comparison of the data with similar data from the known diamond-bearing province in the world.
3. Determination of the conditions of formation and evaluation of the prospects of diamond kimberlite pipes studied the Azov Sea.
1.8. Testing of work
The main provisions of the master's work were reported and discussed at international scientific conferences, as well as intercollegiate conferences students. Total was written 3 articles on this paper.
2. Geological characteristics of Pryazovskyi megablock
It is of extreme south - eastern part of the Ukrainian Shield, bordering the south and south - west of the Black Sea Basin and the east and north - east - on Donetsk folded system. To the west of the adjacent Midledneprovsky megablock he separated the Orekhovo-Pavlograd suture zone width from 20 to 30 km, has a north - south strike. The boundary between the adjacent megablock is Orekhovo - Pavlograd fault running along the western framing seam zone, which is included in the Azov megablock. According to deep seismic sounding (DSS) (Starostenko et. Al. , 2002), the average thickness of the crust within the Azov megablock is about 40 km, dropping to 35 km (Moho uplift) in Central and Eastern Azov region and rising to 40–45 km further east, in the area of transregional tectonic Donetsk - Bryansk seam, as well as in the far west megablock within the Orekhovo - Pavlograd suture zone. If almost all megablock celebrated quite a natural separation of the crust in the basalt, diorite and granite layers at about the same of their power, the power of the suture zone of the granite and diorite layer is significantly reduced, and marked mismatch deep and surface structures, which indicates a significant impact on the structure of this zone of horizontal displacements. In overlooking the Precambrian surface section of the upper crust Pryazovskyi megablock stand metamorphic and igneous rocks paleo, meso and Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic. It refers paleoarchean zapadnopriazovskaya series, as well as overlapping its Volchanskaya, Dragoon and ternovatskaya column.
3. The summary results of the study
Low average Y (13–15 g / t), typical of garnet lherzolite Archean - Proterozoic type mantle found in garnets from kimberlites Azov block of USh. Thus, grenades Priazovye indicate thickness of the lithosphere in these regions about 150 km. High average content of Zr found in garnets from kimberlites Eastern Azov (48–60 g / t). Such concentrations are characteristic of many kimberlite garnets from different regions of the world, the processes of exposed metosomatoza. High Cr2O3 content in samples mounted garnets from kimberlites Azov (5.7–5.8 %). Low values Y / Ga (2,5–2,8) and high Zr / Y are established in pyropes from kimberlites Priazovye typical garnet formed in Arjona. This is consistent presence in the composition of the concentrate subcalcic garnets. Pomegranates from overlying Cretaceous sediments, with a range of properties characteristic of mantle proton - type show with the evolution of the proton (K1) to the tektonick (K2) of the mantle (higher content of garnets and high Y Y / Ga ratio). The findings suggest that the age of kimberlites or older than age aulacogene not having mantle archon type or unclear. Insecurity dating does not allow us to speak of in this region archon SLM and make reliable conclusions about the prospects of these diamond kimberlites.
Basic data on Priazovsky kimberlites (including data FV Kaminski, 1995)[6] point to their origin in the earth's crust ahrono proton-type intensive metosomatick subsequent processing. The processes of formation of low-temperature metosomatoza diagnosed by characteristic variations of REE [3], a relatively low content and low Y Y / Ga and Zr / Y ratio [2;3]. Eastpriazovsky unit SHIELD has proton age and is bordered on the west by archon Westpriazovskiy unit. Samples garnets, therefore, may reflect the presence of modified fragments archon mantle in the area of contact between these units.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2016. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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