In DonNTU of similar sort of high-fidelity basis for comparison or project of her creation it is not, and without her it is impossible to define veritable length of device (roulettes, ribbons). Except it, in connection with military operations wall comparators are erected before on the mines of Oktyabrskaya
, the name of Abakumova
and other were destroyed.
It is set as a result of search, that possibility of comparison of the metallic roulettes applied in the surveyor measuring is presently absent in the Donetsk region. At the same time it is impossible to provide a valuable educational process on many disciplines of surveyor speciality, and accordingly and properly to prepare future specialists in this area. Therefore, I consider the topic of my Master's Thesis to be relevant and practicable.
Master’s Thesis is written on request of Mine Surveying Chair.
Purpose and research problems
Due to stated, the purpose of work consists in development of a design and drawing up in the territory of chair of surveying business of the project of creation of a high-precision basis for a comparison, calibration of the measured devices used when performing surveying and geodetic measurements.
Main content of work
The developed high-precision basis includes two types of the comparator – wall and soil. According to the project comparators will be located approximately in parallel relatively each other that will allow to compare the obtained data at calibration of one roulette on both comparators relatively each other. The place of a laying of a high-precision basis is presented in figure 1.

Figure 1. Place of a laying of comparators
It is a backyard of the 11th case of DonNTU. This place is chosen not casually. As far as I know, this part of the city is on a spurn of coal layer, that is it isn't earned additionally that is, terrestrial deformations are absent. Also this building was built more than 50 years ago. This construction didn't undergo any destructions, deformations. From here the conclusion follows that the chosen building rather steady and won't have negative impact on the designed wall comparator. According to the project of brand of the comparator will be located in such a way that it will provide calibration of metal roulettes and measured tapes 20, 30 and 50 meters long. According to the instruction the calibration is made at a constant tension of a roulette in 10 kg. For an exception of a human factor at a roulette tension, the project provided design of the device which will provide constant a tension. Also when developing the project the design will be developed for protection of the centers and elements of the comparator from adverse weather conditions and external mechanical influence.
As for the soil comparator, it represents three concrete curbstones located at distance of 20 and 30 meters that also allows to calibrate 20, 30 and 50 meter roulettes. The arrangement of these curbstones relatively is each other presented in figure 2.

Figure 2. Arrangement of curbstones of the soil comparator
1 – curbstone; 2 – brand of the comparator
Such arrangement will allow to reach the greatest possible sagging of a roulette at its calibration. Production of a curbstone will directly happen on a place of its bookmark as it is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. The construction of the pedestal of the soil of the comparator
1 – the lower part of the pedestal; 2 – top tables; 3 – metal rod; 4 – device under the brand of the comparator
(animation: 5 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 63 kilobytes)
Previously by the projected sizes the ditch on depth of frost penetration in soil will be dug. Then on a place the timbering for the lower part of a curbstone is constructed. In the middle of a timbering the metal core which will be the basis for the top and lower part of a curbstone is hammered, and then all is filled in with concrete. Further the timbering for the top part of a curbstone is constructed. Before filling in the curbstone rest on a metal core the device in which there will be a brand of the comparator which thus it will be concreted in a curbstone is installed.
As well as for the wall comparator, the project provided design of a design for protection of the centers and elements of the comparator from various adverse influences.
According to the industry instruction metal roulettes has to be calibrated with a relative error no more than 1:30000, and roulettes which are used at measurements on observing stations – 1:50000. Proceeding from it, the project will provide the accuracy of calibration of the comparator, at least, 10 times more, that is 1:300000, 1:500000.
At this moment my Master’s Thesis hasn’t been completed yet. The results may be known after defence of Thesis at Mine Surveying Chair in January, 2016.
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