- Introduction
- 1. Topicality
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Strategic decisions on the mining operations
- 4. Integrated computer systems for strategic planning in mining
- Conclusion
- References
The critical state of modern Donbass coal industry has led to the termination of the work of a number of mines, a sharp decline in production from existing plants, in shortages of coal production. The destruction of the banking system made it impossible to obtain long-term loans for investment in production. A positive factor is the increased demand for coal, which can be a determining factor in the development of enterprise development strategies.
In the long run they will benefit coal producers who are able to take into account the maximum number of external and internal factors in the optimal control of their resources.
1. Topicality
Of particular relevance is currently gaining strategic and operational planning of the development of mining enterprises have retained their performance. These businesses include mine Miner-95
, one of the few privately owned mines in Ukraine. However, even when the stored performance, the situation at the mine is close to critical due to the current external circumstances: the problem of coal sales, purchase and delivery of raw materials, the lack of available funds that could be invested in the expansion of production.
Proper strategic planning can guarantee the existing enterprises in the long term. Strategic planning allows you to objectively assess the situation, identify action and ways.
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The study aims to increase coal production to design capacity. This can be achieved due to the opening of new two or even three of lava, which, together with existing and operating longwall mine will provide the necessary amount of minerals.
Objectives of the study:
- Review of methods for making strategic decisions mining companies.
- Analysis of modern integrated computer systems for strategic planning in mining.
- Study the strategic planning process in the mine
3. Strategic decisions on the mining operations
Strategic planning for mining enterprise is a set of actions and decisions taken by management, which lead to the development of specific and new strategies designed to achieve their goals. Strategic planning is a tool to assist in decision-making. His task is to ensure the implementation of necessary changes in the organization of production, aimed at enhancing the efficiency of its functioning. Theory and practice identified four main types of management activity in the framework of the strategic planning process:
- The allocation of resources.
- The adaptation to the external environment.
- The internal coordination.
- Organizational strategic vision.
The paper describes the main operational development strategy of mining companies:
- The increase in production, due to the introduction of new mining faces, replacing equipment with more productive (taking into account the implementation of waste equipment at residual value), technological improvements (ventilation schemes, transport schemes, systems development).
- Maintaining the level of production by opening new horizons and training, the implementation of measures for transport, ventilation, degassing of, replacement of equipment. This strategy is used for profitable mines have reached design capacity.
- Reducing production costs at constant volume of production – at the expense of introducing new technology, improving the technology of mining operations, changes in system development, the concentration of mining (i.e reducing the number of simultaneous mining faces at a constant volume of production).
- Improving product quality – due to changes in production technology (cut without prisechki wall rocks), improving the organization of work (Department of flows of coal and rock when transporting). It is used in mines uncompetitive with products sold at a low price.
4. Integrated computer systems for strategic planning in mining
Computer modeling of a coal deposit gives an opportunity to plan the resources of the mining enterprises, calculate scenarios mining operations, monitor production capacities in the process of production, more fully take into account all the circumstances and characteristics of mining operations and most reasonably calculated calendar plans.
Many companies in the world market are engaged in modeling of mineral deposits with the inclusion of useful features of the program required the calculation of economic performance indicators, automatic calculation of schedules and more.
The software will provide Volcano
– advanced software for the mining industry, allowing users to validate and organize the primary geological data, to translate them into a dynamic three-dimensional models, get precise projects and mining plans. Volcano makes it possible to compare different scenarios of production prior to mining.
Volcano plays a key role in the mining process, from the stage of exploration, geological modeling, design of mining operations, calculation of blasting and haulage to the drawing up of plans and schedules, plant closures and reclamation.

Picture 1 – Example modeling career with the help of Volcano
Micromine Company is one of the world's leading developers of innovative solutions and services in the field of software for exploration and mining. Micromine company offers effective solutions in computer systems and technology for all processes, from exploration work (such as documentation, interpretation, visualization, modeling, evaluation and data management) to design, mining, monitoring and reporting on the mining industry.
Company MicrominePtyLtd, founded in 1986 in Perth, Western Australia, currently serves more than 2,300 customers in more than 90 countries, providing software solutions for the entire cycle of exploration and mining. Micromine has offices in 15 countries that are leaders in the extraction of natural resources.

Picrure 2 – Example image of the object in MICROMINE
GEOVIA Surpac™ – an integrated product for geology, modeling resources, mine planning and management of field development. The most popular in the world of software for geology and mine planning, production support open pit and underground, as well as exploration in more than 110 countries. It provides efficiency and accuracy in the work at the expense of ease of use, powerful three-dimensional graphics and the ability to automate business processes.
Surpac reach of geologists, surveyors and mining engineers in the field of mining and can be adapted for any raw material or ore body mining method. Multilingual support program allows companies to use the same resource in the world.

Picture 3 – Example of constructing a model of open-field development using GEOVIA Surpac
Over the last 15 years developing a program Geosoft. The program was designed for alluvial gold deposits, and has been for about 5 years, with our participation, this program has been converted into a mine. And only in our department we have a program for 3D-modeling mines.
This program allows you to build a three-dimensional model of the mine on existing plans for mines, and make projections for the development of the next few years and to assess whether the rational use of mineral wealth to continue the work of a mining enterprise.
Since this program is ideal for people working in the field of mining companies, namely mine, it is worth noting that the emphasis will be placed precisely on this program because it is ideal for us.
The analysis of modern systems of planning of the coal enterprises defined goals and objectives of the master's work. And choose a program for 3D-modeling, which allows optimal planning of the development of mining operations in the future. Thus, effective decision-making on the development of individual coal companies and the industry as a whole must be based on a thorough analysis of influencing factors and constraints. To choose adequate scenario of mining businesses need to master information about the geological, technological and organizational conditions of the mine. In this regard, an important role is played by the introduction of computer modeling in the development of mining operations at the existing coal mines.
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- Official site Мaptek [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.maptek.com/ru/vulcan.html
- Official site Micromine [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://ru.micromine.com/
- Official site of the company Gemcom [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://ru.gemcomsoftware.com/продукты/surpac