- Introduction
- 1. Urgency of the work
- 2. Purpose and tasks of research
- 3. Determination of the exchange file in the land cadastre in Ukraine
- 4. Review of Research and Development
- 5. The legal framework in the SLC of Ukraine
- Conclusions
- List of sources
At present, the rapid provision of relevant information is a key of the efficiency of the enterprises or executive authorities and local self-government. In consideration of increasing amount of this data it is necessary to create a information system that allows efficiently solve these problems.
In according with the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers №1355 «About creation of an automated system of state land cadastre» of 2.12.1997, The automated system - a unified state system for public authorities and local governments, citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations of reliable information on the ground. As a fundamental element for the functioning of such an automated system of land cadastre in there file sharing, intended to unify the cadastre data about land or a combination of electronically [1].
The system includes: metric, semantic and service information. Cadastral data-exchange file must contents information from the technical land management documentation.
1. Urgency of the work
In modern conditions, effective resources management can’t be imagined without the use of computer technology, as in the process of collecting and processing information you need to take into account the large number of properties of different objects and their parameters. Systematization and structuring of the collection, storage and processing of data for decision-making in relation to the land cadaster objects are urgent tasks. To solve these issues of collecting and processing the cadastral data automated system is developed.
Correction of data is exchange file is required for stable work of the database. In the work structure of elements was considered in detail and made comparison with IN4 file format.
2. Purpose and tasks of research
Purpose of the work: Research of geometric and semantic components of data exchange file for develop proposals for their optimization and improvement.
I shares common tasks on 3 parts:1) Analysis and comparison of the existing structure of exchange file formats (XML and IN4). Development of proposals to optimize structure of the file.
2) Identification of geometric errors in the exchange file.
3) Develop, on the basis of GIS platform software package that allows the visual display of geometric errors in the mutual position of several cadastral units.
3. Determination of the exchange file in the land cadastre in Ukraine
XML-file (exchange file) it is an electronic document that is used to bring data to database of state land cadaster service. This file contains information about the coordinates of the boundaries of the parcel, size, lands, rights and information about the owner or user of the parcel.
The file format XML is much complicated than IN4. While IN4 - the file contains descriptors which content curtain information, the XML-file is a "tree" of elements [2].

Figure 1 - Structure In4 and XML
Exchange file - an electronic document standard format for the exchange of information, which is used in the management of the land registry books and records of registration of state acts on land ownership and the right of permanent land use, land lease agreements in electronic form, the state land cadastre and topographic implementation - surveying, land management works from [4].
The general structure of exchange file consists of 2 parts.
The service part (AdditionalPart) is used for the forming and the exchange of information on the details of the document, as well as the information indicative of the artists works. The service is part of: the exchange of information on file; Information about persons who have formed a document, to correct the data of this file.
The information part (InfoPart) is used to exchange information on all cadastre units section provides information about the territorial zones of metric information. The information part is composed of elements such as: metric information exchange document xml; territorial zone, cadastral area, cadastral district, a block of land descriptions [5].

Figure 2 - Structure of XML-exchange file
(animation: 5 frames, 10 cycles of repetition, 100 Kb)
4. Review of Research and Development
Specialized studies in the development of automated systems for land cadastre in Ukraine engaged in such scholars as the M. G. Lihogrud who proposed the basic concept of the creation of such systems ("Automated System of the State Land Cadastre of Ukraine"), L. N. Perovic, A. N. Tretiak, M. D. Cheremshinsky ("The evolution of cadastral systems in the world and the development of cadastral reform in Ukraine") and others.
The automated system of state land cadastre (the AU SLC) has come a long way of formation in Ukraine. A new round of the transition from paper to electronic media was taken in 2003, when as part of the introduction of information on land parcels and their owners was passed a file exchange format IN4. Even after 7 years (in 2010) the exchange format of the file has been modified more modern hierarchically structured XML-type.
The main drawback of the AU SLC in Ukraine, which distinguishes it from other countries, is adjacent to the development, both the Land Registry and automation systems responsible for entering information into this database. When large volumes of data, this leads to the emergence of a greater number of errors and shortcomings. So now you must make every effort to direct the organization of high-quality and stable operation of AC SLC [3].
5. The legal framework in the SLC of Ukraine
Currently, the legislative and regulatory framework and the creation of cadastre in Ukraine includes:
1. Land Code of Ukraine of 25.10.2001 №2768;
2. Laws of Ukraine About the survey and mapping activities from 23.12.1998 №353 About the state assessment of land documents from 17.06.2004 № 1808 and others;
3. Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine About the order of the state land cadastre of 12.01.1993 №15 About the program of creation of an automated system of the state land cadastre of 02.12.1997 №1355, Conduct of Land records of 09.09.2009 N1021, About the unified system of state registration of land, property and rights to them within the state land cadastre of 17.07.2003 №1088, The execution of land-cadastral works and services for a fee by the state land on 01.11.2000 №1619;
4. Order of the State Committee About approval of Requirements to the structure, content and format design work results from land use in electronic form (exchange file) from 02.11.2009 № 573 (files of type XML) and others.
Among the literature on the local level (based on faculty and undergraduates DonNTU) were used work D. U. Gavrilenko ("Background and research information and spatial-topological models of objects cadastre systems", "Automatic correction of the borders and coordinate land holdings in AC LC" and so on), M.L.Lepesh (Research and analysis of cadastral information in databases data
) and others.
1) At this stage of the study was carried out:
- Analysis of the semantic component of the exchange file.
-Developed proposals for improving the structure in order to optimize land cadastre database.
2) In the process of implementation:
- Development of the algorithm and coding, with the purpose of development in the module allows any GIS environment to open and process the data exchange file, in the context of the tasks.
3) In plans:
Development of the module for the correction of land borders, detection and visualization of all kinds of geometric errors in selected GIS platform.
List of sources
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- Приказ Государственного комитета Украины по земельным ресурсам «Об утверждении Требований к структуре, содержанию и формату оформления результатов работ по землеустройству в электронном виде» №573 от 02.11.2009 г.
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