- 1. Goal and tasks of the research
- 2. Theme urgency
- 3. Alleged scientific novelty
- 4.1 Brief description of the mine
- 4.2 The researching of ventilating stability in the descending inclined workings during a fire, and development of solutions to improve it, in a conditions of coal mine
- 4.3 fire protection excavation site
- Conclusion
- References
1. Goal and tasks of the research
The purpose of the master's work – study of the stability of airing inclined workings fires, and measures for its increase in the mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
PAO Shakhtoupravleniye Donbass
model of the mine shaft ventilation system created using IRS Ventilation – PLA.
2. Theme urgency
Mines and other mining enterprises postonyanno face problems of ventilation of mine workings.
The growth of coal production and the level of security is directly linked to the airing of the dust and gas factor. Previously on mines developed emergency response plans (PLA), is calculated emergency ventilation modes for emergency response and fire fighting, carried out the calculation of optimal routes and exit miners rescuers movement to eliminate accidents.
The relevance of the work shown that computer technology to help improve and enhance the reliability of the developed emergency measures, more accurate and faster to identify a way to improve ventilation, to find the best options for the elimination of miners from work in case of accidents and reduce financial costs.
3. Alleged scientific novelty
Expected scientific novelty lies in the fact that the first study was conducted stability airing inclined workings c fires on the model of mine ventilation network mines Shcheglovskaya-Deep
PAO Shakhtoupravleniye Donbass
4.1 Brief description of the mine
Name of the mine. Mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
was established by order of the Ministry of Energy of 12 April 2001. Number 156 by separation from the company being liquidated - mine them. KI Pochenkova MCC Makeevugol
technological links necessary for the resumption of operational activity and productivity of the stocks, respectively. Mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
was part GOAO.
Mine is located on the territory of the district Chervonogvardeysky Makeyevka Donetsk region of Ukraine, the field of mine - within Donetsk-Makeevka geological and industrial district. Bowels are in the use of mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
lines and dimensions of the mine field.
Mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
is bordered by fields of existing mines Chaikino
and the name Zasyad'ko
liquidated mines Orzhonikidze name and Red Guard
and section Kalmiussky mine
projected technical boundary of the mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
PJSC Shakhtoupravleniye Donbass
on a layer L81:
– in the south : minus 700 m contour line ;
– in the west : Grigorievsky thrust (supine wing);
– in the east : the intended line of cleavage formation L81 power rock interlayer 0.5 m ;
– in the north : minus 925 m contour line
Counting coal reserves made on conditions that the respective protocol number 354, approved by the USSR State Planning Commission August 31, 1960, namely :
– counting balance reserves – the minimum total capacity of the formation of simple and complex structure of 0.55 m and a maximum total capacity of the reservoir for all grades of coal – 0.45 m; maximum ash content of – 45 %.
– coal reserves within the existing boundaries of the mine as at 01.01.2012 amounted to 24 561 tonnes – Balance, 27 tons – Off-balance. Corresponding recoverable reserves calculated geological and mine surveying service, totaled 7597 tonnes.
– slaughtered mine balance reserves of coal seam at L81 amounted to 5160 tonnes Off-balance reserves amounted to 127 thousand tons of ash content.
boundaries mine field mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
are :
– in the north – in reservoir m3 – an imaginary line that runs along the strike of the rocks north wells MS-543 on 245 m and 130 m at the 3466 well before the pillar under an air supply trunk pillar under an air supply trunk Grigorievsky thrust (supine wing) ; The layers L1 and K8 – minus 1200 m contour line ; on a layer L8'– minus 925 m contour line.
– in the east – in reservoir m3 – mine safety pillarChaikino
airway eastern trunks gor. 900 m mine them. KI Pochenkova, board walker 7th eastern pillar, the broken line drawn south and east of the safety pillar under the barrel number 2 mine Butovskaya
Grigoriev to thrust; on a layer L1 – technical boundary of the mine Chaikino
thrust Unnamed (hanging wall),thrust is number 1 (the hanging wall); through the formation of K8 – border technical mine Chaikino
thrust Unnamed (hanging wall), loop ash 40 % ; on a layer L8' power rock interlayer 0.5 m
– the south : in reservoir m3 – contour old mine workings 12-13, № 2 Berestovskaya
thrust Nameless mining mine Chaikino
; on a layer L1 – contour of inventory is mine Red Guard
, the old mining shafts 1-1 bis, an imaginary line drawn south by 30 m east 1st vent, drift western apex and 1st western vent, drift east incline mine them. KI Pochenkova entirely under the vent, trunk, Unnamed thrust contour mining and mine them. Ordzhonikidze, on a layer K8 – minus 800 m contour line, the lower branch of the Grigoriev thrust, old mining shafts 1-1 bis, an imaginary line drawn south by 30 m east 1st vent, drift western apex and 1st western vent, drift eastern apex, completely under the vent, trunk, Unnamed thrust, contour mining mine them. Ordzhonikidze ; on a layer L8'– isohypse minus 700.
– the west – on layers m3, L1, K8 and L8'– technical border mines Shcheglovskaya-Deep
and the. AF Zasyad'ko
; on a layer L8'– Grigorievsky thrust (supine wing).
4.2 The researching of ventilating stability in the descending inclined workings during a fire, and development of solutions to improve it, in a conditions of coal mine Shcheglovskaya-Deep
To solve the problems of ventilation was built a computer model of mine ventilation Shcheglovskaya-Deep
, which consists of 178 branches and 119 knots.

Drawing 1 – A computer model of the mine ventilation network Shcheglovskaya-Deep
With the model it is possible to solve the problem of ventilation when the air flows in the main objects of airing will differ from the actual no more than 10 % [3].
4.3 Investigation of stability of air flow at fires in inclined workings
The paper assessed the stability of the air flow in the workings of the fires in the 15 branches, 14 of them identified violations of the stability of ventilation and airing in 1 branch (237 – the central conveyor Walker m3) in the event of fire will be not stable (Drawing 1. 3).[4]

Drawing 2 – Simulation of fire in the 237 branch. Red – development, which is modeled after the fire; Yellow – Area spread of fire gases to stall air flow (zone of gas 1); Turquoise – the zone of fire gases spread after rollover air flow (zone of gas 2)
In zone 1 of gas, that is the zone of fire gases spread to the rollover air flow, hit the branches: 218, 99, 97, 4, 373, 380, 375, 386, 376, 386, 377, 380, 382, 386, 390, 200, 201, 208, 210, 218, 147, 148,
[9] . After tipping area of gas further extends another branch 251, 215, 206, 208, 209, 205, 204, 212, 284, 217, 197, 248, 249. In order to get rid of the extra zone of gas necessary to ensure stability of ventilation in 237 branches by using the Increased ventilation
, the task is duplicated in the branch. By clicking the cursor at any branch (controlled system), you can determine production (branch – control), the installation of the regulator which will ensure the maximum increase air flow in the building regulations. If for some – reason, in the first branch can not install the regulator proposed another branch. The problem of dual-use – to quickly find the place of installation the regulator in emergency conditions, and to meet the challenges of regulation of air distribution, providing processes [6 – 8].
Options branch to enhance ventilation: air consumption 7,48 м3 / s, drag 0,02214 kMyurg. Select the first option proposed by the branch 237
The 237 branches increases resistance of 1 kMyurg (was 0,02214 kMyurg, was 1,02214 kMyurg). As shown in drw. 3, rollover air flow does not occur and therefore the zone of fire gases spread after rollover air flow is absent.

Drawing 3. Area of gas gain after airing. Red – development, which is modeled after the fire; Yellow – Area spread of fire gases to stall air flow (zone of gas 1)
Thus, we managed to increase the stability of the inclined generating upward ventilation in a fire at her.

Drawing 4 – Simulation of fire in the 237 branch in the mine of computer models Shcheglovskaya-Deep
(animation: 2 frame, cycle, 30 kb)
In the course of the master's work, an analysis of the scheme of ventilation, air distribution, developed a computer model of the mine with the help of Program «IRS Ventilation – PLA». Ensuring the sustainability of ventilation of mine workings at fires in inclined workings reduces of gas zone, which eliminates the possibility of fire gases on the routes evacuation of people and reduces the number of openings of gas caught in the zone, reducing the probability of getting people this zone.
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