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Brief resume

Name Viacheslav Moiseienko
Date of birth December 3, 1991
Place of birth SMT. Novotroitskoye, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region.
School 1999–2010 – secondary school No. 2
Universities Donetsk national technical University, Mining Faculty, Department of Environmental Practices:
• 2010–2014 – bachelor;
• 2014–2015 – magistrate;
Average score 4.5
Languages Russian and Ukrainian – fluent, English – at a basic level
Personal achievements Received a commendation for academic achievement, active participation in scientific work and results of creative work
Hobbies and interests Music, basketball, fishing
Personal qualities Dedication, determination, patience, communication skills
Professional and computer skills Computer skills:
• operating systems: Windows;
• office programs: MS Word, MS Excel;
• application software: Kompas-3D, AutoCad;
• Internet technologies: HTML, CSS
Additional courses, internships, grants Conference:
1. Member of the University competition of student research papers of the 2010–2011 school under section Physics, Donetsk national technical University.
2. The winner of the competition of student research papers on physics 2010–2011 school, Kharkiv national University named after  V. N. Karazin.
3. The winner in the University competition of student research papers on physics 2011–2012 school, Donetsk national technical University.
4. Participant of the V international scientific-practical conference Management aspects of enhancing national competitiveness, Centre for development of education, science and innovation, Simferopol – Yalta, 2011
5.The participant of the III all Ukrainian competition of student research papers in Economics and management of transport enterprises, national aviation University, 2013
6. The winner of all Ukrainian competition of student research papers on physics 2012–2013, Sumy state pedagogical University. A. S. Makarenko
Future plans Successful defense of master's work, paid employment, family
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